Chapter 115 Only the Dead Don't Tell Lies
I heard a woman crying last night, it turned out that Chuntao was crying, who am I supposed to be. "

"Isn't it, I can't sleep because of the noise."

Chang Liangdi listened calmly, but did not make any remarks.

When Concubine Xu heard that Chuntao had died, she thought of Xiaofuzi who came out of Xiyun Pavilion early in the morning. Xiaofuzi is still locked up. If it wasn't for Chuntao, she would have forgotten about it.

Shen Mingzhu glanced at the corpse that was covered by a white cloth from a long distance away, and she held up her handkerchief and said sadly: "Sister, Chuntao belonged to Xiyun Pavilion early in the morning, you were promoted to Concubine Liang, and there were not enough waiters, so I let Chuntao come back , Yesterday Chuntao was fine and suddenly died?"

Shen Chu has been a salt fish for more than ten years, where has he seen a dead person?

After she got up, Xiao Guizi and Xiao Anzi covered the corpse with a cloth.

She didn't know the exact cause of death.

Shen Chuwei said indifferently: "I don't know that Chuntao is working at Shen Liangyuan's place, why is she crying and wanting to go back to Xiyun Pavilion?"

Shen Mingzhu said with a sad face: "I have to ask my sister about it. I did good deeds, but I didn't expect Chuntao to end up like this. If I knew, I wouldn't have let her come back yesterday."

Concubine Xu and Shen Liangdi didn't deal with each other, and when she heard her speak, she felt uncomfortable.

"Shen Liangyuan, do you mean that Chuntao was killed by the people in Xiyun Pavilion?"

When Shen Mingzhu saw that side concubine Xu was also coming, she tried to stay as far away from her as possible, and stood beside Chang Liangdi.

"Xu side concubine, I didn't say this, I'm just curious about the good-looking people, how can they be gone when they're gone?"

After Shen Mingzhu finished speaking, she looked at Shen Chuwei again, and questioned in her tone: "Could it be that my younger sister said something to Chuntao that made her unable to think about it?"

Shen Chuwei said: "I haven't even seen Chuntao's face, so how can I talk to her?"

"Then why did Chuntao die in good condition? I saw her in good condition yesterday. If someone hadn't said something, she wouldn't have committed suicide." Shen Mingzhu sighed regretfully after finishing speaking.

At this time, Liu Xi's high-pitched voice came from the door: "His Royal Highness is here."

Xiao Jinyan strode in wearing a black court dress.

Shen Chuwei and others blessed His Highness, "Your Highness is blessed and safe."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at everyone, "Get up."

He glanced at Chuntao who was covered with a white cloth not far away, and told Wei Chi, "Go and check the cause of death."

"Obey." Wei Chi led the order and strode towards the corpse.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei again, "What's going on?"

Shen Chuwei explained the ins and outs of the future one by one, "Your Highness, this is how it happened."

"Your Highness, Chuntao was originally a maidservant in Xiyun Pavilion, but later she came to work as an errand at my place. Because my sister was promoted to Liangdi, I was afraid that there would not be enough staff to serve her, so I sent Chuntao back. Yesterday, Chuntao happily left Lanyue Palace. Unexpectedly, after one night, people will disappear.”

Shen Mingzhu just wanted to push the cause of Chuntao's death onto Shen Chuwei, so that His Highness would know that she was a vicious person, so how could she still be favored?

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Shen Mingzhu coldly, and he could see through her hypocrisy at a glance, and also guessed that it was her who did it, worrying about no chance, she hurried to deliver it to her door.

"It's not possible for Chuntao to go to Xiyun Pavilion after leaving Xiyun Pavilion. Shen Liangdi's promotion to Liangdi didn't happen in the past two days. Why did you suddenly think of letting Chuntao go back to Xiyun Pavilion?"

"Your Highness, Chenqie and Shen Liangdi are biological sisters. A few days ago, Chenqie was grounded and Chenqie was not feeling well. I just remembered it. I didn't expect such a result. On weekdays, Chuntao is also a neat maid, Otherwise, the concubine wouldn't think of letting Chuntao go back to serve her younger sister." Shen Mingzhu spoke with such affection that tears were on the verge of coming out.

Xiao Jinyan listened to Shen Mingzhu's hypocritical words, and didn't even want to look at her more. He looked at Wei Chi not far away, waiting for the results of his autopsy.

Seeing that His Highness did not speak, Chang Liangdi thought that she must be trying to protect Shen Chuwei, she took a step forward and said: "Your Highness, Chuntao died strangely, there must be something wrong with it, Your Highness needs to find out."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "I will find out for myself. If I find out who is behind the scenes, I will punish you severely!"

Shen Mingzhu subconsciously clenched the handkerchief in her hand with a guilty conscience.

After Wei Chi finished the inspection, he strode over to report, "Your Highness, Chuntao died of poisoning, an hour ago, with no obvious injuries on her body."

Shen Chuwei felt a little strange when she heard the words, she turned and walked towards the corpse, wanting to have a look.

Xiao Jinyan saw her and stopped her: "What are you doing?"

Shen Chuwei didn't hide anything, "The concubine wants to go and have a look."

"What's there to see about a dead person?" Xiao Jinyan was afraid that Shen Chuwei would have nightmares at night if he watched it. After all, a dead person can look like anything.

Shen Chuwei said seriously: "The concubine wants to ask her how she is doing in Lanyue Palace."

"Sister, are you okay? Chuntao is dead, so I can't answer your question." Shen Mingzhu looked worried on the surface, but sneered in her heart. A dead person cannot answer your question. Chuntao died in Xiyun Pavilion, you Can't get rid of it.

Shen Chuwei said, "Only the dead can't lie."

Xiao Jinyan stood up and said to Shen Chuwei: "I will accompany you to take a look."

Shen Chu slightly frowned: "Thank you, Your Highness."

The two walked towards the corpse side by side.

Shen Mingzhu couldn't help complaining in her heart when she saw it, is there something wrong with your highness?To actually believe what Shen Chuwei said that dead people can't lie?I want to see, how can the dead speak?
Chang Liangdi clutched the small handkerchief, looking at the backs of the two people in front of her, she was full of unwillingness.

When Shen Chuwei came to the corpse, she grabbed Xiao Jinyan's sleeve with one hand, fearing that she would suddenly see the terrifying death.

Xiao Jinyan glanced down at the hand that was tightly clutching his sleeve, moved his gaze upwards, and landed on that delicate little face, "If you are afraid, don't look at it."

"Your Highness, I'll just take a look." Shen Chuwei was ready, and said to Wei Chi, "Open it."

Wei Chi crouched in front of the corpse and lifted the white cloth with one hand.

Shen Chu glanced slightly, and committed suicide by taking poison. The appearance of death was not that scary, but it also made her feel a little nervous.

"All right."

Upon hearing this, Wei Chi immediately covered the white cloth.

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyes and asked, "Did you see anything?"

Shen Chuwei said: "His Royal Highness, before Chuntao grew much rounder than Chunxi, but now Chuntao is much thinner than before. One can tell that it is caused by a long-term lack of food. In addition, her face is yellowish-gray. The yellowish complexion is due to malnutrition. As a result, it means that she has not been well during this period of time, not enough to eat and not to wear warm clothes. The one in the middle is Crane Crown Red."

Hedinghong is a high-grade poison, and the maid can't buy it even if she spends money.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense. When Chuntao was in Lanyue Hall, I never treated her badly. It was she who said she wanted to lose weight to become thinner."

After Shen Mingzhu finished speaking, she looked at the prince, "Your Highness, everything I said is true, I dare not lie to Your Highness."

 There is one more chapter!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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