Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 111 Why do you always call her to take a nap?

Chapter 111 Why do you always call her to take a nap?

Shen Chuwei walked in from the outside, stepped forward and blessed her body, "Empress Empress."

The queen raised her eyes and looked at Shen Chuwei in front of her. If she didn't know that she cooked her lunch, she wouldn't look like she came out of the kitchen at all.

"I didn't see it, you are good at cooking, and you know not to waste money."

Shen Chuwei said: "The Empress Miao praises it, and the concubine will know some home-cooked dishes, so she won't be able to enter the elegant hall."

The queen said: "Although they are some home-cooked dishes, they taste much better than the imperial dining room, much better than your sister, and the words are better than the words, but they can't even cut the dishes."

Shen Chu listened with lowered eyes.

The queen looked at Shen Chuwei in front of her while eating her lunch. She didn't pay attention to it last time, but when she took a closer look today, she found that her makeup was light, which was several times better than the previous one.

There are only three silk flowers on the temples, although they are quieter, they are very pleasing to the eye.

Dressed up like this earlier, it wouldn't be so annoying.

Shen Chuwei was hungry right now, smelling the aroma of the food, she wanted to go back for lunch, so she found a reason to go back.

The queen was eating deliciously at this time, and she let Shen Chuwei go back without saying anything.

After lunch, the empress wiped the corners of her lips with the wet handkerchief that Qingying handed over, and said: "Shen Liangdi is good at cooking, give her a pair of Ruyi, and pick some good ingredients."

"Here." After Qingying agreed, she started to prepare.

When Shen Chuwei returned to Xiyun Pavilion, Chunxi had already prepared lunch and waited.

Seeing Shen Chuwei coming back, she hastily went up to meet him: "My lord, the empress didn't make things difficult for you, did she?"

"No, I just made a meal. I'm hungry, so I'll serve it soon." Shen Chu touched his stomach slightly and said.

"Okay." Chunxi asked the lunch to be brought to the table with brisk steps.

Shen Chuwei ate a delicious lunch, and finally got full, lying on the couch clutching his stomach and not wanting to move anymore.

Chunxi ran in from the outside, "My lord, Mother Qingying is here."

Shen Chuwei thought, no way, come again?

Although she likes to eat, she doesn't like cooking in the kitchen every day.

As soon as Chunxi finished speaking, Qingying walked in with someone.

Shen Chuwei had already got off the couch, and saw Qingying bring her in.

Qingying smiled and said: "Shen Liangdi, the empress dowager likes the lunch you made very much, these are all rewarded by the empress."

Shen Chuwei followed Qingying's line of sight, and saw the things that the empress had bestowed upon her, a pair of jade ruyis and several batches of beautifully colored Shu brocades.

She blessed the body, "Thank you, Empress, for the reward."

Qingying smiled, "The Empress has always had a poor appetite, this is the first time she has eaten two bowls of rice, it's all thanks to you."

Shen Chu replied slightly: "Grandma Qingying praised you."

After Qingying left, Shen Chuwei lay down on the couch again.

Chunxi felt the fabric was smooth with dark lines, and the color was pink. She was delighted: "My lord, this material can be made into a dress, and it is very festive to wear during the Chinese New Year."

Shen Chuwei never cared about her clothes, and it was always Chunxi who took care of them.

Shen Chu took a slight glance at the batch of materials in Chunxi's hand, it was a bit more colorful than lotus root pink, and it was really festive to wear for the New Year, so he nodded, "You can figure it out."

"My maidservant, go to the Garment Bureau to order clothes." Chun Xi went out with the materials in her arms.

After Shen Chuwei was called to Fengyi Palace, Shen Mingzhu had been waiting for news.

The queen has a bad temper. If she knew that Shen Chuwei was like her, she would definitely be furious, and she would definitely be demoted.

The maid trotted in to report, "My lord, the Empress has rewarded Shen Liangdi."

Shen Mingzhu thought she heard it wrong, so she asked again uncertainly: "What did you just say?"

The maid cautiously replied: "Go back to my lord, the Empress has rewarded Shen Liangdi."

Shen Mingzhu asked in disbelief: "Why did the queen reward Shen Chuwei? Doesn't the queen get angry with her appearance?"

"My lord, I heard that Shen Liangdi's culinary skills are very good, and she is deeply loved by the queen, so I rewarded him with some things." The maid said.

Shen Mingzhu clenched the handkerchief in her hand angrily. She wanted to embarrass Shen Chu slightly, but in the end she showed her hand in front of the queen. It's really hateful!

His Highness dotes on Shen Chuwei so much, if the empress also changes her attitude towards Shen Chuwei, it may not be a good thing.

The more Shen Mingzhu thought about it, the angrier she became. She sat there thinking for a while, and suddenly remembered something, "Go and call Chuntao from the woodshed."

"Here." The maid trotted out and called Chuntao over after a while.

Chuntao was originally a wealthy person. After being locked in the firewood room for several months, she lost a lot of weight and was very embarrassed.

Chuntao knelt on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed tremblingly: "My slave pays my respects to the young master."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Shen Mingzhu's mouth, "You have been tired these days."

Chuntao raised her head to look at Shen Mingzhu flattered, "Master, are you forgiving this slave?"

Shen Mingzhu continued: "That's natural, you are originally from Xiyun Pavilion, now that Shen Liangdi is favored, you should pack up and go back."

Chuntao looked at Shen Mingzhu in shock, she was both surprised and happy, she regretted coming to Lanyue Palace and Shen Mingzhu's errand, if she could go back to Xiyun Pavilion, of course she would go back.

"Is what the young master said true? Are you really willing to let me go back?"

Chuntao's expression of surprise and joy fell into Shen Mingzhu's eyes, and she groaned coldly in her heart, she really is a lowly slave who eats inside and out, and she can't wait to regret Yunge right away, right?

"Of course it's true, how can I ever lie to anyone?"

Chuntao kowtowed desperately, "Thank you, my lord."

Liu Xi pushed open the door of the study and walked in, reporting in a low voice: "Your Highness, before lunch, Shen Liangdi was summoned to Fengyi Palace."

Xiao Jinyan paused while holding the pen, "Do you know why?"

"It is said that the empress heard that Shen Liangdi's cooking skills are good, so she asked to come over to make lunch. The empress liked Shen Liangdi's cooking skills very much, and she gave some things as rewards." Liu Xi replied.

Doubt flashed in Xiao Jinyan's eyes, not many people knew about Shen Chuwei's cooking skills, who told the queen mother that Shen Liangdi could cook?

He ordered in a low voice: "Let Shen Liangdi come over."

"Here." After Liu Xi withdrew, he went directly to Xiyun Pavilion.

Unfortunately, Shen Chuwei was about to take a nap and took off all his clothes, when Liu Xi came.

Chunxi happily came in to report, "My lord, Your Highness asked you to come over."

Compared with Chunxi's happy face, Shen Chuwei's is depressed.

She had to put it on again.

Why does Xiao Jinyan always pick her nap time to call her?
Doesn't he even need to take a nap?

After Shen Chuwei was fully dressed, Chunxi put on the fox fur for her, and then followed Liu Xi to the study.

After entering, Liu Xi closed the door and waited outside.

Shen Chu slightly raised his eyes to look at the desk, Xiao Jinyan was writing something seriously with a pen in his hand.

She stepped forward to bless Fushen, "Your Highness, may you be safe and blessed."

 There is one more chapter, updated before zero o'clock.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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