Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 104 Little 9's thoughts were all taken by His Highness

Chapter 104 Xiao Jiu's thoughts are all taken by His Highness

"Then congratulations, you're going to be a side concubine." Shen Chuwei said sincerely.

Xu Liangyuan was so complacent, she saw Shen Chuwei smiling, without any sad expression, but she heard that His Highness wanted to make her a side concubine.

She looked curious: "Aren't you sad?"

"Why should I be sad? I'm happy for you."

Finally, she can not care about anything, let alone read those twenty books, why is she sad?It's too late for her to be happy!

And Xiao Jinyan doesn't have to worry about Chang Liangdi working hard and hurting his body, everyone is happy!
Xu Liangyuan became even more curious when she heard the words. Isn't it sad that the chance to become a concubine is gone?
However, Chang Liangdi must be very sad!
After lunch, when Shen Chuwei was about to take a nap, Eunuch Liu came and asked her to come over.

The crown prince has an order, even if she misses the soft couch, she still has to go to see him obediently.

Shen Chuwei followed Eunuch Liu into the prince's bedroom and all the way to the study.

Liu Xi pushed open the door of the study, and when she walked in, she saw Xiao Jinyan sitting in front of the desk. He was sitting there quietly, with picturesque eyebrows and dignified temperament, as beautiful as a person in a painting.

She stepped forward to bless Fushen, "Your Highness, may you be safe and blessed."

Xiao Jinyan put down the brush in his hand, looked up at Shen Chuwei, and saw that she was dressed in pink, like an elf coming out of a peach forest.

"come over."

Shen Chuwei walked over and stood beside Xiao Jinyan, looking very cute.

After approaching, she found a doughnut stuck in the agarwood pen holder on the desk.

And that masked figure was herself.

Xiao Jinyan didn't lie to her, the face man still stayed in his study, which is a good decoration.

Xiao Jinyan stared at her for a while before slowly uttering a word, "Xiao Jiu, I'm going to break my promise."

Shen Chuwei inexplicably heard a sense of powerlessness, she looked at Xiao Jinyan suspiciously, "What's the matter, Your Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan said slowly: "General Xu and his son won the battle. In order to reward and appease the Xu family, the father wants to make Xu Liangyuan a side concubine."

He is powerless to disobey his father's order, this is imperial power.

Shen Chuwei asked: "Is Your Highness embarrassing about this matter?"

Xiao Jinyan: "I promised to make you a side concubine, but now I have changed my mind, it is my promise."

Shen Chuwei said truthfully: "Actually, the concubine is not yet capable of being a side concubine. Your Highness doesn't need to worry about this matter."

Xiao Jinyan chuckled lightly when he heard the words: "You will surely comfort me."

Shen Chuwei continued to comfort after hearing the words: "Chang Liangdi doesn't need to be a side concubine, Your Highness should be happy, right? In this way, Chang Liangdi won't have to be a side concubine to laboriously manage the affairs of the East Palace."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "Why are you pulling on her?"

Shen Chuwei knew that she had comforted too much, how could Xiao Jinyan admit it when he was so arrogant?
"The concubine understands."

Xiao Jinyan stared at Shen Chuwei for a while, always feeling that she was imagining some non-existent plots in her mind.

He looked at the snow ball lying on the window sill basking in the sun, and ordered: "Bring the snow ball here."

"Okay." When Shen Chuwei came in, he saw the snow ball lying on the window sill, which looked like winter snow.

She walked over and picked up the snow ball, which was soft and comfortable to hold.

Xuetuan squinted one eye, saw Shen Chuwei, closed her eyes again and continued to sleep.

Shen Chuwei returned to Xiao Jinyan with the snow ball in his arms, and saw that he had no intention of taking over, so he hugged it by himself.

Xiao Jinyan found that Xuetuan and Shen Chuwei were somewhat similar in that they were both sleepy.

"I heard that you went to Xinlan Palace today?"

"Yes, Your Highness, Chang Liangdi made an appointment to drink tea and eat cakes." Shen Chu touched her stomach slightly, she was a little full from eating today.

Xiao Jinyan discovered that Shen Chuwei could read minds while holding the snowball. He subconsciously glanced at the foodie Shen Chuwei's stomach, which was hidden by his clothes, but he could also guess that Shen Chuwei was probably running to eat.

"How is Chang Liangdi these days?"

"The concubine looks pretty good, Your Highness, don't worry." Shen Chuwei laughed twice in his heart, the Aojiao Crown Prince finally couldn't help asking about Chang Liangdi, so worried about Chang Liangdi, he went directly to Xinlan Temple!

Xiao Jinyan's face turned black in an instant: "..." He knew that when he couldn't hear, Shen Chuwei's little head was trying to figure out the messy plot!
Tsundere prince?
"I'm not worried about her." He deliberately emphasized his tone.

To Shen Chuwei's ears, it was a dead duck's mouth!
She didn't understand why two people who like each other should fall in love and kill each other?Is it not good to be in love with each other?

"..." Even falling in love and killing each other was mentioned...Xiao Jinyan tried very hard to explain: "Chang Liangdi's entry into the East Palace is the intention of the empress."

Shen Chu nodded slightly and said, "The concubine knows."

She sighed, the relationship between the crown prince and Chang Liangdi was too complicated.

Although cousins ​​and cousins ​​belong to incest, it is often said that cousins ​​and cousins ​​are a natural pair.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." Incest?
This made Xiao Jinyan even more curious about where Shen Chuwei came from, why did his cousins ​​commit incest...

"Bengong doesn't like Chang Liangdi, do you understand?" He felt that it was necessary to speak clearly, otherwise her little brain would come up with some plot.

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "The concubine doesn't quite understand."

Why is the prince suddenly interested in talking with her?

Still denying the outspoken denial of liking Chang Liangdi?

Who said that a woman's heart is a needle in the sea?

A man's heart is like a sea needle.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." Who talked to you?This palace is telling the truth.

"Is it so difficult to understand the literal meaning?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "I understand."

Xiao Jinyan pulled out a book from behind and handed it to her, "Take it, sit there and read."

Xiao Jinyan looked at the chair beside her and motioned her to sit there.

"Okay." Shen Chuwei freed up one hand to hold the book and sat obediently on the chair beside her. She crossed her legs and leaned on the back of the chair. She opened the first page and looked at it seriously.

Xiao Jinyan turned his head to look over, and saw Shen Chu tilting his legs slightly, and reminded him, "Pay attention to your sitting posture."

"Oh, okay." Shen Chuwei immediately put down her legs, and sat down obediently, like a lady.

After seeing this, Xiao Jinyan withdrew his eyes in satisfaction and continued to deal with his own affairs.

Xiao Jinyan belongs to the kind that once immersed in work, he will be very serious.

Shen Chuwei secretly glanced at the direction of the book case, and saw Xiao Jinyan who was working hard. She withdrew her eyes and stared at the densely packed words, as if she was reading a book from heaven, and fell asleep after reading it.

When Xiao Jinyan finished looking around, he saw Shen Chuwei holding the book in his arms, leaning his head on the back of the chair, obviously asleep.

He stood up and walked over slowly, looking down at Shen Chuwei, she really looked like a child who was not familiar with the world when she was asleep.

 There is one more chapter!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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