Chapter 945

The editor and director of Treasure Show only knew that Teacher Beibei asked him for a spot and invited a friend to participate.

After all, there were 100 participants, a lot of people, and he didn't go to see who was who one by one. This kind of thing was checked by his subordinates.

Because of his trust in Teacher Beibei, he thought that Teacher Beibei would find a very experienced helper, who should be the same as Teacher Beibei, who has experience in surviving on a deserted island.

He never expected that Teacher Beibei actually brought a baby!

A six-year-old cub!
In the shot, Mrs. Beibei is tall and mighty, a very masculine man, followed by a little cub holding a pink shovel, combing a high ponytail, and sparkling eyes. This combination is very eye-catching.

The amazing shot of Zai Zai turning around is also a close-up shot of the director on a whim.

This strange little face brought a lot of traffic, and the live broadcast room almost crashed!
The director was puzzled: "Is this little cub from Hua country really popular? But why have I never heard of it? I thought the most famous kid in this issue was Xiao Cai Cai from country R."

The assistant editor-director grinned: "Since shooting Treasure, the director hasn't had much rest in the past year. Of course, he doesn't know about the No. 3 video that is going viral on the Internet. Now that they are digging the soil and there are no exciting scenes, why don't you take a look?"

"Video No. 3?" The director raised his eyebrows, showing some interest.

The deputy editor-director clicked on the collector's edition video.

"Amazing, the Little Mermaid is awesome!"

"The little girl is so powerful, she can blow up the boat with one punch!"

"Tsk, human beings are like this. People who are not my race must have different minds. If they are a bit dangerous, they want to kill them!"

The assistant editor and director, who watched the editor and director so excitedly, commented from time to time: Are you not human?Your comment is too outsider, right?Don't you see yourself as a human being?
"Tsk, only when they are unanimous to the outside world, do they feel that the mermaid's strength is an advantage! Humans are indeed villains!"

"Awesome, baby Taotao, go!"

Deputy editor-director's slander: The editor-director has also fallen?One bite at a time, baby Tao Tao, you ask Zai Zai if he recognizes it?

"It's gone?" The director couldn't believe it: "Why is it gone?"

The deputy director sighed: "This is a short video."

"Such a good theme, such a great young actor, why don't you make a movie!"

"It's been filmed. I heard that Zai Zai is going to shoot, but it still needs post-editing. This already requires the post-production of science fiction films. In fact, the post-production time is longer than the shooting time. In addition, it needs to be audited in Huaguo. And so on, it will be very difficult to release in one or two years.”

Hearing this, the editor-director was annoyed: "If you show me this video earlier, I will definitely grab the copyright right away. It will be faster to review it here!"

Indeed, Huaguo's review is more rigorous.

The editor and director are from country M, so the review here is more relaxed.

The deputy director shrugged: "It's not your turn."

The director snorted and stopped talking. He stared at the little Taotie in the live broadcast room with piercing eyes, "Baby Tao Tao is very promising! It's a pity that the strength in the short video is all fake. If there is such a great strength—— "The director's voice stopped abruptly, stuck in his throat.

The assistant editor-director was surprised, and followed the editor-director's line of sight to look at the little Taotie in the live broadcast room.

Teacher Beibei reminded: "There may be a big rock under here."

Little Taotie had already shoveled down, but the shovel was fine, the big rock was split in half by the shovel.

Teacher Beibei: "..."

Little Taotie smiled embarrassedly, and the little milk said innocently: "Ah, I have lost all my strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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