Chapter 951
Teacher Beibei chose a place to start cleaning up, planning to rest here tonight.

Little Taotie followed behind him, looking for work.

Seeing how hardworking she was, Teacher Beibei smiled and said, "Check the branches."


Little Taotie didn't run very far either, picking up branches within Teacher Beibei's sight.

There is a touch of red in the distance!

Little Taotie looked up, his eyes widened in surprise, and he blinked to make sure he was right. He stood up straight, and the branches in his hand fell to the ground.

"Mr. Beibei, a fat-headed fish is here!"

Hearing this, Teacher Beibei looked over, stunned for a moment, couldn't hold back, burst out laughing.

Xiao Jinzi heard it, and "swish, swish" ran over, panting: "It's a koi! I'm a walking koi, not a fat-headed fish!"

Little Taotie blinked, and Xiaoli sank into a dimple, giggling: "Your face is so round, you are a fat-headed fish!"

Little Jinzi was furious: "You too, you are white and round, like a big glutinous rice ball!"

Little Taotie didn't think so, and giggled: "Big glutinous rice balls are better than fat-headed fish!"

Little Jinjin was a little tired and sat down on the ground.

This dress is so stuffy!
The position of the tail is narrow, and the two legs can only move under the clothes when running, and they can't move too far, it's so uncomfortable!
However, no matter how uncomfortable it is, she will not take it off!
Today she is a koi!
"I'm a koi! A koi! A koi! Huh, I'm not a fat fish!"

Little Taotie saw her sitting down on the branch that he had fallen on the ground, and frowned: "Can you stand up for a while, the branch is pressed under your butt."

Xiao Jinzi sighed: "I'm so tired, my legs are numb."

Little Taotie thought for a while and stretched out his hand.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Jinzi asked cautiously.

"Move you." As he said that, Little Taotie stretched out his small arms, picked up the little fat girl, put her on the other side, and lowered his head to pick up branches.

Little Gold: "..."

She was still a little dizzy and couldn't recover.

Was it true just now?

He was easily picked up and moved away?

Little Jinzi couldn't restrain his ecstasy, and cheered, "I've lost weight!"

The corner of Teacher Beibei's mouth twitched, she turned around, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing again.

There were bursts of laughter in the message area of ​​the live broadcast room:

[Hahahaha, I can't do it anymore, no wonder Xiao Jinzi's reputation faintly surpasses her sister's now! 】

[Little Jinzi is now the comedian of our country H! 】

[She is following the comedian route? 】

[Yeah, don't you know?Probably because her fame hasn't spread overseas yet, she is currently the hottest comedian in our country H! 】

[No wonder she was able to access the treasure this time, that's how it is! 】

【Her famous phrase is "Work hard to save money, grow up and become a beautiful woman!"】

[Is saving money related to becoming a beautiful woman? 】

[She has small bean eyes and an upturned nose, it's hard to grow up to be a big beauty, right? 】

[Do we still need to doubt our country H's plastic surgery technology?As long as you have money, eighty can become eighteen! 】

[Understood, Xiao Jinzi is a child laborer, saving money to grow up to have plastic surgery? 】

【Laughing to death, this little chubby girl is so fun~】

[Her sister had a concert, and she sat in the first row below, and then she sang with a small voice when the music came together, until her sister was taken out of tune by her! 】

[Someone took a picture of her and put it on the Internet, and it got over [-] hits overnight. At first, everyone didn't know that she was Kim Yi-sun's younger sister. 】

[On the Internet, she became famous, and someone wanted to sign her, only to find out that she was Kim Yi-sun's younger sister. Kim Yi-sun's agent thought it would be good for her to appear on the show with Kim Yi-sun, so he signed Xiaojin himself. Who would have thought , Xiao Jinzi followed her sister to the variety show to play soy sauce, but became the most shining one in the audience! 】

【I laughed so hard, it was obviously the little Taotie who had great strength, but in the end she thought she had lost weight!So stupid! 】

【The moment Xiao Taotie picked her up, I was shocked!Little Taotie is really amazing! 】

[I have taken a screenshot, I think this pair can be smashed! 】

(End of this chapter)

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