Chapter 970 The whole island is very ominous
The editor-director and deputy editor-director were stunned.

Assistant editor: "He... suppressed it?"

Director: "It seems to be."

The deputy editor-director wiped off his sweat: "Do you want to continue filming? Now, tell everyone to leave the island and stop filming, shall we?"

The director frowned: "It's a live broadcast, it doesn't mean you can stop it just by saying it."

The assistant editor turned on the phone and found that the Internet had gone crazy, and screenshots of those guests screaming crazily were posted on the Internet.

"It's over, the Internet is saying that our show is troubled by Ah Piao."

The director took a deep breath: "It's already like this, and it's meaningless to stop filming. Now that the island owner is on the island, everything is back to normal. It's okay. The rumors will be self-defeating."

The assistant editor-director couldn't be as optimistic as the director, and said with a sad face, "Should we find a master?"

The director was depressed: "You forgot what happened back then. This will cost a lot of money, and it's not our island. We'll leave after filming. Let the island owner worry about the next thing."


The island owner saw that the staff who went to the island to stop the fight were about to leave the island and go back to the cruise ship, so he asked doubtfully, "Is everything okay on the island?"

The staff member nodded: "It's okay, it's okay if you say it's okay."

"Why do those people fight, do they know?"

"They themselves don't know why, including those we persuaded in the past, why they also participated in the fight later, and we don't know."

The island owner asked the woman to go back to the cruise ship to ask about the situation, but he still stood on the island without moving.


The director and assistant editor saw the woman go and come back, but she came back alone, so they almost guessed the meaning.

The two nodded at the same time.

The deputy director said: "The owner of the island is indeed extraordinary. Once you set foot on the island, the weird events on the island will stop."


Little Jinzi let go of Little Taotie, sat up and looked around: "It seems that there is no strange sound!"

Teacher Beibei lowered her voice: "I'll check around."

The middle-aged male star shook his head: "In case something happens, there are women and children here, and I'm the only man, I can't stop it!"

Teacher Beibei had no choice but to stand there and look from afar.

Jin Yishan: "Just now some people screamed strangely, some people cried, did the boa constrictor appear again?"

The middle-aged actor was a little flustered: "It doesn't sound like a human cry."

Jin Yishan was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

The middle-aged male star looked around, the surroundings were dark and a bit scary.

The middle-aged male star piled the branches together and started to light the fire, "It's better to be brighter."

Jin Yishan frowned: "What are you afraid of?"

The middle-aged male star lit the lighter a few times but it didn't fire, and he started talking nonsense: "The crying, the crying sounds like a child, but it doesn't look like it, and the whistling sound doesn't sound like the wind, do you understand what I mean? , are unclean things, there are unclean things on the island..."

Jin Yishan was afraid that he would scare the child, so he quickly interrupted him: "Stop talking, you are scaring yourself, now nothing is going on, isn't there, there is no sound!"

Little Taotie's eyes flickered, and he held the horse face bell and shook it lightly.

Feng Qi floated out from the bell on the horse's face.

Except for Xiao Taotie, no one noticed that there was an extra Feng Qi here.

Feng Qixuan watched from a distance in mid-air, and returned to Xiao Taotie's side not long after, "The whole island is full of yin, tsk, it's very ominous."

Little Taotie didn't speak, but looked inquiringly.

Feng Qi explained: "Yin Qi can be explained as broken spirits permeating the air. There are no evil spirits or resentful spirits, but there are evil thoughts and resentment. The heavier the Yin Qi, the more dangerous it is."

 5st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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