Chapter 938

Standing in the wind, Little Taotie was blown so hard that he couldn't open his eyes, Teacher Beibei beside him smiled softly: "Shall I hug you?"

Little Taotie's little milk voice was very excited: "No, I want to dance by myself!"

Teacher Beibei was helpless: "Okay, brave little glutton."

Little Taotie's little feet moved forward a little bit, a little scared, but more excited, as if there were small bubbles in the blood.

"I'm going to jump!" Xiao Taotie yelled, closed his eyes, and jumped off the plane.

This was her first time skydiving. At the moment of weightlessness, she froze for a moment, and the excitement became stronger. She slowly opened her eyes, looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and looked down at the island.

Looking down from a high altitude, it is very small, like the back of a turtle.

Teacher Beibei shouted from behind: "Pull the umbrella!"

Little Taotie didn't pull the umbrella immediately, but felt the feeling of weightlessness again, with one arm outstretched, like a bird flying with one wing.

After playing for a while, she opened the parachute after Teacher Beibei yelled again.

The huge parachute expanded, as if carrying a huge cloud on its back. The cloud took her floating in the air and slowly fell down.

Little Taotie stretched out his arms. At this moment, he felt floating, without the feeling of weightlessness, without the strong wind and speed of falling. It was not as exciting as before, but he could enjoy this moment of comfort and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The moment she landed, she was still a little reluctant to part with her.

Teacher Beibei landed very quickly, and when she came to Little Taotie, she was stunned when she saw the little girl's expression of reluctance, and asked, "You haven't pulled away for a long time, is it because you are afraid?"

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Why did you pull it away so early, I want to feel it."

"Feel?" Teacher Beibei was surprised: "Do you feel the weightlessness? Feel the feeling of not being restrained by a parachute?"

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded his head.

Teacher Beibei raised her thumbs up: "It's amazing! It's the first time you experience a parachute, and you actually enjoy the sense of freedom brought by weightlessness even more. You're just like some professional athletes."

"Professional player?" Xiao Taotie wondered, " there someone who is a professional player?"

Teacher Beibei nodded: "There is still a research certificate."

Little Taotie was stunned: "Why is everything verified?"

Teacher Beibei teased: "Often after the test, some people will never touch such things again."

"Then why do you need to do research? Isn't it because you like to do something?"

"No, the thinking of adults is different from that of you simple children. Their more reason is to research for research. It's not that they like a certain thing to do a certain thing, but that a certain thing will bring Only when it comes to profit will we do it.”

Little Taotie tilted his head, half-understood, somewhat incomprehensible: "Things you don't like... will make you unhappy."

Teacher Beibei smiled: "So you are a simple child, the starting point is always whether you like to do it or not, and adults are better at distinguishing whether it brings benefits or not."

When the assembly whistle sounded, Teacher Beibei and Little Taotie dropped their parachutes and rushed towards the direction where the whistle sounded.

Looking over, there were more people than those gathered on the top of the mountain, Little Taotie was surprised: "There were not so many people just now."

"There were two or three mountain tops where we gathered before, and there were several planes."

"Are there 100 people here?"

Teacher Beibei nodded: "On the first day, there were 100 people, and there will be fewer and fewer people one after another. Some people can't hold on for ten days, and they will give up and leave halfway."

(End of this chapter)

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