Chapter 103 Comparing them to village aunts

Everyone knew that the candidate for the side concubine this time would definitely be Chang Liangdi. Who made Chang Liangdi the empress's real niece?

No matter how powerful your Highness is, you still have to listen to the empress.

Just hearing that Xu Liangyuan was so determined, they all looked over curiously.

Chang Liangdi raised her eyes and glanced at the mysterious Xu Liangyuan, slightly raised the corners of her lips, "Xu Liangyuan is quite well informed, I haven't heard the news yet."

Xu Chenghui was beaten up by Xu Liangyuan just now, and he was not happy. Chang Liangdi was backed by the queen empress, who said that she could enjoy the shade by leaning on a big tree, so she had to lean close to Chang Liangdi, a big tree.

"Does it need to be said? Chang Liangdi is dignified and skillful, with extraordinary talent, she is the perfect candidate for side concubine."

Shen Mingzhu is not far behind, "It's not that I don't help my sister. My sister was raised in the countryside since she was a child. She has never even touched a piano. She learned etiquette temporarily. Unlike Chang Liangdi, who is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, my concubine Chang Liangdi will do her part."

Shen Mingzhu once again reminded everyone that Shen Chuwei is from the countryside, just a country bumpkin who doesn't understand anything, not worthy of being a side concubine!

"I used to be suspicious that the sisters were chatting together. Shen Liangdi only liked to eat and never chatted with us. Now I understand that Shen Liangdi and us are not in the same circle. She may not understand what we chat." Li Liangdi said immediately He raised his handkerchief and covered his mouth with a sneer.

Shen Chuwei ate the last orange, and nodded in agreement when he heard the words, "Xu Chenghui is right, we are indeed not in the same circle, and you don't understand what I said."

Li Liangdi laughed twice: "That's natural, we really don't understand things in the countryside."

Shen Chuwei stuffed a piece of orange into his mouth, and said while eating: "No, I don't know much about the things in the countryside, such as the gossip ability and intelligence ability of the village aunts, and I don't understand how they do it. "

Li Liangdi asked: "What do you mean?"

"It's just a few women chatting together, from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, there is no gossip that they don't know, and they are the ones who are the most informed." Shen Chuwei put the last piece of orange into his mouth and smiled.

Everyone was stunned for a moment after listening to it, and later realized that the picture Shen Chuwei said seemed familiar. Didn't they just chat, gossip, and ask for news together when they had nothing to do?
The faces of the people who reacted were a little ugly, and they were compared with the aunt?
Li Liangdi's complexion immediately turned ugly.

Shen Chuwei had finished eating the pastries and fruits in front of him, and was about to clap his hands and find an excuse to go back, but there was another plate of pastries and a plate of fruits in front of him.

She raised her head and saw Tao Chenghui smiling at her, her eyebrows and eyes were bent, "Thank you sister Tao."

Tao Chenghui glanced at the melon peel in front of Shen Chuwei, held up a handkerchief and said, "You're welcome."

Xu Liangyuan listened to them praising Chang Liangdi, and couldn't help laughing: "You all think that Chang Liangdi is the best candidate for the side concubine, what if it doesn't happen when the time comes?"

"Xu Liangyuan, isn't the side concubine Chang Liangdi, is it Shen Liangdi?" After Li Liangdi finished speaking, she glanced at Shen Chuwei, with disdain flashing in her eyes.

Xu Chenghui continued: "Although Shen Liangdi is favored by His Highness, it's really not easy to be a side concubine without some ability."

Shen Chuwei looked at Xu Liangyuan, a young expert at stalking people. If she was a side concubine, all the women in the East Palace would probably be slapped by her.

And watching Xu Liangyuan hate people is like watching a TV series, which is very cool.

"I think Xu Liangyuan is quite suitable as a side concubine."

After listening to Shen Chuwei's words, everyone looked at Xu Liangyuan, and couldn't help but secretly laugh, how could Xu Liangyuan surpass Chang Liangdi as a side concubine?
Shen Mingzhu was the first to object, "Sister, what are you kidding? How could Xu Liangyuan be a side concubine?"

Shen Chu slightly took a bite of the pastry, expressing his doubts: "What are you so excited about?"

"Where am I excited? It's just that what you said is too outrageous." Shen Mingzhu snorted coldly in her heart, Xu Liangyuan is just a Liangyuan who is so good at teasing people, what if she becomes a side concubine?
After Shen Chuwei finished eating the pastries and fruits in front of him, he yawned, "Sisters, let's talk first, I'll go back first if I have something to do."

After speaking, he got up and left Xinlan Hall with Chunxi.

"I'm a bit sleepy while sitting. You guys chat first, and I'll go back." Xu Liangyuan stood up and helped her walk, and walked away with a small handkerchief twisting her waist.

As soon as Xu Liangyuan left, Shen Mingzhu's stuffy chest eased a lot, and she couldn't help laughing out: "She really takes it seriously? You're so ridiculous."

Xu Chenghui also had a look of disdain: "Xu Liangyuan has always been pampered, how could the empress make her a side concubine?"

Chang Liangdi drank tea gracefully, recalling Shen Chuwei's actions just now, her aunt absolutely despised her, and it was absolutely impossible for her to become a side concubine.

So what if His Highness loves you again?
Still have to respect the meaning of aunt.

When Shen Chuwei walked out of Xinlan Palace, she heard someone calling her behind, "Shen Liangdi, wait for me."

When she heard the sound and turned her head, she saw Xu Liangyuan walking towards her, her face was flushed and her expression was radiant.

"Xu Liangyuan asked me to do something?"

"Of course there is something to do." Xu Liangyuan walked over with a smile. In the past, she couldn't understand Shen Chuwei's ignorance of others, but now because of her words, she immediately changed her mind, because she loved hearing what Shen Chuwei said. .

She asked with a smile on her face, "Why do you think I'm suitable to be a side concubine?"

"Because you fit the temperament of a noble concubine." Shen Chuwei saw Xu Liangyuan's domineering, domineering, young expert, and thought of a concubine in a TV series.

Xu Liangyuan raised a question mark on her forehead, "Temperament?"

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "Your arrogance and arrogance, a little expert at smacking people, are very suitable, and no one else can compare."

If someone said that she was arrogant and arrogant, Xu Liangyuan would have hated others a long time ago. When she heard it now, she found it quite pleasing, and she felt that Shen Chuwei was just praising her!

"I just can't stand them praising Chang Liangdi one by one. If you don't hate them, I feel uncomfortable. And your sister, tsk tsk, it's really disgusting to help outsiders expose you."

Shen Chu smiled, she naturally knew it, but it was more to her liking, not that people in the same circle couldn't get along.

Xu Liangyuan raised her chin and said, "For the sake of your foresight, let me tell you a piece of gossip."

Shen Chuwei looked curious: "What gossip?"

Xu Liangyuan approached Shen Chuwei and whispered in Shen Chuwei's ear: "The emperor intends to make me a side concubine because my father and elder brother won battles and made first-class contributions."

Xu Liangyuan's eyes were full of complacency.

Shen Chuwei's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Xu Liangyuan looked serious: "Of course it's true, can I just talk about it?"

Shen Chuwei was overjoyed, now she finally didn't have to worry about being a side concubine in charge of the Eastern Palace.

No wonder when she went out today, she saw a magpie chirping in the crooked neck tree by the door.

(End of this chapter)

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