Chapter 956

"Wow, Little Sister Taotie, I found gold!"

Xiao Jinzi shouted excitedly while pointing in one direction, jumping up and down: "I really am a lucky koi!"

Little Taotie looked over and was stunned.

From a distance of a thousand meters, looking from a distance...golden!

It's really golden!

But it seems...not gold?
The piled up ball suddenly moved!
"Wow! Gold can move!" Little Jinzi widened his eyes in disbelief.

Little Taotie blinked, also a little surprised.

The audience in the live broadcast room was about to go crazy: [Run! 】

[Little cub, run! 】

[Not gold!It's a snake, a boa constrictor! 】

[It's a golden python! 】

[Run, the two of you together are not enough for it to swallow! 】

But the human cub couldn't hear the audience's shouts at all, and the newborn calf, who was not afraid of tigers, ran over happily: "Jinshan, here I come!"

From a distance, the golden pythons piled up really look like a small golden mountain.

[It's so high when it's coiled up, I think it's at least five or six meters tall! 】

[Oh my god!Little Gold ran over! 】

[She took the initiative to deliver food! 】

[The program team won't just watch her being swallowed, will they? 】

[This kind of thing has never happened before. The island owner will clean up the island, leaving no beasts and dangers behind. But this time, the island owner is not a man! 】

[It's just crazy!I thought the island owner was just talking casually, but in the end he really released a snake, not just an ordinary snake, but a golden python!This belongs to the python! 】

[In our country, golden pythons are legal pets!so cute! 】

[Upstairs, you are so insane! 】

[Golden pythons can grow up to 3 meters in length within a year if they are fed enough nutrients, and continue to grow throughout their lifespan. 】

[So this golden python is at least two or three years old, right? 】

【Do not worry!Golden pythons don't have venom! 】

[Are you kidding, how can you rest assured?The pythons with a length of more than 3 meters are very powerful. They are very good at using their muscles to strangle their prey, and then they will break the limbs of the prey, and then devour the prey from the head! 】

[What you need to know is that although pythons do not have teeth that can tear apart their prey, a python with a length of more than 4 meters can swallow an adult individual, and an individual with a length of more than 3 meters is enough to threaten children at home. 】

[This golden python is at least five meters tall!It's enough to swallow two children, Xiao Jinzi and Xiao Taotie, and it's not necessarily full! 】

[Don't make trouble, I'm so scared by what you said! 】

[Actually, the temperament of golden pythons is different from that of wild pythons. Because of the problem of albinism, most golden pythons are domesticated.They are docile and do not actively attack their prey.In addition, golden pythons grow up in a human-raised environment, with sufficient food sources and no need to hunt hard, so golden pythons will not easily attack people. 】

【So... it won't attack Little Taotie and Little Jinzi? 】

[Not necessarily. Golden pythons are different from dogs and cats. Golden pythons are still wild, especially in special periods. At this time, they may try to escape or even attack actively. 】

[Special period? 】

[I'm afraid of being blocked, it's spring~~~ You know? 】

[Spring is here, everything is revived, and animals need to reproduce, is that what you mean? 】

【right!That's what I mean! 】

【I understand~~~】


Little Taotie hesitated for a moment, but also chased after him.

Getting closer, Xiao Taotie finally realized something was wrong, grabbed Xiao Jinzi by the collar, "It's not Jinshan, it's a boa constrictor!"


"It's a golden python, I've seen it in the snake garden! It's a golden python!" Little Taotie pulled Little Jinzi by the collar and ran away, "It will swallow us!"

Little Jinzi was a little reluctant, and struggled: "It's golden!"

"That's why it's called the golden python. If you see it, you can get rich. We saw it, and we can find the treasure later, so let's not go there!"

"You can get rich when you see it? Is it true or not?"

"I don't know if it's true or not, that's what the people in the snake garden said."

Xiao Jinzi excitedly said: "Seeing that you can get rich, how about touching it? Will you be lucky from now on!"

Little Taotie frowned: "...Is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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