Chapter 947 Sharing Chocolate

The editor and director were amazed again and again: "To have such a good reputation after debuting for a year, it seems that her manager is very capable. Whether it is the commercials she selected or the programs she participated in, they have been deleted countless times from the beginning."

Experts look at the doorway, and the director, as an expert, can immediately tell that whether it is the little God of Wealth or the mascot, it is inseparable from the help of the agent. If the agent accepts a bad drama, no matter how lucky the actor is, it will be difficult. Driven.

Assistant editor: "His manager is her elder brother."

The director nodded: "That's no wonder. If the manager is not her big brother, he may take advantage of her popularity and take advantage of the money-making announcements. He does not consider the future development of the child, but only looks at the immediate interests. If it is her big brother, When receiving the notification, I will think more about whether this notification is good or bad for the child's future, and I will pay more attention to the future than money."

The deputy director thought about it, and felt vaguely in his heart that Zai Zai was actually prosperous, but he felt that what the director said was not wrong and made sense, so he didn't refute it.

The editor-director sighed: "I didn't expect her to be the most eye-catching on the first day of the ten-day live broadcast. It seems that many people will be surprised."

The deputy director was worried: "According to the past situation, those who received attention in the early stage will be suppressed by other guests in the later stage. After all, only one person in a hundred can get the treasure, and more people participate in the show to show their faces in front of two hundred countries. When all If the light is taken away by a few people, it will become a public enemy in the later stage."

The editor and director looked at Mr. Beibei who was urging the little Taotie to throw away the big tree in the live broadcast room, and narrowed his eyes helplessly: "It's okay, Mr. Beibei can't be bullied by everyone. He wants to bully the cubs he brought. , but you have to pass his level first."

The assistant editor-director breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "I didn't expect Zai Zai and Teacher Bei Bei to have such a good relationship!"


The little Taotie threw away the big tree and fled it far away.

Teacher Beibei was tired: "Save some energy, if you use too much energy, you will get hungry easily."

Little Taotie blinked, took out disposable gloves from his pocket and put them on, and then found out the exquisite crisper in the bag, which contained pieces of chocolates of different styles.

Little Taotie picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, eyebrows and eyes curved: "Delicious!"

After eating a piece of evil spirit chocolate, you won't be hungry for a long time!

She closed the lid and hid it back in the bag.

Teacher Beibei stood aside, waiting for the little girl to share, but the little girl had already zipped up and took off the disposable gloves.

Teacher Beibei: "Don't you share with me?"

Little Taotie tilted his head, a little hard to refuse.

But evil spirit chocolate is not for everyone.

She found another box, which was a bit ordinary, just a transparent crisper, not delicate at all, without decals.

Little Taotie opened the box, and there was also a box full of chocolates inside, all of which were handmade chocolates bought by the fan grandma.

Little Taotie handed over the box: "Mr. Beibei, eat whatever you want!"

Teacher Beibei was puzzled: "The box is different, not the one just now."

Little Taotie giggled, "They're all the same!"

Teacher Beibei was suspicious, and always felt that the box just now was more delicious.

Teacher Beibei doesn't really want to eat, but just wants to amuse the children.

Seeing that she really handed over the whole box, she thought about it and shook her head: "My hands are dirty."

He stretched out his hands, and the hands that had dug the soil were indeed dirty.

Little Taotie handed him disposable gloves: "I have a lot!"

Teacher Beibei laughed: "You are well prepared."

Instead of being polite, he put on his gloves and took a bar of chocolate.

The outer layer of chocolate is dark chocolate. After biting open, the inside bursts with pulp. The blueberry-flavored jam and black chocolate are perfectly blended, and the taste is smooth and not greasy.

“Chocolate is great.”

"Eat more."

"No, one piece is enough, save some money, there are still ten days left."

Hearing this, Little Taotie nodded his head, covered the chocolate, hid it in the bag, and zipped it up, all in one go.

The man passing by sighed, "Old Bei, you are too shameless, grab the children's snacks!"

Teacher Beibei frowned: "Why is it you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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