Chapter 988
The waiter brother has already pushed the cart to the front of the two cubs. His cart is filled with a variety of fruit platters. Square fruit pieces.

Xiao Jinzi swallowed, thinking of the important thing he was about to do, he shook his head: "No more!"

Little Taotie was full of doubts and asked, "Brother, how did you recognize us?"

The waiter brother laughed and pointed to the remote control plane hovering above the two of them, "Your names are written on it."

Xiao Taotie and Xiao Jinzi looked in the direction of his finger and saw very small writing on the plane.

Little Taotie admired: "Brother, your eyesight is really good."

The waiter was very proud: "If it weren't for my poor academic performance, I would be the material for the Air Force!"

After a short chat, the waiter brother went to deliver the fruit platter, and Xiao Taotie and Xiao Jinzi returned to the room.

Little Taotie found a beautiful sticker, "If we put our name on it, no one will recognize us."

Xiao Jinzi still trusts Xiao Taotie very much, and nodded: "Good idea!"

Little Taotie chose a sticker of a small orange cat to stick on his name, and Little Jinjin chose a big flower to stick on his name.

Xiao Jinzi giggled: "No one will recognize us now!"

Little Taotie nodded, and also giggled.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the room, they saw the waiter coming with a cart, and the waitress asked, "Little Jinzi, Xiao Taotie, do you want afternoon tea? There are strawberry cake, matcha cake, chocolate lava cake..."

Little Taotie: "..."

Little Gold: "..."

The two cubs looked at each other again, feeling very dazed.

Why was it recognized again?
Xiao Jinzi still shook his head and refused: "No more."

Little Taotie still asked, "Sister, how did you recognize us?"

The waitress laughed out loud: "There are only a dozen children on the cruise ship, and fat ones like Xiao Jinzi and Xiao Taotie are very few, and they are easy to recognize."

Stabbed two with one knife!

Little Jinzi said bitterly, "Sister, go away, I don't want to see you."

The waitress nodded and pushed the cart away, but the laughter came from far away.

Little Taotie looked down at his figure, then turned to look at Xiao Jinzi, and concluded: "I am thinner than you."

Little Gold: "..."

Xiao Jinzi took off her sunglasses and mask, and said angrily, "I will definitely become a beautiful woman when I grow up!"

Little Taotie sighed sadly: "I heard that plastic surgery will kill people."

Little Jinzi took off his hat, disapproving: "I would rather die beautifully than live ugly."

Little Taotie frowned slightly, and her little milk voice was soft: "My master said that people's beauty and ugliness are all chosen by themselves. Since you have chosen your own appearance, why should you change it?"

Xiao Jinzi was dumbfounded.

"What do you say?"

"Too abstruse."

"I don't understand."

"Can you make it simpler?"

"Who is your master?"

Little Taotie also took off his mask and sunglasses, and sighed, "My master passed away, he was a very powerful master, just like the brother in white."

"The god-man who made 6000 million with calabash?"

Little Taotie nodded.

Xiao Jinzi immediately looked serious, "Is your master better than him?"

"I don't know, but I think my master should be better than him."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinzi became more serious, "Then what he said must be very reasonable! What does he mean by what he said, what is beauty and ugliness, all are chosen by oneself?"

Little Taotie recalled: "Master means that before reincarnation, people can choose their own appearance, except for some unusual people who are reincarnated and keep their original appearance, others can choose. Go on, choose the facial features you want, just like playing a game modeling, squeeze out your own face, and then reincarnate."

Xiao Jinjin was stunned: "My... dad has a high nose bridge! My mom has big eyes! Why did I choose my dad's bean eyes and my mom's pig nose! Impossible, I can't be so stupid!"

Little Taotie shrugged: "My master used this analogy, it should be almost like this, maybe you hope that your life will not be too good-looking."

"Why? Why do I have such irrational thoughts? Isn't it better to be beautiful, why should it be ordinary, why should it be ugly?"

Little Taotie shook his head: "I don't know, maybe I think it's too beautiful for others to see your talent."

Just like Feng Qi, Feng Qi always said that because she is so beautiful, she is afraid that others will just fall in love with her skin and ignore her talent, so she likes to play ugly.

Just like the story of Beauty and the Beast, Belle finally fell in love with the ugly beast, which may be the true love that Sister Feng Qi yearns for.

 23st update~~~
(End of this chapter)

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