Chapter 979

Teacher Beibei and Xiao Taotie didn't keep her, Xiao Caicai bit her lip and looked at the remote control plane with aggrieved eyes.

The aggrieved eyes were captured by the camera.

Some people in the live broadcast room felt sympathetic, while others thought that there was no need to be wronged. They felt that Xiao Cai Cai was hypocritical and polarized.

Xiao Caicai didn't go back to Xiao Jinjin's resting place, but walked in another direction.

She thought Teacher Beibei would stop her and remind her that she had gone the wrong way.


In fact, Teacher Beibei didn't see it at all, because it seemed that he had dug up something at this moment!

Little Taotie's eyes were bright, and he was digging hard with the small pink shovel.


When Xiao Caicai was about to go back, she was stopped by a tall man.

Xiao Taotie is here, and he will definitely recognize him. This is the man who has been following her and Teacher Beibei all along.

The man blew a whistle, and six people walked out from behind the tree, behind the grass, and behind the stone.

Including men, there are seven people in total.

The man smiled: "Xiao Caicai, aren't you with Teacher Beibei and the others? Why are you alone?"

Xiao Caicai saw that they were not good people, she was a little scared, but she thought of something, lowered her eyes, and said sadly: "Little Taotie discovered the treasure, Teacher Beibei is afraid that I will share it, so he won't let me participate."

"So you were kicked out?"

Xiao Cai Cai nodded.

"Lao Bei doesn't look like this kind of person. How could he drive away a child? Could it be that he really dug up something and is really afraid of being divided?"

The seven exchanged glances and all smiled.

"Where are they, lead the way." The man ordered.

Xiao Caicai hesitated, bit her lip, with tears in her eyes, nodded: "...Okay."

Xiao Caicai walked in front, and seven people followed behind.

When she was about to arrive, Xiao Caicai pointed to the direction ahead, "It's right there, I... I won't go over, I'm afraid they will blame me."

It doesn't matter to the seven people, because they have already seen Teacher Beibei's back.

The seven people ignored Xiao Cai Cai and walked forward.

Xiao Caicai didn't follow, but stood in the bushes with gloomy eyes.

If there is no treasure, these people should be fine.

But if there is a treasure, Teacher Beibei alone can't stop it at all, and the treasure will definitely be taken away by them.

snort!If you don't give it to me, then no one can get it!


Little Taotie was pleasantly surprised: "It's a treasure chest!"

Teacher Beibei smiled: "I didn't expect it to be here, but it was actually buried on the road."

Little Taotie rubbed his little hands: "I'll carry it up!"

Teacher Beibei shook her head: "Let me do it."

"Haha, let's do this kind of physical work." Qidao laughed.

Teacher Beibei looked solemn: "It's you?"

His eyes locked on the leading man.

Little Taotie also recognized it, it was the man he had met all along.

The man showed his white teeth and waved his hand: "What a coincidence, Old Bei!"

Teacher Beibei said in a deep voice, "You brought someone here, do you want to snatch it?"

The man smiled hippie: "The rules of the game are like this. Before the treasure is opened, anyone can grab it. It's boring if no one grabs it. We are happy to participate and create something interesting, haha!"

"Hahaha, yes, we are creating something to watch, after all, this is a show~"

The laughter of the seven people was rampant, and it seemed that they were sure that the treasure would be theirs.

Little Taotie asked childishly, "Can you grab it before opening it?"

The man smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Little Taotie jumped into the pit, wanting to open it.

The man smiled and said: "There is no key, you need to find the key to open it, so this period of time is for everyone to grab, this is also a part of the show's deliberate arrangement."

"Crack!" The treasure was opened.

Little Taotie looked innocent: "You don't need a key, just use a little effort to open it."

 14st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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