Chapter 931 Lyricist Fat Girl

Chen Zi came over to take a look, and gave her a thumbs up, "You are really good."

"However, can you not use my account to leave a message, but use your own."

Little Taotie blinked, with an innocent look on his face: "How can I use my own account? Of course, everyone who hates people uses a small account."

"Hey, you know a lot!" Chen Zi gave her a curious look.

Little Taotie put his hands on his hips, still feeling a little angry: "There are so many people insulting me, I am so tired of replying one by one, I have to find a way to scold them all at once."

"What are you going to do?" Chen Zi had a bad feeling.

Little Taotie thought of singing with Xiao Lingzhi and the joy of singing the song "Bald Bald" to the director.

Now Xiao Lingzhi is gone, but she can sing by herself.

Recently, she has played the piano very well, and the fan grandma has praised her several times, maybe she can compose lyrics and sing while playing.

Yes, it is singing!

Little Taotie ran to the table and began to write and draw.

Chen Zi approached, wondering: "What is this?"

Little Taotie replied with a childish voice: "The lyrics~!"

"Why do I find your lyrics weird?" Chen Zi narrowed his eyes.

Little Taotie giggled and blocked it with his small hands: "I won't show it to you, otherwise there will be no surprises! Hua Jinyan said that if you want to be surprised, you must have a sense of mystery!"

"As long as you don't mess around, I'll make trouble with you." Chen Zi sat aside and looked at her with a smile.

Little Taotie returned him an innocent smile.

But at this moment, Chen Zi felt that she was smiling like a little naughty ghost, she must be playing a bad idea!



[Zai Zai started the live broadcast so early today? 】

[Zai Zai is sitting in front of the piano, are you going to play the piano? 】

[Zai Zai can actually play the piano, I just knew! 】

[Zai Zai has already known it, my treasure is versatile! 】

[This is simply a treasure girl!Every day has a little talent! 】

Little Taotie sat on a square chair in front of the piano, with a straight back and a very elegant posture.

The white hands landed on the keyboard, in stark contrast to the black keys, as if blending into the white keys.

While everyone was immersed in the beautiful piano music, suddenly, the rhythm became faster.

Zai Zai opened his mouth: "Say I'm fat, did I eat your rice?"

"Fat girl, fat girl? Who is it called!"

"Do you think you are Her Royal Highness, and there is a fat girl by your side to order you around?"

"Keyboard man, keyboard man, you are not a man, you are blind!"

"I'm not fat, I'm baby fat, I'm not fat, I'm growing my body~~~"

"Ooooh~~~ I'm not fat! You're fat!"

Chen Zi on the side was dumbfounded.

This is the lyrics she fiddled with?
Chen Zi really wanted to turn off the live broadcast for her immediately, but seeing the little girl playing seriously and singing "affectionately", he felt helpless.

After finishing the song, Little Taotie showed a bright smile to the camera: "It's over."

The message was blank for a moment, and no one responded.

It was not easy for someone to react, and shouted in the message area: [Baby, Daddy loves you! 】

[Zai Zai, that's too surprising, is this a black man from the air? 】

[To make a song against black fans, Zai Zai is a talent! 】

[To be honest, this piano is really good. 】

[The singing is also good, hahaha, this lyrics is absolutely perfect!I am not fat, you are fat!Heizi will go crazy when he hears this, right? 】

[Zai Zai is already very polite to insult people like this. If it were me, I would have already burst into foul language. 】

Xiao Taotie's screen recording of the live broadcast was uploaded like crazy on the Internet. The boy who played the piano was serious and cute, but it was a pity that he had a mouth that could sing.

Some people directly adjust the sound to silent, and then watch the video to see Zai Zai playing the piano gracefully, without sound.

(End of this chapter)

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