Chapter 980 The Treasure Has Been Found
The seven men were stunned!
Teacher Beibei was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

The moment the treasure was opened, fireworks exploded in the sky.

The helicopter flew by, and the sound of the loudspeaker sounded: "The treasure has been found by the treasure hunters, and the game is over."

Seven people looked at me and I looked at you, all of them were depressed.

I haven't grabbed it yet, so why is it over?
"You really don't have a key?" the man asked.

Teacher Beibei shook her head: "No."

Little Taotie looked at the things in the box.

A gleaming golden trophy, inlaid with a pigeon's blood the size of a quail egg.

Little Taotie liked things that were shiny and shiny, so he happily touched the trophy, then his eyes fell on another thing.

It's a rabbit's head, and the whole material is copper.

Hearing that this is an antique from the Hua Kingdom, Little Taotie will definitely bring it back to China.

Little Taotie has already made up his mind, donating the rabbit's head, he will get a lot of merit, and the phantom of the little white beast should be more solid.

In addition to the trophy and the two big treasures of the rabbit head, there are many gold coins, coins, and small jewelry boxes, but the value is not very high, not as good as the two main treasures.

Little Taotie touched the gold trophy, she liked it a little, but she knew that one should not be greedy, and she wanted to share the treasure with Teacher Beibei.

She hugged the rabbit's head, her eyebrows were curved, and her dimples were deep: "Mr. Beibei, this is from our country. I want this, and I will give you the trophy. We will share the same for other things."

"I didn't do anything, don't give me too much."

"No, let's share together!"

"You found the location of the treasure, and you also opened the treasure. I can only dig a little bit of soil at most."

"No, if we agree to share it together, we will share it together. If Teacher Beibei finds the location of the treasure and opens it, won't he share it with me?"

Teacher Beibei laughed: "I can't tell you, I will take whatever you want to give me."

Little Taotie invites Teacher Beibei to share the treasures in the pit.

The seven people looked at it with great envy, but they didn't try to grab it anymore.

The game is over, so what else is there to grab? The seven of them are also dignified people, and the remote control plane is still there, so no one will grab it.

Xiao Caicai watched from a distance, stretched out her hand to grab the tree in front of her, and forcibly snapped off a piece of bark.

The island owner descended from the sky with a parachute covering the sky.

Teacher Beibei scolded: "Crazy! I wonder if there is anyone down here. If you don't control it well, people will die!"

The island owner smiled and said, "I'm very professional!"

The professional island owner is hung on the tree.

Teacher Beibei: "..."

Little Taotie was dumbfounded.

The seven men laughed and croaked.

The island owner hung on the tree, a little embarrassed, and coughed dryly: "The treasure has been given to you, but it is only the second day, and there are still eight days, you can still hunt for treasure on the island, maybe you can find other good things , if you don’t want to hunt for treasure, you can also go to the cruise ship to play.”

"What's fun on the cruise ship?" Little Taotie asked.

The island owner smiled and said, "There are food, drinks, performances, and games."

"Game?" Little Taotie was full of curiosity.

"Have you ever played an AR game?"

Little Taotie shook his head.

"AR games have the function of augmented reality. Through AR technology, the game content is combined with reality to enhance the sense of experience. I think you will like it."

Teacher Beibei disagreed: "You are too young, playing this is not good for your eyesight."

"Old old, just playing for a while, it's okay!" The island owner sighed.

The island owner stood tall and looked far away, saw Xiao Caicai not far away, and said with a smile: "Does Xiao Caicai go to the cruise ship too?"

Xiao Caicai turned around and ran away.

The island owner wondered: "What are you running for?"

The seven people looked at each other, and the man in the lead teased, "Of course I ran away if I did something wrong."

Teacher Beibei instantly understood, and asked coldly, "She brought you here?"

The man smiled: "I didn't say anything."

 15st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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