Chapter 119 Seeing What You Shouldn't See

"The concubine will go." Shen Chuwei put down the pen in his hand, turned around, opened the curtain and walked out.

Chun Xi has been guarding the door.

"Chunxi, ask them to prepare hot water, Your Highness wants to take a bath." After finishing speaking, Shen Chuwei approached Chunxi and laughed in Chunxi's ear, "I'm hungry, bring some pastries."

Chunxi said solemnly: "My lord, it's so late, Your Highness is not allowed to eat cakes."

Shen Chu tapped Chun Xi's forehead slightly: "Are you my maidservant or Xiao Jinyan's maidservant? Do you know that your little master is starving to death?"

Chunxi said "bah" three times, "My lord, you can't say dead words indiscriminately, it's unlucky."

Shen Chuwei doesn't care about auspiciousness or bad luck now, she is already hungry now.

"Okay, okay, go get me something to eat, or I won't be able to sleep tonight."

"I'll get it now, servant girl." Chunxi ran out all the way, and after ordering the little rabbit to prepare hot water, she went into the small kitchen to get pastries.

After entering the small kitchen, I realized that the last pastry of the day had already been eaten by the little master in the afternoon.

She stared at the small kitchen for a while, and could only make some food now.

After the hot water was ready, Shen Chuwei stepped forward to undress Xiao Jinyan. In winter, the clothes he wore were thicker than usual, especially the outer robe, which was long and heavy.

After Shen Chuwei took it off, he hugged the outer robe and planned to put it on the hanger, but he stepped on the hem of the clothes, and his center of gravity was unstable, causing the whole person to fall to the ground.

Xiao Jinyan stretched out his arms quickly, and hugged her into his arms before she fell down.

Shen Chuwei instinctively stretched out her hands and grabbed at random, until she was hugged by someone, and she was relieved.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the air seemed to be frozen.

Shen Chuwei slowly opened his eyes, and saw a patch of white flowers pressing against her face, warm to the touch, and a strong heartbeat in her ears.

She froze for a moment, and realized that she was sticking to Xiao Jinyan's chest, and she just scratched and tore Xiao Jinyan's skirt.

She hurriedly backed away and saw a scar on the fair skin in front of her, which was right on her chest.

Due to an occupational disease, she stretched out her hand to caress the scar, and could clearly feel the uneven lines. Judging by the color of the scar, it should have been five or six years.

When the skirt was ripped open, Xiao Jinyan didn't notice it, because he was hugging Shen Chuwei, and he didn't realize it until a hand touched his chest, and subconsciously pushed Shen Chuwei away, pulled the skirt together and said, "Ben Gong Go take a shower."

After finishing speaking, he walked behind the screen with big strides.

Shen Chu was slightly stunned on the spot, she looked down at her hand, didn't she just touch it, the reaction was so big?
When I kissed his face, I never saw him so disgusted!

With doubts, she picked up the clothes that fell on the ground and hung them on the hangers.

I waited and waited, but I couldn't help feeling a little anxious when Chunxi didn't see the cakes.

Shen Chuwei listened to the sound of water, Xiao Jinyan was about to finish bathing, why hasn't Chunxi's pastry been delivered yet?
She also wanted to eat some while Xiao Jinyan was taking a bath. How could she have a chance to eat when he came out?
Until Xiao Jinyan came out after bathing, she didn't wait for Chunxi to bring in the cakes.

With the embarrassment of the scene just now, Shen Chuwei hugged her clothes and walked past Xiao Jinyan with her head down.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Shen Chu who lowered his head slightly and walked towards behind the screen. He grabbed the skirt of his clothes, and he could feel the scar on his chest through the clothes.

The water in the tub had been changed again, Shen Chuwei took off her clothes and stepped into the tub, feeling her empty stomach, did Chunxi forget to bring her pastries?

She sighed, it didn't feel good to be hungry.

Xiao Jinyan was sitting at the table with tea in front of him, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door, he glanced sideways at the screen, then stood up and went to the door.

As soon as the door opened, he saw a plate of pastries appearing in front of him, he reached out to catch it, and then heard Chunxi say: "My lord, there are no pastries today, so I can only make some rice crackers now, and you can eat some later."

Chunxi didn't know that the dim sum was being carried by His Royal Highness, so he closed the door after speaking.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the crispy rice on the plate, it was the first time he saw this kind of food, he turned around to the table with the snacks in his hand, and put the snacks on the table.

Shen Chuwei came out of the shower and saw that Xiao Jinyan hadn't gone to bed yet, so she asked suspiciously, "Your Highness, aren't you going to sleep?"

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the dim sum on the table and asked, "You asked Chunxi to bring this?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the table with doubts, and found that there was a plate of crispy rice on it. Her eyes lit up first, and then she was too embarrassed.

"The concubine was hungry, so I asked Chunxi to bring some pastries to fill my stomach."

Xiao Jinyan didn't say anything, "Eat, go to bed early after eating."

Shen Chuwei happily sat at the table when he heard the words, picked up a piece of rice crust, put it in his mouth and took a bite, it was crispy and delicious.

Crispy rice is made of glutinous rice, and then fried, very fragrant.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei eating, although it was not elegant and dignified, he found it pleasing to the eye.

Shen Chuwei noticed that Xiao Jinyan had been staring at her. Based on her understanding of Xiao Jinyan, if she ate another piece, she would probably be accused.

She simply turned passive into active, picked up a piece and handed it to Xiao Jinyan's mouth, "His Royal Highness, you can also eat a piece, it is very delicious."

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "I have already washed up."

"You can eat it after washing, at worst, wash it again later." Shen Chuwei said, handing the rice crust to his lips, motioning him to eat it.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the golden rice crust, opened his mouth and took a bite, it was crispy and delicious, indeed delicious.

Seeing that he had eaten, Shen Chuwei continued to eat with peace of mind.

After finishing a plate of golden crispy rice crust, Shen Chu showed a slightly satisfied expression.

Xiao Jinyan didn't have the habit of eating before going to bed. This was the second time he made an exception. He ate two pieces.

While sleeping on the bed, Shen Chuwei hugged the cat pillow and was about to close his eyes to sleep when Xiao Jinyan took the cat pillow away from him.

"Your Highness, why did you take the cat pillow away?"

Xiao Jinyan put the cat pillow on the bedside table, and said lightly: "It's too in the way."

"...But," she is used to hugging things to sleep, she can't do without a cat pillow, otherwise she will accidentally use Xiao Jinyan's arm as a pillow like last time~
Xiao Jin said, "Go to sleep."

Shen Chuwei felt uncomfortable with empty hands, but because there was no pillow in his arms, he closed his eyes for a while before falling asleep.

Qian Chengdian

Xiao Jinyu came out of the shower, and saw a person sitting in front of the table. The person was wearing plain clothes, with shawl and long hair casually scattered on his shoulders, with a simple and elegant hairpin on his temples. There was only a peach blossom hairpin on his temples.

Sitting there quietly, like an iceberg snow lotus.

He walked over in surprise, "Miss Han, why are you here?"

Han Yan raised her beautiful eyes, "This concubine is now a member of King Yu, so of course I am here to serve King Yu."

 Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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