Chapter 949

At 05:30 in the evening, the helicopter pulled a big cloth and flew over every corner of the island. On the big cloth were the ten most popular guests of the day.

There will be a voting channel in the live broadcast room, and the names of hundreds of guests will be included in it. Those who withdraw temporarily will not be deleted, and there will always be a list of hundreds of guests.

Xiao Caicai raised her head and looked at the helicopter flying overhead.

She searched again, but did not find her name.

She was very surprised to see the Huaguo characters appearing in the first place.

Xiao Caicai: "Treasure invited Chinese people?"

The middle-aged actor nodded: "I heard that Teacher Beibei brought a child from Huaguo to participate."

"Child?" Xiao Caicai felt a sense of crisis.

Xiao Caicai carefully differentiated these two characters, wondering: "Tao what?"

The middle-aged actor had been to Huaguo to film a movie, so he knew some Huaguo characters, and said, "Tao Ti."

Xiao Caicai wondered: "I haven't heard of this name before, am I not from the circle? Is it from the circle of Teacher Beibei? Playing Survival in the Wilderness?"

The middle-aged actor muttered: "Tao Ti, Tao Ti, little Tao Ti, oh, yes, little Taotie!"

Xiao Caicai looked at him suspiciously.

The middle-aged male star smiled and said: "I think I know who she is, she is Xiao Taotie, a child star in China, very famous in China."

Xiao Caicai lowered her eyes, hiding the disdain in her eyes.

She knew that she was under the camera now, so she couldn't show disdain, so she could only try to hide the contempt in her heart.

The middle-aged male star and Xiao Caicai are artists under the management of a manager, and they have a good relationship with the manager. Occasionally, they would chat about Xiao Caicai. He thought of something, hesitated, and said: "Wasn't Huaguo before?" Did you get invited to shoot a movie, you were busy at the time and didn’t have a schedule, but you didn’t immediately refuse, saying you wanted to think about it, do you remember?”

Of course, Xiao Caicai remembered that it was a Chinese martial arts movie, and she was invited to play the role of the actor's daughter. Although it was only a supporting role, it was very important in the whole movie, which is why she didn't immediately reject it.

Later, she thought about rejecting a magazine shoot and took some time to shoot this role, but she heard that someone else had already been booked there.

Xiao Caicai is very perceptive. Seeing the name Tao Ti, the middle-aged male star brought up the matter. There is only one reason, and that is that Tao Ti took the role!

Xiao Caicai pretended to be innocent and ignorant: "Remember, I really wanted to take this role. I like this character very much. Unfortunately, I was too busy, so I didn't take it right away."

The middle-aged male star sighed: "The director saw that you didn't agree, so he interviewed other people, and in the end this role was won by Xiao Taotie, and it was the number one Tao Ti."

"Yeah?" Xiao Caicai stared in surprise, opened her mouth, her watery eyes were full of disbelief: "It's her!"

The middle-aged male star touched Xiao Caicai's head, "Don't be sad, it's just a supporting role. The other party came to you first, but you were too busy and didn't agree immediately. If the other party finds someone else later, it's not considered stealing your role." Yes, it can only be regarded as what you don’t want being picked up.”

Xiao Caicai cursed secretly: Can such words be said under the camera!
Xiao Caicai looked innocent: "I don't understand either, it was all arranged by my manager's uncle, but... I really like that character." She lowered her head in frustration, pitifully.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Cai Cai's fans went crazy.

【Depend on!Don't be ashamed and grab our Xiao Cai Cai's role! 】

[Xiao Cai Cai, don't be sad, it's because the director doesn't have eyes! 】

[What kind of thing is Xiao Taotie? He doesn’t even have a decent acting award. How dare he take the role of Xiao Caicai from us? Don’t take the porcelain job without diamonds. 】

[Is it good to have some virtue in speaking? She is not free. It is normal for the director to hire someone else. Could it be that if she procrastinates for a day, the director will have to wait for a day? 】

[I have seen this kind of operation by Xiaocaicai. I am also engaged in movies. This kind of operation is neither agreed nor rejected. It takes time with you. If you are in a hurry, do you want to increase the price?Because she has no schedule, so you increase the price to let her take some time to shoot, is this the reason?It's just a way to increase the price! 】

[It seems that the director is unwilling to increase the price, so he has another interview. Don't think that you are great just by winning a few awards. Your tail is up to the sky. It's not like you can't make a movie without you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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