Chapter 969
The island owner didn't quite believe it: "Are you kidding me? Did you install a camera to record my reaction?"

The editor-director and the assistant editor-director looked at each other, wanting to cry but not crying.

They were all scared to death, how can there be such a fool!

Seeing the helpless eyes of the two, the island owner frowned, "Really?"

The two nodded frantically.

The island owner wondered: "I bought this island to play, and I didn't buy it for long."

The island owner looked at the woman beside him, "When did I buy it?"

The woman flipped through the records on her mobile phone and said calmly, "April [-]th."

The island owner nodded and did the math, "It's only been about three months since I got it."

The editor-director and assistant editor-director looked pale, and the assistant editor-director's lips trembled: "April [-]th... Ching Ming Festival."

The director shivered: "Qingming...the time for grave sweeping."

The island owner shrugged: "It's just a coincidence."

The deputy director asked hoarsely: "Can you still contact Shangjia? Ask about the situation! Has anything weird happened to this island before?"

The island owner frowned and looked at the woman: "Is there still a phone?"

The woman nodded and started looking for a phone number.

The assistant editor asked a lot: "This is... your secretary?"

The island owner glared at him, "How dare my secretary use such a beautiful one? This is my wife!"

The director and the assistant director looked at each other, and they communicated in their own language.

The deputy director muttered: "This weird guy, does he want a woman?"

The editor and director sighed: "I am so good, why no one wants me."

The island owner laughed, and said in their language: "Don't think that I can't understand you if you use your country's language. I can speak many languages! Let me tell you why! Because I am rich! Hmph!"

Deputy editor-director: "... I didn't expect him to be quite good, and he can understand our country's language."

The director sighed: "Women are so superficial, they only care about his money."

The woman who was on the phone sneered: "Just because you say such things, you are destined to be single."

The director was depressed: "She can also speak Chinese."

The island owner smiled and said, "My wife is a very good student."

The woman found the phone and dialed it.

After a long time, the other party finally connected.

"what's up?"

The woman raised her eyebrows, and the other party's tone was a little guilty.

"Ask about the island, has there been any strange things before?"

The other party was silent for a while, and smiled wryly: "You guys also encountered strange things?"

"Tell me about the specific situation."

The other party hesitated for a moment, and said in a muffled voice, "The transaction has been successful, and I will not refund the money."

The woman said in a deep voice, "Say it quickly."

"I don't know the specific situation. I was also deceived. I thought there was an emerald mine on the island. I bought the island to mine the emerald mine. But after I bought it, the emerald mine that was originally confirmed disappeared out of thin air. Some people also have strange accidents..."

In the story of the previous family, they learned that there are indeed some strange things on this island.

He was tricked into buying the island. Those who were lucky enough to bring him to the island were slightly injured, and those who were unlucky were delirious and are still locked up in a mental hospital.

"What did you think when you sold it to us?"

"I... I'm sorry, I can't help it either, I asked someone to sell it for me. The person said that if you pick the right date, someone will buy it. The buyer is someone who can suppress the strange things on the island, and nothing will happen. The fact is the same, three months, nothing happened. I watched the show, you let the irrepressible people come to the island, so that those...those unclean things can take advantage of it. "

They still wanted to ask something, but the other party hung up the phone eagerly.

The woman called again, but couldn't get through.

The woman looked at the island owner and frowned: "Can you suppress the strange things on the island?"

The island owner scratched his head: "How do I know?"

Woman: "Go to the island and have a look."

"Okay, let's go and have a look." The island owner said with an unscrupulous smile: "Where is the monster, the island owner will suppress it!"

At the moment, they are on a cruise ship, docked by the island.

The director and assistant director did not dare to go, and finally the island owner and the woman went to the island.

The moment the island owner stepped onto the island, the eighteen-frame screen changed.

The eerie crying stopped.

The nightmare stopped.

The people who were fighting each other also stopped...

 Chapter 4~~~
(End of this chapter)

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