Chapter 939
A woman dressed like a medieval princess walks into the crowd, dragging a tray of headphones.

A man stood on a high chair and looked at everyone, "Put on the earphones, you can translate in real time, and communicate with people from different countries. If you encounter an emergency, tap the earphones three times, and you can call for help. The earphones have The positioning system, I hope everyone will not lose it."

The man beckoned, and small remote-controlled planes flew out from behind him.

The small planes made a "buzzing" sound, densely packed with hundreds of them, looking like swarms of dragonflies flying.

Holding the microphone, the man continued: "There is no cameraman following the filming. From this episode onwards, small planes will be used to follow the filming, and the whole process will be broadcast live. Everyone should be careful."

"What about the privacy thing we're going to do?" one shouted.

She shouted in the language of her country, but the person wearing the earphones heard a language they could understand.

Little Taotie was very surprised: "The language she spoke was different from the language I heard, it was a Chinese language I could understand! Is there a translator in the earphones, and the translation was completed so quickly!"

Teacher Beibei was also a little surprised, and said with a smile: "High-tech things are getting more and more advanced. I was afraid that you would have obstacles in communication, and wanted to persuade you to learn more languages, but now it seems that it doesn't need to be."

Little Taotie shook his head: "I still have to learn."

Teacher Beibei was puzzled: "With this kind of earphone, why do I have to learn it by myself? If I had this more than ten years ago, I would definitely not work hard to learn a small language."

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, then replied in a childish voice: "What if it breaks down, the battery runs out, or the content is changed by bad guys."

Teacher Beibei fell into deep thought.

Little Taotie sighed like a grown-up: "If someone told me that you are so cute, Little Taotie, but was tampered with, Little Taotie, you are so annoying, wouldn't I beat the wrong person?"

"Pfft!" A man who eavesdropped on the side laughed: "You are so cute!"

Teacher Beibei couldn't hold back, and also smiled: "Will you beat anyone who says you hate it?" He laughed and shook his head: "Are you so fond of fighting? You won't be a problem student in school, right?"

"I'm making an analogy!" Little Taotie was a little embarrassed, but unexpectedly the big brother next to him heard it too, and little Taotie said softly, "I am a good student, and the teacher will give me a three-good student award next semester! Will fight casually!"

Teacher Beibei played with the earphones and said with a smile: "Children understand the truth, but now many adults don't understand it. We rely more and more on machines. If one day there is no electricity in the world, everyone will be abolished." gone."

"Old Bei, you are worrying too much." The man next to him waved his hand: "Without electricity, in order to be lazy, some people will continue to use the past water power generation, windmill power generation, there will always be various ways! You know, these inventors The original intention of the invention is to liberate mankind, most of them are lazy!"

Beibei laughed and shook her head: "I forgot, most lazy people are inventors."

The man laughed: "So hardworking people like us can only come out to dig for treasures!"

Teacher Beibei squinted at him: "Did you participate in the competition last time?"

The man shrugged: "I persisted for ten days, but found nothing, and returned empty-handed."

Teacher Beibei: "It seems that you came prepared this time?"

The man smiled: "Well, I have accumulated a little bit of experience last time."

(End of this chapter)

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