Chapter 953

The troll disappeared immediately, so how could he come out and apologize.

After waiting for a long time, no one came forward to apologize, and the matter could only be let go.

But at the very least, these people will no longer come out and speak ill of Zai Zai.

It can be regarded as giving the live broadcast room a clean.


Country R.

Xiao Caicai's manager scolded angrily: "You guys took the money and agreed for ten days, why did you withdraw it in just one day?"

The smoking man pressed the cigarette butt, and said coldly: "They cooperated with your actions, they acted without my permission, and they did it without my consent! At worst, I will refund your money and get out!"

"Why?" Xiao Caicai's manager couldn't understand.

It's not once or twice to cooperate with this water army leader. Both parties have reached a tacit understanding.

Xiao Caicai's manager was always paying attention to the live broadcast room. When she saw Xiao Caicai repeatedly vetoing the choice of a resting place, but looking around as if looking for something, the manager had already reached a tacit understanding with Xiao Caicai.

Combined with the fact that Xiao Caicai was robbed of her role, as Xiao Caicai's manager, he already roughly guessed what Xiao Caicai was going to do.

Stepping on someone else's position, using other people's rudeness to achieve one's own elegance, this trick was taught by Xiao Caicai.

But the most critical step is to guide public opinion, so he once again came to the Navy for cooperation.

Generally, when it comes to apologizing, it is not impossible to turn things around.

There will be a sailor running out: [Little Taotie's fans are so domineering, we also saw Xiao Caicai holding his hand all the time, it just hurts. 】

[That's right, it would have been nice to say that your hands are dirty earlier, why does Xiao Caicai keep raising her hands! 】

[Is it intentional? 】

[Looking at the domineering appearance of her fans, the master must be a domineering one too! 】

Fan it casually, and the war will start again.

But the strange thing is that when the leader of the navy learned that his subordinates had accepted the order, he angrily told them to withdraw.

The head of the navy didn't answer directly, but opened the drawer, took out a photo of the little cub eating strawberry cake with the seal of the white little beast from the drawer, and asked, "Is this reason enough?"

Seeing this photo being preserved with care, and seeing his pious appearance holding his hands, can Xiao Caicai's manager still not understand?This is a diehard fan of Xiao Taotie!

"Excuse me." Xiao Caicai's manager's face darkened, and he didn't need to say anything. It's already thankful that this one didn't take a bite in reverse, and don't expect him to continue to cooperate.

Just as Xiao Caicai's manager was about to step out of the room, a man's unfriendly voice came from behind: "Stop looking for other people to cooperate with, and black boy, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The meaning in these words is very clear, the reason for not taking a bite the other way is because of the many cooperations, if he takes action against Xiao Taotie again, then he will not be polite, and maybe he will reveal all the previous cooperations.

This is a secret threat!

Xiao Caicai's manager sighed and nodded, "I don't know how to do anything. As for what Xiao Caicai does on the island, I can't control her. She is still young. I hope you can forgive me. Children are not sensible."

"Okay, my Zai Zai is not easy to bully." The man laughed: "Actually, let her keep stretching out her hands, and only after a while did she say that her hands are dirty. I think Zai Zai did it on purpose. Zai Zai doesn't like it very much. She, she still sticks to it, she will only ask for trouble!"

As analyzed by this loyal fan, Little Taotie did it on purpose.

Because Xiao Taotie saw that there was no flower on the top of Xiao Cai Cai's head, but a piece of black mushroom.

Obviously full of malice, but still smiling and reaching out for a handshake, I'm not used to it!
(End of this chapter)

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