Chapter 117
Han Yan looked at Xiao Jinyu waving a folding fan, acting like a dude, but arranged things properly.

"Let Mr. Xiao worry about it."

"It should be, I rescued you, of course I have to be responsible to the end, I can't let you be weak..." The woman, Xiao Jinyu looked at the figure of Miss Han who was taller than herself, and it was very awkward for a weak woman to use on her.

He simply changed his words, "I can't let a girl like you wander outside. Although my family is very big and has many rules, it's easy for a girl like you to settle down."

Han Yan stared at Xiao Jinyu with cold eyes, his nobility could not be stopped even in ordinary clothes.

"I'm a little curious about how big Mr. Xiao's house is?"

Xiao Jinyu approached Miss Han with a fan covering her face, and said mysteriously: "My house is in the palace, so it's big enough!"

Han Yan nodded, showing rare surprise, "Then Mr. Xiao is the prince?"

Xiao Jinyu didn't deny it either, because when he arrived at the palace later, his identity would be revealed naturally, so he didn't make it clear at this time.

He held the folding fan lightly, and said quietly: "This king is the seventh eldest, and my title is King Yu. You can call me King Yu."

Han Yan said: "King Yu has a noble status, he came to pick me up in person, and he was a little flattered."

Xiao Jinyu sighed: "If I don't personally pick you up, you won't be able to come in either!"

The queen is heavily guarded, how can ordinary people just enter it?

Han Yan: "..."

After entering the palace gate, the carriage drove unimpeded to Qiancheng Hall.

After the car came to a complete stop, the entourage opened the curtain, Xiao Jinyu got up and got down, and naturally stood beside the carriage, intending to personally help Miss Han get off the carriage.

But he always ignored Miss Han's slender legs, thinking that Miss Han was a weak girl who needed his care everywhere.

When Miss Han came out of the carriage, Xiao Jinyu reached out and tried to help her.

Han Yan looked down at the beautiful hand in front of her. It was fair and slender, and she knew it was a hand that had never done rough work.

She paused, still put her hand on that good-looking hand, and then got down from the carriage.

Xiao Jinyu watched Miss Han's slender legs get off the carriage easily, and realized that her actions were unnecessary.

When the people got out of the carriage, Xiao Jinyu silently withdrew his hand, pointed to the plaque above his head and said, "This is the Palace of Qiancheng."

Han Yan raised his eyes to look at the plaque above his head, the words "Qian Cheng Dian" were three points deep.

Afterwards, Xiao Jinyu took Miss Han in, and first took her to Yuqing Pavilion where she would live in the future.

Yuqing Pavilion was cleaned up by Xiao Jinyu in advance, and it was specially decorated. The whole room is pink, and even the tree at the door is also a peach tree, which is very suitable for girls to live in.

From the time Han Yan walked into this Yuqing Pavilion, all he saw was pink, even the curtain at the door was pink.

Xiao Jinyu was very satisfied with the place he chose, "You will live here in the future, and Ping'er will serve you. If you need anything, you can directly tell me."

Han Yan nodded: "Yes."

Xiao Jinyu leaned into Miss Han's ear and said: "In the Qiancheng Hall, you don't have to be so restrained, but outside the Qiancheng Hall, you still have to follow the rules, such as calling yourself a slave."

Han Yan asked back: "Why are you a slave?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "You are a maid now, you don't call yourself a slave, what do you want to call yourself?"

Han Yan thought for a while, then asked: "Is it okay to be a concubine?"

Xiao Jinyu glanced around, took Miss Han's hand and walked into the back room.

Han Yan walked in with doubts.

Seeing the intimate behavior of the two, Ping'er covered her mouth and smirked as she packed her luggage.

After entering the room, Xiao Jinyu sent Miss Han's hand, and said seriously: "You are a girl, how can you call yourself a concubine at will?"

Han Yan asked back: "I am now a member of King Yu, why can't I call myself a concubine?"

"But you have no name or title now!"

"If you give it, you will have it."

Xiao Jinyu was stunned, thinking about the risk of being beaten, borrowing 5000 taels of gold from the prince's brother to redeem Miss Han's body, the purpose was to save her.

Sure enough, it is true that beautiful women love heroes.

What should he do now that there is a promise of body in the drama?
Is it to marry?Or marry?

Han Yan took a step forward, looking down at Xiao Jinyu, "Is King Yu in trouble?"

Xiao Jinyu took a step back subconsciously. He stabilized his figure and shook his folding fan to ease his embarrassment.

"Miss Han was born as beautiful as a flower, it's really my king's honor, but, Miss Han, are you as good as Ji?"

Although Miss Han is tall and slender, she has a beautiful face, with a bit of girlish tenderness in her eyebrows and eyes.

This is also the first time Xiao Jinyu saw her, and the idea of ​​saving her and protecting her came into his heart.

Han Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and he calculated his age in his heart for a long time...

She simply nodded, "It should be."

"Exactly, this king has not yet reached the age of weak crown..." Xiao Jinyu was stunned, Miss Han is already old enough?

She stared at Miss Han for a long time, she didn't seem to be telling a lie.

Han Yan's cold eyes were full of seriousness: "King Yu, do you think it's feasible?"

Xiao Jinyu waved the folding fan, "Don't worry about these things, my king will let you get familiar with Qiancheng Palace."

After speaking, the person slipped away.

Standing straight in front of the round table, Han Yan looked at the back of Xiao Jinyu leaving, and slightly curled the corners of her lips.

After he came out, Xiao Jinyu put away his folding fan, looked back at Yuqing Pavilion, sighed, and nodded in agreement just now, almost resisting the temptation.

Miss Han's birth is really beautiful, like snow on a mountain, moon between clouds.

It would be a pity to be a concubine.

Xiao Jinyu waved his folding fan and planned to go to the East Palace for dinner, and chat with the prince's brother by the way.

At this time, it is time to hold the lamps.

In winter, it gets dark early.

Xiao Jinyan was about to leave for Xiyun Pavilion for dinner when he saw Xiao Jinyu walking in with a folding fan, looking like a playboy.

"Going out of the palace again?"

Xiao Jinyan put away the folding fan with some embarrassment, "Well, I went to pick up the family. I just came to find the prince brother to drink after I settled the family."

"I'm going to Xiyun Pavilion for dinner now, next time." Xiao Jinyan stood up, and didn't intend to keep him for dinner just because his younger brother came.

Xiao Jinyu came here to have a meal, but he didn't care where.

"Then I'll go too, just to see how those cuties are doing."

It's okay not to mention those "little cuties", but Xiao Jinyan's face darkened when he mentioned them, "They are well raised, so good that you can no longer recognize them."

Xiao Jinyu laughed when he heard the words, "Brother, stop joking, how could I not recognize them?"

Xiao Jinyan ignored Xiao Jinyu's doubts, but said, "When do you plan to pay back the 5000 taels of gold?"

Xiao Jinyu froze directly, "Brother, I don't have so many on hand now, and when I have them, I will return them to you as soon as possible."

"Xiao Jinyan snorted and stepped out.

Xiao Jinyu followed unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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