Chapter 972 Don't Eat Strangers
The reason why the guests who had strange incidents in [-] places did not make a fuss was mainly because the director communicated with them through earphones.

It was also at this time that they realized that in addition to translation and radio, the headset can also communicate with the director.

In addition to the live version of the show, there will also be an edited version. The director promised to give each of them more than 3 minutes of content in the first episode.

This is actually quite a temptation. Two hundred countries broadcast the edited version simultaneously, with a total of six and 10 minutes in one episode.

There were 100 guests, excluding those who quit, there were more than 90 people.

One minute is not enough for one person.

Therefore, except for a particularly good performance, it is impossible to have too many opportunities to appear on the scene.

In the previous episodes, someone participated in the whole process, but in the edited version, the whole process took less than three seconds, it was the kind where the camera swiped past, and his face could not be seen clearly, participating in a loneliness.

But even though the director agreed in this way, they just agreed not to make trouble, and kept their mouths shut after going out. Early the next morning, these people all chose to quit.

For ten days, at [-] o'clock in the morning every day, you can choose to quit, but it has never happened in the past, but nearly [-] people quit the next morning.

The director can't keep people from quitting, after all, the rules of the game allow people to quit.

The last remaining contestants on the island were just 69.

[So many people quit early in the morning? 】

[I'm a little skeptical, really there was no trouble last night? 】

[These people quit after the show?I just thought the twins were pretty cool, and they're quitting? 】

[I have to make people think deeply! 】

People who quit the game can choose to leave, or they can choose to rest on the cruise ship and stay to see the final result of the game.

In the past, some people always stayed to see the results, but this time, they all chose to leave, and left on a yacht without looking back.

The director and the assistant director looked at each other with wry smiles.

The entertainment industry, true and false, was just cleared a moment ago. After this, I am afraid that there will be suspicion of uncleanness on the island again.

Associate editor: "Continue to whitewash?"

The director waved his hand: "Forget it."

The deputy editor-director frowned: "You messed up? Don't care?"

Director: "Maybe this is a good thing, and the attention will be higher."


Yachts left the island one after another, and at the same time, a yacht came on the island, and a young man in white came down.

The young man narrowed his eyes and looked at the island, "It's very interesting."

The island owner's bodyguard bowed and said, "The island owner is waiting for you on the island."

The young man nodded and followed him to the depths of the island.


The island owner sat on a big rock, holding a plate of pizza in one hand and a box of fried chicken in the other, "Hercules, do you want to eat?"

Little Taotie: "..."

Little Jinzi whimpered: "Suck, I want to eat!"

The island owner looked at her: "Want to eat?"

Little Gold nodded frantically.

The island owner raised his chin: "Go, pick up that big tree, up to the root, and I'll eat it for you."

Xiao Jinzi was dumbfounded: "I can't lift it up."

The island owner smiled: "Then you are not qualified to eat, people, you have to eat according to your ability."

"Can little sister Taotie eat it?" Little Jinzi was envious.

The island owner nodded: "Yes, she can eat."

The island owner looked at Xiao Taotie and smiled: "Come on, do you want pizza or fried chicken?"

Little Taotie retreated subconsciously.

This man doesn't look like a good person when he smiles!

Although there are flowers on his head, there should be no malice.

But I always feel that I can't eat his food for nothing, it's not that simple to eat his food!

The little Taotie shook his head, and the little milk said in a serious voice: "Second brother said, you can't just eat strangers' food, I won't eat it."

 7st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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