Chapter 957

【what's the situation!What are these two little cubs up to? 】

[Sure enough, children are the most courageous existences! 】

[touch?real or fake!not kidding? 】

[Crazy, crazy, terrible! 】

[These two... are both small money fans, right? 】

[Yes, they are definitely all small money fans!Xiao Jinzi wants to make money to get plastic surgery, and Xiao Taotie wants to make money to buy a house! 】

[Upstairs, you know a lot? 】

[So, two little money fans want money and don't want their lives, and now they are going to make a big deal? 】

[The cub's brain circuit is really strange! 】

[In a state of hunger, the golden python may take the initiative to attack! @program group, did you feed it in the morning? 】

[Is it time for dinner now?Even if it was fed in the morning, it should be hungry, right? 】

【shock! ! ! 】

[They really plan to go over—touch! 】


"Little sister Taotie, wealth and wealth are in danger, let's run over and touch them, and run away immediately after touching them, the snake should be asleep now, you can see that it doesn't move."

Little Taotie frowned, "What if it moves?"

"What are you afraid of! We run fast! Even if it moves, it can't outrun us!"

"...It seems to make sense."

"It's very reasonable! Hehehe, I'm about to make a fortune!" Xiao Jinzi's eyes were shining brightly, and he was about to become a gold ingot.

"If we get entangled, we won't be able to escape." The little Taotie was still a bit rational, and struggled: "Let's knock it out first, and then touch it?"

[Good guy!What a guy! 】

[The golden python hasn't thought about swallowing you two yet, but you are already thinking about knocking the python unconscious! 】

[You won't really attack the golden python, will you?Is it too tiger? 】

Xiao Jinzi tilted his head and thought for a while: "If you knock it out, can you touch it a lot?"

Little Taotie nodded: "After it faints, you can touch it casually, it will not be dangerous from the beginning to the end."

Little Jinjin cheered: "Then knock it out and touch it again!"

Little Taotie nodded: "Okay, I'll stun it!"

[This... is really a pursuit of wealth and wealth! 】

[It's too tiger!Someone to stop their crazy ideas! 】

[Cow, it's still a cub! 】

[I never thought in my life that someone would stun a python in order to touch it! 】

[The little cub's thoughts are really elusive! 】

[Squeeze a sweat, the two cubs won't play themselves to death, will they? 】

Xiao Jinzi looked for a weapon on the ground, found a long and pointed branch and held it up: "Sister Xiao Taotie, what do you think of this?"

Little Taotie raised a big stone and frowned: "Are you going to stab it to death? We just stun it, not kill it."

【shock!You are holding a big stone weighing hundreds of catties, are you sure you are not trying to kill it? 】

[This stone is not knocked out, but directly killed by this stone? 】

[This golden it a national protected animal? 】

【Seems to be! 】

[Do these two cubs want to eat prison food? 】

Little Jinzi threw away the branch in his hand and picked up the pebbles on the ground, "Then I will use stones too!"

Little Taotie nodded: "Yes!"

Xiao Jinzi looked at the big rock that Little Taotie was holding up, and hesitated, "Sister Xiao Taotie, you seem to be very strong?"

Little Taotie nodded: "I eat a lot, and I have great strength!"

Xiao Jinzi looked at the small stone in his hand, fell into deep thought, and murmured: "I eat a lot, why don't I have much strength?"

"Little sister Taotie, you have great strength, and the stone is also big, if you drop a stone, will it kill it?"

Little Taotie paused, looked at the stone, and then at the golden python not far away, lost in thought.



Will it be smashed to death?
(End of this chapter)

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