Chapter 946

The editor-director blinked slowly, and gradually came back to his senses, turning his head to look at the assistant editor-director mechanically, "I... am I right?"

The deputy director shook his head and rubbed his eyes vigorously: "She is really strong woman!"

The live broadcast instantly exploded:
【God, is this stone made of flour? 】

[Is it a prop? 】

A message from Huaguo: [You don't understand, but our cubs know Huaguo kung fu, what a great power! 】

[Hercules? 】

[Really stone, really strong? 】

【incredible! 】

[As a weightlifting coach, I think it's a pity for this star to be a star. He should participate in the competition and become the world champion of weightlifting! 】

[Upstairs, don't talk nonsense, Zai Zai is a gentle girl, not an athlete, and doesn't lift weights! 】

[It's a pity that there is one less weightlifting champion who broke the world record! 】

[Wait, upstairs, you reminded us, why can't Zai Zai break the world record?Is there any six-year-old cub in the world who is as strong as our cub?It may really break the world record! 】


Teacher Beibei: "Perhaps the treasure is buried under the tree. Most people will miss this discovery if they don't touch the big tree."

Little Taotie looked at the big tree in front of him, "Then I'll pull it up!"

Teacher Beibei nodded, took the shovel, and prepared to dig out the big tree with Little Taotie.

Little Taotie hugged the big tree and let out a "ha", the little milk's voice was soft and very cute.

But what he did was very sturdy!

The big tree was lifted out of the soil by her, and lifted up by the roots!
Teacher Beibei: "..."

The last time I knew that Little Taotie was very strong, I haven't seen him for a while, it seems... even bigger!

The audience in front of the live broadcast frantically brushed messages:

[God, Hercules is possessed! 】

【How did she do it?That's great, right? 】

[Zai Zai is so mighty! 】

[I hugged the big tree in one go, I thought I was watching special effects in a movie! 】

[Has this big tree been tampered with? 】

[Why do people still question that my son is not Hercules? 】

[Don't doubt, don't question, she is her, Hercules cub! 】

[Hercules is mighty, majestic and domineering! 】

[Hercules, Zai Zai, I love you! 】

[Hercules Cub, from today onwards, I am your die-hard fan! 】

The editor-director and deputy editor-director looked at these messages, and their expressions were a little dull.

The director took a deep breath, "I predicted the hottest people on the first day, but I didn't even consider that they would be brought by Teacher Beibei."

Assistant editor-director: "Sure enough, it's the walking mascot, Little God of Wealth!"

The director was puzzled: "How do you say that?"

The assistant editor pointed to the No. 3 video, "You saw it too, I carry it with me, I am a big fan of the No. 3 video, and I am also a big fan of The Little Mermaid Tao Tao. In fact, I have been paying attention to Zai Zai, please my friends in China , as long as Zai Zai has a new filming, no matter if it is an advertisement or a variety show, record it and send it to me, so far, as long as Zai Zai participates, it is very popular!"

The director was extremely surprised: "All exploded? Without exception?"

The assistant director was very proud and said: "Yes, as long as it's Zai Zai's commercials, things will definitely be sold out, and the business world calls her the Little God of Wealth! All the shows she shoots will be popular, no matter whether it is a small fire or a big fire, there will be some waves , the industry calls her a mascot, whether it is an important role in the show or a supporting role, once the mascot arrives, the show will definitely be popular!"

(End of this chapter)

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