Chapter 950

The little girl who was licking a giant lollipop raised her head, "Sister, you are on the list!"

Jin Yishan looked up, her name was ranked eighth.

"Crack" the little girl bit the lollipop into pieces, "I will definitely look better than the eldest sister in the future! I must work hard to make money! I want to find the treasure, go for it!"

The little girl ran away like she was having fun.

Kim Yi Sun: "..."

Jin Yishan supported his forehead and shouted: "Little Jinzi, slow down, don't fall!"

"Slap!" The little girl threw a piece of shit.

Kim Yi Sun: "..."

Xiao Jinzi glared at her sister angrily, snorted, but didn't cry, stood up by herself, patted the dust off her body, looked down at the lollipop that fell on the ground, a little hesitant.

Xiao Jinzi muttered to himself: "Pick it up in three seconds, there is no bacteria! Well, yes, that's it!"

Xiao Jinzi quickly picked up the lollipop, and was about to put it in his mouth when someone snatched it away.

Panting for breath, Jin Yishan managed to catch up and prevented his stupid sister from eating the lollipop that fell on the ground.

Xiao Jinzi stared at her sister with her small eyes, and said angrily, "It doesn't matter if you pick it up and eat it within three seconds, Dad told me!"

"Dad fooled you, you can't believe it, the whole family's dad is the most unreliable!"

"Give it back to me, it's not clean, you won't get sick after eating it!"

"Don't make trouble!"

Taking advantage of her sister's inattention, Xiao Jinzi rushed over suddenly, jumped up, grabbed the lollipop in her sister's hand, grabbed it with a shake of her head, turned around and ran away.

A series of actions in one go!
Kim Yi Sun: "..."

Seeing his sister running away like a dog having fun, Jin Yishan held his forehead and muttered: "I brought her here because my brain is broken!"


Seeing that her sister didn't follow, Xiao Jinzi took out her "battle suit" from her bag!
The red clothes are one-piece and one-piece. From a distance, the whole set looks like a fish.

A red one - salted fish!
Xiao Jinzi didn't know it, and turned around in a circle, triumphantly: "The koi battle suit prepared by my father for me will definitely kill the audience, and I will definitely find the treasure! With a koi, you will double your luck! Yeah! Yay~~~”

The audience who saw this scene through the live broadcast burst out laughing:

[Is this a koi?Is it a salted fish outfit dyed red? 】

[To tell you the truth, I just searched on the Internet, this is the salted fish suit, it was originally gray, I don’t know which genius dyed it red. 】

[She is Kim Yi Sun's younger sister?Looks like...]

[Jin Yishan has never denied that she had plastic surgery, my sister conquered us by singing! 】

[I heard from my sister that she looks very similar to Xiao Jinzi, but because she is too ugly, she can only stand behind the curtain and lip-sync for others. Those days were very painful, and only after plastic surgery did she gain confidence! 】

【Cosmetic surgery is never a shameful thing. If you don’t look good, why can’t you have plastic surgery? The invention of plastic surgery is to give those who are not good-looking and discriminated against because of their appearance a chance to change. 】

【Yes, plastic surgery is not shameful. What is shameful is that I am born with a plastic surgery face. No, I did not have plastic surgery. 】

[If Jin Yishan grows up to be like Xiao Jinzi, it will be really difficult, no wonder he needs plastic surgery. 】

【Little Jinzi is so cute! 】

【Yes, peas eyes are cute, and a flat nose like a pig is also cute! 】

[Upstairs, are you sure you are praising her? 】

[The two lumps of flesh on her face are so round, they must feel very good! 】

【Is she too much?I'm only six years old this year, so round and round!Three small dishes combined are not as fat as her! 】

[Your Xiao Cai Cai is too skinny, you see, the same six-year-old Xiao Taotie is also fat and fat, and Xiao Jinzi is not much fatter than Xiao Taotie. 】

【Is "White and Fatty" serious?You died laughing, don't let Zai Zai hear this! 】

(End of this chapter)

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