Chapter 943 Come Back, Kids

Teacher Beibei pointed to herself: "What about me, am I your comrade in arms?"

Little Taotie looked at him, a hesitant expression appeared on his little face.

Teacher Beibei laughed: "What? You still don't believe me?"

Little Taotie looked at the blooming flowers on top of his head, and Xiao Li dimpled, "I believe it!"

"Then am I considered a comrade in arms?"

"I don't think it's a comrade in arms."

Teacher Beibei raised her eyebrows, "Not a comrade in arms?"

Little Taotie tilted his head, and said in a childish voice, "It's the general."

Teacher Beibei was taken aback.

Little Taotie's voice was soft: "Teacher Beibei is very powerful, I am the general, and I am your soldier."

The little girl raised her fist: "I will be very good, as good as Teacher Beibei, find the treasure!"

Teacher Beibei looked at her fleshy little fist, and chuckled, with doting eyes in her eyes, "Even generals and soldiers are comrades-in-arms."

"Is that so?" Xiao Taotie was puzzled, vaguely felt that this was not the case, the friendship between soldiers was the friendship between soldiers, and the relationship between generals seemed to be the relationship between subordinates and officers, and it was impossible to talk about friendship in battle.

"No matter what your identity is, if you participate in a battle together, you are all comrades in arms."

"is that so……"

Little Taotie lowered his head, thoughtful.

In her dreams, she always heard people say that a mount is a mount, just a mount of God of War, how can one talk about friendship with God of War on an equal footing, always saying that God of War is too tolerant of mounts...

But today Teacher Beibei said that those who participated in the same battle were all comrades-in-arms.

So God of War is not wrong, he has always regarded the little white beast as a comrade-in-arms, and those who gossip are the ones who are wrong.

Little Taotie raised his head, showing a bright smile, his eyes sparkling: "Mr. Beibei, we will definitely find the treasure!"

Teacher Beibei patted her head and said with a smile: "The important thing is to participate, it doesn't matter if you can't find it."

The man on the high chair stood up again. He seemed to be a very restless person standing and sitting for a long time. He said angrily: "In addition to treasures, if you are lucky enough to find mines on the island, no matter what mines, They all belong to treasure hunters. Don’t worry, I’m not like some shameless people who give them away after they’ve been mined. I’m very generous. I’ll tell you, I bought this island not long ago. I don’t care if there are mines. I don’t know, if there is, no one has ever mined it, you guys have to work hard! Hahaha..."

With his devilish laughter, he jumped off the high chair, turned around and left gracefully.

The woman dressed like a medieval princess followed him, turned her head, and made a goodbye gesture to everyone.

The two got on the plane, and a man's voice came from the helicopter: "The game has begun!"


The 100 people on the island dispersed, and so did the small remote-control planes, following the objects they wanted to follow.

At the same time, the live broadcast started and was broadcast simultaneously in two hundred countries.

There are also people in Huaguo who follow this show, most of them are young people.

Young people are full of curiosity about exploration, treasure hunting, and deserted islands.

[I saw Teacher Beibei! 】

[Wait, Teacher Beibei is accompanied by a small dot! 】

【Who is this kid? 】

[Why do you only shoot the back of the child's head, children, turn around quickly! 】

[Turn your head quickly!Let me see who you are! 】

Suddenly, the little girl turned her head and looked at the camera with a pair of beautiful big eyes. These are a pair of eyes that are as bright as glass, and there seems to be a mysterious galaxy hidden in the depths of the pupils. Among them, looking at each other, lost in this sea of ​​stars.

(End of this chapter)

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