Chapter 932 You Are Amazing, Sister

How could the sunspots give up, all of them frantically posted and left messages on the Internet like chicken blood.

[Only this little pig's hoof can play so well? 】

[There must be someone in charge! 】

[Yes, I think so too, it must be fake! 】

Soon, more and more people suspected that Xiao Taotie was playing the piano.

Someone asked: [What about the song?Also lip-syncing? 】

[It's not lip-syncing!She wrote the lyrics and sang it herself! 】

[Don't guess, it should be her, this voice is her voice. 】

[Can't the voice be fake? 】

[There are so many voice actors now, if they want their loli voice to be loli voice, if they want their Yujie voice to be Yujie voice, and some little brothers can fascinate a group of people with just a breath. 】

[But the voice is hers, it's live broadcast, how can it be faked? 】


Xiao Lingzhi called, Xiao Taotie had just finished washing her hair, and was rubbing her hair while chatting with her via video.

Little Lingzhi raised her thumbs up, "Sister, you are amazing!"

Little Taotie wondered, "What's so great?"

"You don't know? There is a lot of buzz on the Internet. One of your songs has caused those black people to show up. Your fans are besieging them. They are almost defeated!"

Little Taotie: "...I have always wanted to tell you that you are very suitable to be a storyteller."

Little Lingzhi twitched her lips: "How do you know that I took on the supporting role of a storyteller?"

"Are you really a storyteller?" Xiao Taotie wondered, "Aren't all the storytellers on TV old?"

"I am the granddaughter of the old man. When the old man is sick, I will go to work instead of him."

"Oh oh, is it a costume drama?"

"That's right!" Xiao Lingzhi complained, "Wearing ancient clothes on a hot day, layer after layer, I'm exhausted!"

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while: "The director said, this is for lighting, and the lighting is good in summer."

Xiao Lingzhi was helpless: "Anyway, the manager has picked it up for me."

"Do you want to go together?"

"Me? Can I go too?" Little Taotie hesitated.

"Of course I can go, as long as I pass the interview."


Little Taotie had already had an interview experience, this time he bowed to the three of them when he entered the interview room, very polite, well-behaved and cute.

The three hurriedly stopped.

Someone asked a question: "Suppose, you were cheated by someone, and you looked very angry."

Little Taotie thought that someone was lying to him, and fantasized that someone was lying to him about the delicious food. Suddenly, he became fierce, and his beautiful eyes gradually became bloodshot...

"Okay, okay, you have to control your emotions."

Little Taotie stopped performing and looked at him suspiciously.

This person is neither sad nor happy, and there is no flower on the top of his head.

Little Taotie couldn't tell whether he felt good or bad, seeing him not saying anything, with a serious expression, he could only leave the interview room dejectedly.

"Boss, that kid just now is very good!"

"Yeah, one look killed me!"

"As far as I know, she is a traffic star."


The man put down the pen in his hand and sighed: "He is a very good child, but he is still too young. This role is more important, unlike the role of Xiao Lingzhi, which is just a passing scene. We want to maintain the overseas film production. Didn’t Xiao Caicai from country R win several awards recently? Little Taotie, he has a bright future, but he still needs awards to be confident and fight for the number of films.”


Soon, news spread that Xiao Taotie was auditioning for the film.

Surprisingly, there are more overseas people who leave comments under the post.

The man was surprised: "This...the overseas market is better than the domestic market?"

"Boss, I forgot to tell you that the short video No. 3 is very popular, and it is even more popular overseas than domestically."

The man began to browse through the various materials of Xiao Taotie, and also brought up the advertisement, as well as the Space-Time Administration.

"This child is really spiritual. Let her know, the role is given to him."

"Boss, last time you said you wanted Xiao Caicai to act, saying that Xiao Taotie had no awards and no confidence..."

"Ahem, did I say that? Why don't I remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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