Chapter 118

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Xiao Jinyu behind him, "Is it appropriate for you to leave her alone in the palace?"

Xiao Jinyu didn't hear the meaning of chasing people in Xiao Jinyan's words, "It's okay, someone is waiting for her."

Xiao Jinyan did not continue this topic with a sullen face.

When approaching Xiyun Pavilion, Xiao Jinyu suddenly asked curiously: "Brother, let me ask you a question."

Xiao Jinyan: "Ask."

Xiao Jinyu never beat around the bush in front of the prince's elder brother, "If I marry a concubine, will it be difficult?"

Xiao Jinyan snorted and said, "What's the problem? As long as you think about it, the queen mother will make arrangements for you."

Xiao Jinyu said: "My mother arranged it, so can I still be considered as my concubine?"

Xiao Jin said: "It's good to know."

Xiao Jinyu sighed, and then leaned over with a gossipy face, "Brother, do you like the women that the queen mother chose for you?"

Xiao Jinyan paused when he heard the words, "No."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinyu felt that the prince's brother was too pitiful, and felt sorry for him for two seconds. After two seconds, he comforted him: "Brother, one day in the future, you will definitely meet a girl you like."

Later, when Xiao Jinyu was forced to feed a big mouthful of dog food from time to time, he discovered that the clown was himself.

Xiao Jinyan ignored Xiao Jinyu's comfort, and strode into Xiyun Pavilion.

In Xiao Jinyu's eyes, it was an expression of sadness. He decided to behave himself recently and not make the prince's brother angry.

Vegetables tend to get cold in winter, and Chunxi saw His Highness coming from a distance, so she put them in the pot to cook.

Xiao Jinyu called his sister-in-law, and asked someone to take him to see the little guy.

When he saw twelve ugly chickens and ducks in the chicken coop, he was in a bad mood.

Xiao Jinyu held his nose, no wonder the prince's brother was unhappy, who can stand this smell?
When Xiao Jinyu came back, the meals had already been served one after another, and he smelled the aroma as soon as he stepped on the threshold. He sat down at the dining table with a smile, looked at the four dishes and one soup in front of him, and praised: "The dinner is so rich."

There are not many meals in Xiyun Pavilion. Before Xiao Jinyan came, he had two dishes and one soup, but when he came, he had three dishes and one soup.

Now that King Yu came, he added a dish.

The prince usually eats six dishes and one soup, and anyone with a discerning eye knows whether it is rich or not.

Shen Chuwei looked at a prince and a prince in front of him, it was the prince who came to eat and dragged his family~

After the crown prince moved his chopsticks, Shen Chuwei started to eat with the rice.

Xiao Jinyu couldn't wait to put the food into his mouth, and found that the taste was very good, completely different from the food made by the imperial dining room.

The meals in the imperial dining room are fancy, unlike the four dishes and one soup in front of them, which look ordinary but taste very good.

No wonder the prince's elder brother wanted to come to Xiyun Pavilion for dinner. It turned out that the food was delicious.

There was the last chicken leg left on the plate, Xiao Jinyu stretched out his chopsticks to put it in his bowl, but Xiao Jinyan got there first.

He watched helplessly as the prince's elder brother put the chicken leg into Shen Chuwei's bowl.

When Shen Chuwei saw the chicken legs in the bowl, she frowned, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Xiao Jin said: "Eat more, I'm too thin."

Xiao Jinyu: "..." What about the person you agreed to not like?He felt like he ate a wave of dog food?
At the end of the meal, the dishes were gone, and the rice was gone.

The three of them stared at the empty dishes because none of them was full.

Xiao Jinyu was only half full, and he felt the need to remind, "Sister-in-law, next time you prepare an extra dish, look, the dish is gone."

"...the rice is gone." Shen Chuwei also only ate half full, who knew that there would be no more food if there was one more King Yu?

"Then what should I do? When I'm still growing, I won't grow if I don't eat enough." Xiao Jinyu said that he can still eat, and if possible, cook some more meals.

Shen Chuwei, "..." I'm still growing, did I say anything?
She looked at Xiao Jinyan and saw that he had put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Your Highness, are you full?"

"Yeah." Xiao Jinyan responded superficially, but in fact he wasn't full. Who knew Xiao Jinyu had such a big appetite?
"Okay then." Shen Chuwei originally thought that Xiao Jinyan didn't have enough to eat, so Chunxi could have a reason to make some more, but now there is no reason at all.

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Jinyu, "The dinner is over, why don't you go back?"

"Go back now." Xiao Jinyu put down his chopsticks reluctantly, and reminded Shen Chuwei before leaving, "Sister-in-law, prepare more meals next time."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Is this a catch-up?

After the meal, Chunxi brewed a new cup of tea and served it.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan drinking tea, she probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night if she wasn't full.

She suddenly thought of the most important thing, which is to practice calligraphy. She hasn't written a single word these days, so what if Xiao Jinyan said that she needs to check her homework?
Shen Chuwei decided to strike first, she stretched out her hand and tugged at Xiao Jinyan's sleeve, "Your Highness, will you teach me how to practice calligraphy later?"

I didn't expect to wear this set in ancient times, and I would use the modern set to divert the teacher's attention~
Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyes, and saw her looking at him expectantly. He hadn't taught her calligraphy for a few days, and he could teach her tonight.


Shen Chuwei laughed twice in his heart, this method is indeed applicable in both ancient and modern times.

After drinking tea, Shen Chuwei followed Xiao Jinyan to the back room.

There was a desk in the back room, and Shen Chuwei stepped forward to arrange the pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the pen on the desk, and asked Shen Chuwei: "Why don't you use the pen I gave you?"

The pen that Xiao Jinyan gave was put into the space by Shen Chuwei, and she dare not say that she was afraid that if it broke, she would not be able to pay for it.

"That is a pen that His Highness gave to my concubine. It is so precious that I am not willing to use it."

Shen Chuwei's voice was as sweet as fudge, Xiao Jinyan couldn't help but stare at her for a while after listening to it, "Keep it well, you should take it out and use it from time to time, call it a pen, of course it's the best for writing Suitable."

Shen Chu nodded obediently: "The concubine knows."

Xiao Jin said: "Come here, I will teach you how to practice calligraphy."

Shen Chuwei took two steps forward and stood beside Xiao Jinyan. Like last time, Xiao Jinyan taught her to write hand in hand.

It is undeniable that Xiao Jinyan is indeed a very strict teacher.

Shen Chuwei didn't know how many words she had written. She only knew that her hands were sore. The key point was that the prince hadn't stopped. It was like a teacher procrastinating and students looking forward to school.

As a teacher, Xiao Jinyan, once he got serious, he didn't realize that time was slipping through his fingers unknowingly.

He also forgot that Shen Chuwei wasn't him, how could he stand holding a pen and practicing calligraphy for a long time.

Until Shen Chuwei's hands were weak and his arms were sore, Xiao Jinyan's cold voice came from above his head: "I will finish writing today."

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over, and if she continued to practice, she would be useless.

Xiao Jin said: "Let them prepare hot water, I want to take a bath."

(End of this chapter)

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