Chapter 942

"It's unreasonable, I want to quit!" The first lady who voluntarily quit appeared. This lady was from Ms. R, and she was most afraid of snake creatures.

She is a famous singer in her country. Apart from wanting to try her luck to find the treasure, she participated in the show this time because she wanted to show her face and let people from other countries see her. Build popularity and then go on a world tour.

Her manager was about to go crazy, and rushed forward, "Don't mess around!"

"No, I don't want to see snakes!"

The lady is very capricious.

The agent was very helpless. Although he was very angry, he finally chose to agree.

After the first person withdrew, someone also proposed to withdraw.

One after another, another five people withdrew, among them was a girl who was about the same age as Xiao Taotie.

Teacher Beibei asked, "Are you afraid?"

Little Taotie wondered, "What is there to be afraid of?"

Teacher Beibei laughed.

Little Taotie murmured in a low voice: "Snake meat is delicious when grilled!"

Teacher Beibei heard it, and so did the man beside him.

Teacher Beibei shook her head helplessly.

The man on the side was so surprised that he couldn't speak, he looked at Little Taotie as if looking at something different, then turned his head to look at Beibei, and said with emotion: "The child brought out by Lao Bei is really different, as unique as your taste!"

Teacher Beibei didn't bother to pay attention to him, and took Xiao Taotie's hand and walked a little further away.

Unexpectedly, this guy followed up with a shameless face, "Shall we form a team?"

Teacher Beibei squinted at him, eyes full of contempt.

Man: "...cough cough, well, let me be honest, can I find someone to rely on? Lao Bei, for the sake of being a friend, take me with you?"

Teacher Beibei frowned: "If you find the treasure chest, will you share it with us?"

The man was surprised: "Otherwise? The three of us found the treasure chest together, didn't we share it together? Shouldn't we share it among friends?"

Teacher Beibei's black face: "Get out of here."

The man posted it with a stern face: "I also have some uses, such as making a fire, finding some prey, and being in front of danger..."

Seeing that Lao Bei was unmoved, the man looked at Xiao Taotie, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm good at roasting meat, and I'm also good at roasting snake meat."

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, but he was a little unhappy when he thought of sharing the treasure with multiple people.

Although she is young, she also knows that if more people share a share, she and Teacher Beibei will have less.

In fact, she has taken advantage of following Teacher Beibei.

She didn't want to help this strange big brother, otherwise Teacher Beibei would be angry!

Seeing the little girl pursing her lips, the man was obviously moved, but he lowered his head and kept quiet.

The man sighed: "Okay, okay, I won't hang out with you anymore."

The man finally walked away.

Teacher Beibei breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Xiao Taotie's head: "It's fine for the two of us, one more person will be very troublesome."

"Is Teacher Beibei afraid that someone will take a share of the pie?"

"Huh?" Teacher Beibei laughed loudly: "So you're a little money fanatic! It's not that you're afraid of sharing with one more person, but the main reason is that you're afraid of trouble. If this person lags behind, it will be very troublesome."

Little Taotie tilted his head and seemed to understand but half understood.

"Besides, I haven't seen him for many years. Who knows what he's up to, I'm not familiar with him."

Little Taotie nodded: "I'm not familiar with you, I don't trust you, I can't be a comrade in arms!"

"Do you know a lot?"

"Hee hee, I also have comrades in arms!"

(End of this chapter)

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