Chapter 986

For lunch, the island owner's father opened a small table and took them to the private cafeteria. The food inside was more advanced than the buffet in the lobby, and the plates looked very expensive.

Each plate contains a painting, and each plate is a work of art.

The woman shook the red wine glass, took a sip, and showed great posture.

Jin Yishan asked uncertainly: " this grape juice?"

The woman nodded gracefully.

Kim Yi Sun: "..."

Xiao Jinzi immediately imitated the example and clamored to put grape juice in a red wine glass.

Xiao Jinzi shook the red wine glass, half-closed his eyes, looked half-drunk and half-awake, took a sip lightly, and praised: "Good wine!"

Kim Yi Sun: "..."

The live broadcast laughed like crazy.

[Where there is little gold, there will always be laughter! 】

[The best comedian! 】

[Actually, I think Xiao Jinzi still looks good like this. If she grows up to be like Jin Yishan and becomes a big beauty, I can hardly imagine that she will be funny with a big beauty face! 】

[Actually, the faces of big beauties are a bit cold. In fact, the colder a woman's face is, the more beautiful she is. 】

[Not necessarily, there are also very sweet and beautiful ones. 】

[Whether it's sweet or aloof, it's hard for me to imagine Xiao Jinzi doing funny things with a beautiful face. 】

[Actually, if she had plastic surgery, wouldn't it be so funny? 】

[That's true, she has a comedian's face now, if she had plastic surgery, she wouldn't be so funny anymore. 】

[Plastic plastic surgery is not a simple matter, life is hanging by a thread, in fact, it is a gamble with life. 】

[Although the technology in country H is very strong, there have been many accidents, not to mention other countries, many people die every year because of plastic surgery. 】

[Actually, if it is not disfigured, there is really no need for plastic surgery. 】


The shadow dancer who was practicing was called by his companion, "Come and see!"

The shadow dancer wiped his sweat and walked over, "What are you looking at?"

"The show that Xiao Taotie participated in, Treasure Adventure Island."

Hearing that Xiao Taotie was participating in the program, the shadow dancer, who originally wanted to practice another dance, stopped practicing and sat down to rest.

He looked at the screen, and on the screen, Jin Yishan was obsessed with watching him dance with Xiao Taotie.

——" so attractive! I'm going to fall in love!"

Kim Yi Sun's voice was heard in the video.

The shadow dancer's companion laughed ambiguously, bumped into him, and joked: "You are very lucky!"

The shadow dancer supported his forehead without making a sound.

——Little Jinzi: "...I don't know if others will agree or not. Who would want to marry a plastic surgery girl? It's fine if they fall in love. If an ugly child is born, how uncomfortable it will be!"

The shadow dancer's companion nodded in agreement: "This little fat man is right. It's okay for a cosmetic woman to fall in love. Don't make a child out of it."

Shadow Dancer's gaze sank, he looked at Xiao Jinzi on the screen, and suddenly remembered a memory.

That was not long after he was discharged from the hospital. He went to country H to get rid of the scars on his face.

After the test, he turned out to have a scarred physique.

This also means that in the process of removing scars, new scars may be left, which may be better or more irregular.

Just when he was hesitating whether to proceed with the operation, he saw a mother and daughter.

The mother was really ruthless, grabbed her daughter's hair and slapped her on the back vigorously, "How can you steal money! That's your brother's tuition fee, your sister's milk powder money!"

The girl is not very old, and she is very similar to the little Jinzi on the screen now, with beady eyes, an upturned nose, and a small round face.

The girl was in pain and cried and begged for mercy: "Mom, I was wrong, please, let me have the operation, and I will pay you back. From now on, I will bear all the tuition fees for my younger brother, and I will raise my younger sister. I will pay for the milk powder and tuition fees. I'm coming out, let me be self-willed, okay? I'm too ugly, I don't have the chance to show my face at all, I don't want to be a double anymore! I want to stand on the stage and let everyone know that I sang these songs , this voice is mine!"

The mother stopped beating her hand slowly, and suddenly hugged the crying daughter, "It's because mother has no money, so what's wrong with you? If I had money, I would have given you the money a long time ago, so I don't have to worry about not being able to hand over your money." You don't have to worry about your younger brother's tuition fees, and you can't afford your younger sister's milk powder..."

Suddenly, my mother became angry and cursed: "It's all your father's fault! Useless man! I'm going to beat him up to calm down!"

"Yes, it's all because of my father's uselessness!" The girl nodded, "Otherwise I can have plastic surgery, and I don't have to be someone else's stand-in for lip-syncing!"

Mother: "After you finish the operation, we'll go back and scold him!"

The girl nodded vigorously: "Mom, you must teach him a good lesson!"

The mother and daughter held hands and happily went to prepare for the operation.

The turning point was too sudden, and the shadow dancer who witnessed all this was stunned, so the memory is still fresh.

He looked at Jin Yishan on the screen, narrowed his eyes, and said meaningfully: "'s her~"

 Chapter 21~~~
(End of this chapter)

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