Chapter 944

[Zai Zai, it's Zai Zai! 】

[It's Little Glutton! 】

【so cute!Cubs are cuter! 】

[Zai Zai and Teacher Bei Bei have a good relationship, and they actually participated in the treasure trove together! 】

[Zai Zai is the first Chinese to find a treasure, right? 】

[It's amazing, Zai Zai must find the treasure! 】

Domestic fans retweeted the link one after another, and many people who didn't watch this kind of program also went to watch it because of the cubs.

The messages in the live broadcast room frantically swiped up:

【who is this? 】

[Hua people? 】

[I thought it was from a country where I lived a good life. 】

[They all look similar, Xiao Caicai is actually quite cute, I heard that Xiao Caicai also participated in this show. 】

[I also heard that Xiao Caicai won many awards this time, and she is only eight years old! 】

[It seems to have participated in a Hollywood filming! 】

[Why didn't the camera capture Xiao Cai Cai? 】

[Ask weakly, who is that child with beautiful eyes just now? 】

[Yeah, I haven't seen it before, doesn't she seem to be famous? 】

Fans of video #3 immediately jumped out and screamed, introducing their little gluttons to their friends.

【That's Zai Zai!Little glutton! The Little Mermaid Tao Tao in video 3! 】

[Yes, yes, it's her! 】

[Video No. 3?It's been almost a year, I almost forgot, it seems to be her! 】

【It's her, our Little Mermaid! 】

【She finally came out for business!Rare and rare! 】

[Yeah, speaking of it, this kid is a bit lazy, so far he has only produced the No. 3 video. 】

[It's not that she's lazy, I've been to Huaguo, and I've seen her Space-Time Demon Management Bureau, it's so good!It's a pity that there is no translated version, and the copyright has not been sold overseas, it is only broadcast in China! 】

[Time and Space Demon Management Bureau?Sounds so cool! 】

[It’s so good, it’s actually a variety show, it’s dedicated to introducing good-looking TV dramas and movies recently, but this variety show is very special. content, it will make people more curious about what the original version looks like!In China, this show is very popular! 】

【I'm so envious of Chinese people, I also want to see The Little Mermaid's Time and Space Demon Management Bureau! 】

[I asked my Huaguo friend to record it for me, and it will be sent to me every time, but this thing cannot be shared, and it will cause copyright issues. 】

[I hope that our country can authorize the program of Huaguo's Time and Space Demon Management Bureau! 】

[Same as above, I hope our country can also authorize it! 】

[@R士某电视剧, can you go to the Space-time Demon Management Bureau for authorization, please!Chinese people want to see, want to see, want to see...]

[Hahaha, I also want @大国的大电视剧! 】

[Don't you think the topic in the live broadcast room is a bit crooked?Shouldn't we be paying attention to their treasure digging now? 】

[tsk!What's so interesting about a group of people digging the soil, how can there be cute little ones! 】

[Yeah, how can there be a little glutton that looks good! 】

As the message said, more than [-] people on the island are digging the soil, walking around and digging. It seems that the places where the soil is loose may have been passively soiled a few days ago and buried treasures.

Teacher Beibei squatted on the ground to check the soil quality, and dug twice from time to time. If there were stones or the soil underneath was very hard, she would evacuate and dig in another place.

Little Taotie followed Teacher Beibei with a small pink shovel. Teacher Beibei dug, and she also dug hard. Teacher Beibei withdrew, and she also ran away, digging in another place, like a small excavator .

(End of this chapter)

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