Chapter 971

Little Taotie's face became serious.

Feng Qi smiled: "It doesn't matter, a guy with a golden glow came and suppressed all the Yin energy."


The woman returned to the island owner, "You may have some special skills."

The island owner raised his eyebrows: "I'm just extraordinary! Maybe he's the next Spiderman or Batman!"

The woman sneered: "They are not human."

Island owner: "Then I am the next Superman."

The woman glanced at him contemptuously, her gaze slipped down, "Are you sure you want to wear underwear outside?"

Island owner: "..."

"You woman, can't you treat me better?"

The woman shrugged, "I'm telling the truth."

The island owner sighed: "I mean, I can only stay on the island forever?"

The woman nodded: "You may have an accident if you leave."

The island owner was depressed: "Why is there no accident during the day?"

"Maybe the sun is bright during the day." The woman didn't understand the reason, "How about asking an expert in this field to explain it for you?"

The island owner frowned: "I don't believe in these things."

"Just listen to strange stories." The woman suggested.

The island owner reluctantly said, "Is it expensive?"

The woman entered the group of ladies and asked, and replied: "It's okay, the price is different for different situations."

"There's nothing else to do, let's go and see that Hercules." The island owner looked for someone according to the location.

"You mean little glutton?"

"Yes." The island owner pointed to his own eyes: "I saw it with my own eyes, she broke Jinshan's tail with a fist! No special effects, absolutely real!"


Feng Qi narrowed her eyes: "The golden light is coming."

Little Taotie looked in the direction Feng Qi was looking at, and saw the island owner and his sister, who was wearing a princess dress during the day, coming.

The island owner waved at them: "Hi! Everyone, good evening."

Teacher Beibei: "Island Master, what happened just now?"

The island owner shook his head: "I don't know the specific situation, but it's fine now."

The middle-aged male star was emotional: "Is there something unclean on this island? You are the owner of the island, so you must know something! Did you deliberately trick us into going to the island!"

"Tsk, don't pour this kind of dirty water on me. I just bought the island three months ago, so I don't know anything about it."

"You liar! You must know something!"

The middle-aged male star rushed towards the island owner.

The island owner kicked the person to the ground with a kick.

The island owner was a little surprised: "Such a waste? It fell down with one kick?"

The middle-aged male star was lying on the ground, unable to stand up no matter what.

The island owner hesitated for a moment: "You don't mean Pengci, do you?"

Xiao Caicai's eyes flickered for a moment, and from the corner of her eye she saw the remote-controlled plane flying in the air, with a small red light on it, and it was still shooting.

Xiao Caicai ran forward, blocked the middle-aged male star, and opened her arms: "You are not allowed to hurt him!"

[Xiao Cai Cai is so brave! 】

[Is there anything dirty on the island? 】

[Probably not, except for one unlucky guy whose forehead was blue, no one had an accident. 】

[Is it a gimmick? 】

The director put on the vest: [It should be acting, you want to be famous? 】

The deputy director put on a vest: [Is it the effect of the show?After all, no one had any accidents, probably they just wanted to take the lead and make a name for themselves! 】

[It makes sense, those people acted too exaggeratedly! 】

[Yes, it's acting at first glance, what's really on the island, will they be fine now? 】

[However, the effect is not bad, the twins left a deep impression on me! 】

[Haha, that couple fighting each other is also wonderful! 】

The editor and director spent a lot of money to buy sailors, and he didn't hesitate to end the show in a vest, and finally washed the show.

Not long after, the trending search: [Treasure Troubled Gui~~~] became [Treasure guest finds a different way, attracts attention, and has superb acting skills! 】

 6st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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