Chapter 952
[You people~~~ Hehehe, I also think it's awesome!Zai Zai has a boyfriend! 】

【My brain can't stop...】

[Upstairs, stop your dangerous thoughts! 】

【Hey hey hey...】


Xiao Caicai saw Teacher Beibei from a distance, and said to the middle-aged male star beside him: "The sky is getting dark, we should choose a place to rest, Teacher Beibei is very experienced, I think the place he chose is very good , let's go over and ask if we can choose a place to rest near him."

The middle-aged male star nodded, thinking that this idea is quite reliable.

Xiao Caicai raised a gentle and sweet smile: "I can also meet new friends!"

The middle-aged actor lowered his eyes and said nothing.

He didn't doubt it at first, but now he has some doubts. Before he chose the place, Xiao Cai Cai couldn't speak well, and he couldn't talk well along the way. Now that he saw Beibei and Xiao Taotie, he passed by. It is true that he purposely said that he chose a bad place, and that he was looking for Beibei and Xiao Taotie all the way.

Xiao Caicai didn't care about his thoughts, and trotted towards Teacher Beibei.

Teacher Beibei was collecting big leaves when suddenly there was a small cloth spot at his feet.

Xiao Caicai raised a sweet smile and blinked her big watery eyes: "Mr. Beibei, I admire you very much. Can you sign me?"

"my fans?"

"Yes, I've watched a lot of your documentaries."

"Are you sure?" Teacher Beibei frowned, why do you not believe it?Dressed up like a doll, are you sure you'll enjoy watching documentaries?Or the ones that eat their own bugs?

"It's true! I like you so much!" Xiao Caicai blushed, "Can you sign it for me?"

She even took out her pen and notebook.

In fact, this pen and notebook are prepared to be signed by others.

"Okay, then I will trust you." Teacher Beibei signed a name.

Xiao Caicai put it away like a treasure, smiling very happily.

The middle-aged male star looked admiring, and thought to himself: As expected of an award-winning young actor~
He remembered that before participating in Treasure Treasure, his agent asked him to watch some documentaries on survival in the wild with Xiao Caicai, so that he could gain some experience and learn something from them.

Xiao Caicai took a look and said that these are all savages?
Seeing Teacher Beibei eating bugs, he retched on the spot, turned around and ran away.

Tsk, now she says that this savage is her idol, he can really act!
When Xiao Caicai saw Xiao Taotie who was picking up branches, she trotted over and greeted him very friendly. She stretched out her hand with a friendly attitude and a sweet voice: "Hello, are you Xiao Taotie? I am Xiao Caicai. This is our first meeting. Please take care of me!"

Little Taotie looked at his dirty little hands from picking up branches, and at the other party's white and thin hands with beautiful nails. Know you."

[Is there any manners!Xiao Cai Cai stretched out her hand, why not hold it! 】

【why is it like this!Xiao Cai Cai is so embarrassing! 】

[I didn't expect Xiao Taotie to be like this, so unfriendly! 】

Just when he left a message to attack Xiao Taotie, he heard Xiao Taotie's apologetic voice: "My hands are covered in dirt and dirty, so I can't shake hands with you anymore, I'm afraid of getting your hands dirty."

[You trolls, can't you spray more slowly?Little Taotie didn't even have time to explain, you've already started complaining, it's too much! 】

[Zai Zai is so pitiful, he was wronged!You people, apologize, apologize quickly! 】

[I know you are fans of Xiao Cai Cai, you like your Xiao Cai Cai, but you can't bite people like a mad dog! 】

[Fortunately, my son explained, if he didn't explain, he wouldn't know what it would be like to be blackmailed by these mad dogs! 】

[It's too much, you trolls, apologize quickly! 】

(End of this chapter)

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