Chapter 114
Shen Chu sighed slightly, sat on the couch, took a bite of the pastry on the plate.

Seeing that Shen Chuwei didn't speak, Chun Xi must have been cruel, "My lord, His Highness must have a temper because he's busy every day. We don't have the same knowledge as him. The servants for dinner will prepare delicious food for the lord."

When Shen Chuwei heard the delicious food, her depressed mood was relieved. She crossed her legs, took a bite of the pastry, and started to order, "Spicy pepper shredded pork, I haven't eaten for a long time."

Chun Xi readily agreed, "No problem, I will do it tonight."

"There are also fish with pickled cabbage and pork ribs in vinegar."

"The servant has recorded it."

Shen Chuwei continued to eat the pastry.

Chun Xi couldn't help asking: "My lord, why did your highness attack you? If your highness is unreasonable, next time your highness comes to eat, the servants won't put salt for him."

"He said my handwriting was ugly and asked me to practice it." Shen Chu slightly took a bite of the pastry, and continued: "I'm a Liangdi who has no power, who do you think I'm writing for?"

Chunxi couldn't laugh or cry, "My lord, is it because of this incident?"

Shen Chuwei took a sip of tea, "What else?"

Chunxi comforted: "Your Highness is also doing it for your own good, otherwise why don't other little masters practice calligraphy?"

"Because they don't need to practice."

"...Okay!" Chun Xiyun saw a beautiful brocade box and looked curious: "My lord, what is this?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "The pen that His Highness gave you is said to be the only one, and it is hard to find."

Chun liked to touch the brocade box happily, opened it carefully and took a look. Under the light, there was a faint blue light on the body of the pen, and it was obvious at a glance that it was not ordinary.

"Your Highness is so kind to the young master. Even Chang Liangdi didn't have such a precious pen for the young master."

Shen Chuwei asked Chunxi curiously, "You said that Chang Liangdi is so favored and is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, why didn't His Highness give this one to Chang Liangdi?"

"My servant doesn't know His Highness's thoughts, but I can tell that His Highness likes the young master very much." Chunxi said happily.

Outside the door, the little rabbit came in and reported: "My lord, Chuntao is here and is kneeling in the yard."

Chunxi said dissatisfiedly: "Why is she here again? I have never seen such a cheeky person. Knowing that the young master is favored, she looks forward to it again."

Shen Chuwei said: "Go out and tell her that after leaving the Xiyun Pavilion, there will be no chance to come back."

"Slave, let's talk about it." The little rabbit turned and went back to the yard.

Chuntao knelt on the cold ground, her thin body trembling non-stop, seeing the little rabbit coming out, she hurriedly asked: "Did Shen Liangdi agree with me coming back?"

The little rabbit said indifferently: "The little master said that the servants and servants in Xiyun Pavilion will never have a chance to come back once they leave this door. You should go out."

Chuntao cried with snot and tears, very miserable, "Shen Liangyuan can't go back there, if Shen Liangdi doesn't accept me, I really have nowhere to go."

"That has nothing to do with the young master. When you left Xiyun Pavilion, you should have thought that such a day would come."

After finishing speaking, the little rabbit ordered: "Xiao Guizi, pull her out, don't let her disturb the young master."

Xiao Guizi put down the broom in her hand, picked up Chuntao and left.

Chuntao cried pear blossoms with rain, "Please, I really have nowhere to go, please and Shen Liangdi beg for mercy, okay?"

After Shen Chuwei took a bath, by candlelight, he took out the pen that Xiao Jinyan had given him from the brocade box and looked at it carefully.

Why should such an expensive pen be given to her?
Is it just to remind her to practice calligraphy well?

With a pen in one hand and a book in the other, she sighed helplessly: "Isn't there a saying in ancient times that a woman who has no talent is a virtue?"

Shen Chuwei put away the pen, got up and lifted the quilt to get into the bed. There was Tang Pozi that Chunxi had prepared early in the bed, which was very warm.

At this time, there were waves of women crying outside the window, shrill and miserable, which made people feel sleepy.

She called out: "Chunxi, who is crying outside?"

Chunxi opened the curtain and walked in, "Don't worry, my lord, I'll ask you now."

After Chunxi finished speaking, she put down the curtain and went out.

At night, it was cold and windy.

Chunxi wore a thick cotton coat and opened the door, the cold wind blew in, she shrank her neck, "Little Anzi, what's going on outside?"

Xiao Anzi replied: "It's Chuntao, Lai stayed at the door and refused to leave, crying all the time."

"I've said it all, I came back after leaving the Xiyun Pavilion, and I'm really shameless for not leaving." Chunxi said angrily, turned and entered the room.

"My lord, it's Chuntao who's crying outside and has been holding on to it. It's so cold outside. If something happens, we will have to say that we at Xiyun Pavilion are cold-blooded and heartless." Chunxi became more and more angry as she thought about it.

Shen Chuwei glanced out of the window, it was foggy outside, only red lanterns and swaying tree heads could be seen.

I heard that there has been snow in the past two days, if something happens, Xiyun Pavilion must be inseparable.

She thought for a while, and said, "Chunxi, let Chuntao stay here for one night, and go to the House of Internal Affairs tomorrow morning, and ask Grandpa Quan to re-arrange her whereabouts."

"Understood, my lord." Chunxi put down the curtain and walked out.

She opened the door again and said: "Little Anzi, let Chuntao come in for a night, and take her to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find another job tomorrow morning."

"Understood, I'll go and let her in right now." Xiao Anzi handled the matter swiftly, and settled Chuntao in the vacant room in the side room.

There was no cry of the woman, only the howling of the cold wind remained.

Shen Chuwei fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, Chunxi opened the curtain and ran in, shaking Shen Chuwei who was still sound asleep, "My lord, my lord, it's not good, something happened."

Zheng Xiang, who was slightly asleep at the beginning of Shen, was shaken awake. She rubbed her eyes, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Chunxi looked horrified, "My lord, Chuntao is dead."

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, then sat up abruptly, looked at Chunxi in disbelief, "You said Chuntao died?"

"Yes, my lord, this morning, when Guixiang opened the door, she saw Chuntao dead." Where has Chunxi seen a dead person?Thinking of Chuntao's face until now, I feel like I'm going to have a nightmare.

Shen Chuwei was afraid of accidents, so she asked Chuntao to help her for a night, but unexpectedly, something happened.

"Let the little rabbit tell His Highness and see how His Highness handles it."

"Your servant will go here." Chunxi ran all the way out, and said to the little rabbit, "Go and tell His Highness that something happened in Xiyun Pavilion."

"Okay." The little rabbit ran out of Xiyun Pavilion in a short time with sharp legs and feet.

Shen Chuwei began to dress and wash.

I don't know if it was because of Chuntao crying outside the door last night, Shen Liangyuan, Chang Liangdi, Xu Fangfei and others all rushed to Xiyun Pavilion early in the morning.

Only when I came did I realize that it was Chuntao who was crying last night, and Chuntao died early this morning.



Chuntao and Xiaofuzi made a mistake, and the chapter of the previous year has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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