Chapter 941
No one responded, and they came to the show, whether it was for showing their face or for the treasure, they had more or less plans. The show hadn't started yet, and no one wanted to quit so early.

After waiting for a while, the man laughed: "Since everyone is unwilling to quit, it seems that they are willing to cooperate well, so remember, it's only 5 minutes! If you don't go to the toilet, take a shower, or change within 5 minutes Clothes~ tsk, that's a world-class performance!"

There was silence, no one spoke, but stared at him with unfriendly eyes.

The man shook his shoulders uncomfortably: "If you want to be famous, you can actually think about it and procrastinate for a while on purpose. Tsk, you will definitely attract attention. The whole world knows you!"

"Let's change the subject, we know about this." A man said angrily.

A woman said coldly: "We are not good at this kind of world-class performance, let's end this topic."

The man standing on the high chair seemed to be tired from standing. He sat down, sat on the high chair, and said with a smile, "Okay, I agree to end this topic."

"I hid a big box on the island. There are many good things in it. I can tell you a few things, a pure gold trophy, and a zodiac head from Huaguo."

Little Taotie didn't understand this, but Teacher Beibei exclaimed: "Zodiac? Isn't Hua Guo always looking for the lost twelve zodiac signs!"

Little Taotie looked at him, wondering: "Is it very important?"

Teacher Beibei nodded: "It's very important to your country. If you can, you'd better find it. If it falls into the hands of others, it may fall into the auction market. In the end, your country will pay a big price to buy it." Buy it back."

Little Taotie nodded his head, thoughtful.

Finding the head of the zodiac sign and dedicating it to the country is not considered a great charity, can it accumulate a lot of merit?

She was a little looking forward to it.

The little girl rubbed her little hands, full of fighting spirit: "I will definitely find it!"

The man sitting in the high chair grinned: "I forgot to mention that the pure gold trophy is inlaid with pigeon blood red, it is a treasure level!"

Someone shouted: "We don't understand this thing, you can just estimate the price!"

The man thought for a while, raised his hand, and gestured three, "Three hundred million gold."

Someone in the crowd gasped.

"God, [-] million gold!"

"I must find the treasure chest!"

"The treasure chest belongs to me, and the pigeon blood red gold trophy also belongs to me!"

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me continue."

The crowd quieted down.

"In the previous program, everyone only needs to survive in the wild for ten days. There is no danger. Of course, correspondingly, the treasure chests you opened are not as valuable as the treasure chests here."

"so what?"

"So I plan to play something different. Everyone knows that for each program, the program team arranges copywriting planning, and the island owner has certain rights to change and add some projects."

"You are not a good person at first glance, you must have added content that makes us headache!"

"Tsk, you are very smart! It may give you a headache. I have a hobby. I like raising small animals."

Everyone has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the man laughed and said slowly, "The small animals I raise are quite special, such as lizards, spiders, snakes..."

"You want to play us to death!"

"Protest, I protest!"

"It will kill people!"

The man waved his hand: "Don't make noise, don't worry, I have pulled out my fangs, and I won't die."

(End of this chapter)

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