Chapter 110 Only Three Courses

Qingying said: "It was Shen Liangyuan who told the empress."

Shen Chuwei knew it after thinking about it for a while. Shen Liangyuan did this on purpose. The purpose was obvious, just to make her end up in the same fate as her.

Qingying reminded: "Shen Liangdi, the empress is still waiting."

How could Shen Chuwei dare to neglect the Queen's summons?


Shen Chuwei followed Qingying to Fengyi Palace.

This is the first time for her to step into Fengyi Palace, the place where the queen empress lives is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary concubines.

Shen Chuwei walked in cautiously, and saw the queen in a phoenix robe sitting high on the throne. The color of the phoenix robe was true red that only a regular wife could wear.

"May the queen be blessed with golden safety."

The queen drank tea, glanced at Shen Chuwei, and said in a tone of anticipation, "I heard that you are a good cook. I want to see you today. Don't let me down."

Shen Chu slightly blessed the body: "The concubine obeys the order."

The empress asked her to cook, does she have the right to refuse?
Of course not.

Shen Chuwei obediently followed Qingying to the small kitchen.

Compared with the small kitchen of Xiyun Pavilion, the kitchen of Fengyi Palace can be said to be a large kitchen, with complete and fresh ingredients.

Qingying reminded: "If Shen Liangdi needs anything, she can tell the cook."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, someone brought up the apron, and she tied it around her waist, and began to order the cooks to prepare the ingredients. She was only in charge of frying and directing, not washing and cutting.

There is still an hour until lunch.

Shen Chuwei was not in a hurry, she grabbed a handful of melon seeds, sat aside, and kneaded the melon seeds.

A few months ago, Shen Liangdi came and didn't do anything, even cut off her hand.

This time Shen Liangdi came again, she knew how to crack melon seeds, but she didn't know which hand would be cut, so they had to be prepared so that they would not be turned on their backs.

The cooks were guessing and calculating in their hearts, and of course, some were waiting to see the joke.

"Separate the eggplants, reserve half, shred the other half, and dice the meat."

"Slice the black fish, wash some ginger, garlic and chilli for later use."

"Cut ribs."

Shen Chuwei ordered them to prepare while knocking the melon seeds.

The cooks glanced at Shen Chuwei, looked at each other, and shook their heads helplessly, how could she look like someone who was going to cook?
The cooks have been busy for a while, washing and cutting all the dishes, and they are ready to be marinated.

The head cook is over half a hundred years old, seeing Shen Chuwei's delicate and delicate hands, it doesn't look like she knows how to cook?
"Shen Liangdi, everything is ready, we can start now."

"Wait a little longer." Shen Chuwei grabbed some melon seeds and handed them to the cooks, "You eat melon seeds too to pass the time."

How dare the cooks eat melon seeds at this time?

"Shen Liangdi, lunch time is coming soon, if the Empress Empress is delayed from eating, the servants will not be able to afford it."

Seeing that they were not smoking, Shen Chuwei started smoking, "It's okay, just wait."

The cooks glanced at each other, and then said to Shen Chuwei: "Shen Liangdi, let's say something ugly up front and delay the queen's lunch time, so don't rely on us then."

Shen Chuwei looked at their scared and angry faces, and shook his head: "No, no, you don't have to worry."

The cooks stopped talking, and stood aside, waiting, feeling more scared with each passing minute.

The empress has a tricky mouth and a bad appetite. They try to prepare meals carefully every day, and the empress is too lazy to eat a few bites.

It's only half an hour now, how can there be time to prepare a table for lunch?

Qingying took a look at the situation in the small kitchen. Shen Chuwei was still knocking the melon seeds. She sighed helplessly, turned and left.

The queen was drinking tea and waiting for lunch, but when she heard Qingying's words, her expression turned a little ugly, "Is she really eating melon seeds in the small kitchen?"

"Yes, ma'am, the cooks have prepared the ingredients, let her start preparing lunch, she said there is no rush, just wait." Qingying said.

The queen sighed, and said with some disappointment: "Could it be that like Shen Liangyuan, who doesn't know how to cook at all, is delaying time?"

Qingying said: "Your Majesty, do you want to wait any longer?"

The queen put down the teacup, and when she thought of Shen Chu's slightly seductive and seductive appearance, which was as virtuous as Yu Wang Ba's, she couldn't like it.

"I don't know what the prince likes about her? There are so many women in the East Palace, they go to the Xiyun Pavilion every three days, and they go to bed several times, but there is no good news."

Qingying thought for a while, then guessed: "Your Majesty, maybe Shen Liangdi is not in good health?"

The queen heard that it was possible, otherwise why would there be no good news?
She sighed secretly, why is it so difficult to hold a grandson?

When it's lunch time, Eunuch Ren walks in, "Empress Empress, pass on the meal?"

The queen was a little surprised when she heard the words, "Have you finished your lunch?"

"Returning to the empress, it's almost ready, Shen Liangdi asked the servants to come and ask if the meal is passed on now, the meal tends to be cold in winter." Ren Gonggong said.

The queen didn't have any hope either, "Then let's pass on the meal, I want to see Shen Liangdi's cooking skills."

"Here." After Eunuch Ren withdrew, not long after, a maid came over with a basin to wash the empress's mouth and hands.

Immediately afterwards, the maid brought the dishes in.

Under the command of Qingying, it was placed in front of the queen, and when the lid was lifted, it was still steaming, obviously just out of the pot.

Qingying picks up the chopsticks and spreads the dishes.

The queen stared at the dish in front of her with her chopsticks for a while, and it smelled delicious, she picked up the dish in the bowl and put it into her mouth, and began to eat slowly.

Her eyes lit up, "It tastes good, is this really made by Shen Liangdi?"

The maid said: "Go back to your mother, Shen Liangdi did it herself."

Hearing this, Qingying picked up a few more chopsticks and put them into the bowl in front of the queen, and then filled the queen with another bowl of rice.

The queen looked at the steaming rice and felt that it was more fragrant than usual rice.

The queen was born in a family of military generals, and her usual dignified and elegant appearance is also pretending.

This will allow you to eat meals that suit your taste, and the speed of eating will naturally not be as fast as the usual chewing and swallowing.

The maid then brought up the second and third courses, uncovered the lid, and it was still steaming.

Qingying was busy preparing vegetables.

The queen is busy eating.

Qingying waited for a while, but she didn't see the maid serving food, so she asked suspiciously: "What else?"

The maid replied cautiously: "There are only three dishes, Shen Liangdi said, if you make too many dishes, it will be a waste for the empress to eat them all."

Qingying was stunned for a moment, the empress had at least two soups and six dishes for each meal, and there were only three dishes, which was too shabby.

When the queen heard this, there was a slight difference in her eyes. It was the first time someone said it was a waste.

She looked down at the three dishes in front of her. She had already eaten one bowl of rice, and two more bowls of rice would be enough for her.

"Where is Shen Liangdi from?"

"Go back to your mother, Shen Liangdi is cleaning her hands."

At this time, in the small kitchen, the cooks looked at Shen Chuwei in shock. They were not only surprised that she cooked three dishes so quickly, but also shocked that she only made three dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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