Chapter 987
After lunch, Xiao Jinzi knocked on the door of Xiao Taotie's room with a small pillow in his arms, "Sister Xiao Taotie, please take me in!"

Little Taotie wondered, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Jinzi sighed: "My eldest sister is practicing dance, so noisy that I can't take a nap."

"She works so hard!" Xiao Taotie thought, whether he should also practice.

"Cut!" Xiao Jinzi twitched her lips: "It's not about trying hard! She is learning the shadow dancer's dance, and she wants to meet handsome guys!"

Little Taotie looked bewildered.

Xiao Jinzi put his arms around Xiao Taotie's shoulders, and muttered in a low voice: "When my eldest sister learns it, she can find the shadow dancer, and then the two of them will have a common topic. At that time, she will deliberately dance a few wrong moves. The shadow dancer corrected, and then there was physical contact, tsk, it's all a routine, my eldest sister is this!" Xiao Jinzi raised his thumb: "A master of love!"

Little Taotie was stunned for a while, as if he was listening to a book from heaven.

"But that's fine."

"Okay?" Little Taotie was puzzled.

Xiao Jinzi grinned: "Big sister didn't plan to go to Huaguo with us, she will always be the first in career, but this time, hehe, she is the first in love! She plans to turn down her job and go to Huaguo with us, she wants Go find the shadow dancer! After filming the treasure, we will go to Huaguo with you, my parents and second brother will take another plane there, and then we will pick them up at the airport."

Little Taotie was surprised: "Go after filming?"

Xiao Jinzi giggled: "Eldest sister can't wait to see the shadow dancer, and she is afraid that someone will snatch her away if she is a step too late. Oh, by the way, is the shadow dancer still single?"

Little Taotie thought for a while: "It should be, I heard Brother Qunwu call him a single dog."

"Single dog? Haha, it must be single, my eldest sister can rest assured to attack!"

Little Taotie looked at her cutely and dumbly, and felt that Little Jinzi knew a lot and was a bit powerful.

Little Jinzi put the little pillow on Little Taotie's bed, and smiled, "I don't want to sleep yet, let's go out and play for a while, and come back to take a nap when we're tired."

The little glutton was suspicious: "You don't want to go to the casino area, do you?"

Xiao Jinzi covered his mouth and giggled, Doudou's eyes were mischievous, "You guessed it right!"

Little Taotie shook his head: "I won't go."

"Go, we don't gamble, let's just take a look, just take a look! Sister Xiao Taotie, please, come and take a look with me, I dare not go alone..."

Little Jinzi froze for a while, while Little Taotie hesitated.

Xiao Jinzi blinked and held back tears, "I'm going to cry!"

Little Taotie: "..."

"I'm really going to cry!" Xiao Jinzi gritted his teeth and pinched the wound on his butt, "Wow~~It hurts~~~"

This is really crying.

Little Taotie: "..."

Xiao Jinjin sobbed: "Hurry up and promise me, otherwise I'm going to cry to death."

Little Taotie was helpless: "...Okay."

Xiao Jinzi immediately laughed through his tears, wiped away his tears, blew his nose vigorously, happily held Xiao Taotie's hand, "Sister Xiao Taotie, let's go!"

"Wait a minute." Little Taotie called to stop her.

Xiao Jinzi thought she was going to repent, and pretended to cry again.

Little Taotie took out two masks, two pairs of sunglasses, and two black hats.

"We wear masks, sunglasses, and hats, and no one will recognize us!" Little Taotie said confidently.

Xiao Jinzi believed it, nodded vigorously, and immediately imitated Xiao Taotie's appearance, wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a hat, covering her tightly.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the room, they saw the waiter pushing the cart, and the waiter brother asked, "Little Jinzi, little Taotie, do you want a fruit platter?"

Little Taotie: "..."

Little Gold: "..."

The two cubs looked at each other, very dazed.

Why can you recognize us?

 Chapter 22~~~
(End of this chapter)

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