Chapter 127

In the dark night sky, there are snowflakes.

The hand on the cheek moved gently, and the owner of the hand looked serious, which he had never seen on other women's faces.

Because of the height difference, Xiao Jinyan kept his head down, and his eyes naturally fell on the pink lips nearby, which was unavoidable.

The snowflakes as big as goose feathers were flowing freely, not easily passing the tip of her nose and landing on her lips.

He stretched out his hand and was about to wipe it off for her, but before his fingers touched his lips, he saw those tightly closed lips suddenly opened, and the snowflakes on his lips were eaten.

Shen Chuwei ate ice cold snowflakes and was so hungry that she wanted to eat strawberry ice cream when the next batch of strawberries were ripe.

Xiao Jinyan's eyes were a little hot, and even the cold wind that was coming towards him seemed to carry a little heat.

"Why do you want to eat snow? What if you have a stomachache?"

Shen Chu slightly frowned, "Don't worry, Your Highness, it's just a snowflake, and my concubine will be fine."

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal.

Shen Chuwei stared at the handsome face for a while with the help of the palace lantern, making sure that all the red spots were covered.

"Your Highness, all right."

Xiao Jinyan stood up straight, and the distance between the two became much farther in an instant.

The effect of the medicine came very quickly, but after a while, the reddened area healed.

"Let's go."

Shen Chuwei put away the cream, and followed Xiao Jinyan with two short legs.

When they arrived at Fengyi Palace, there were court ladies and eunuchs kneeling on the ground inside.

Three or four imperial doctors gathered around the bed and discussed while seeing the doctor, all of them looked nervous.

The emperor paced back and forth in front of the bed, his face very gloomy.

Xiao Jinyan stepped forward to salute, "Father, how is the mother?"

Shen Chu blessed Fushen slightly, and stood obediently behind Xiao Jinyan.

The emperor stopped and looked up at his son, "It's not clear yet, the imperial doctor is treating him."

"Your mother's face suddenly turned red for some reason, and she was a little frightened." The emperor said worriedly, looking at the empress on the bed, his eyes fell on the flushed cheeks, and his brows were tightly frowned.

The imperial doctor's diagnosis result has not yet come out, and Xiao Jinyan can't say for sure, so he can only wait.

The emperor waited for a long time and became impatient. He asked coldly, "Doctor, how is the queen's condition?"

The imperial doctor bowed and reported: "Going back to the emperor, the queen's face is only caused by the discomfort of the face powder. It will disappear after two days, and there is no serious problem. It's just..."

The emperor asked: "Just what?"

Xiao Jinyan looked up at the imperial doctor, frowning.

"Your Majesty, judging from the pulse condition, the empress has been poisoned by chronic poison." The imperial doctor said cautiously.

The queen just breathed a sigh of relief, when she heard that she was poisoned, she stared at the imperial doctor with wide eyes in fright.

Qingying personally supervises her basic necessities of life, food, housing and transportation, and there is no chance of poisoning her.

There are so many concubines in the Sangong and Sixth Courtyard, naturally there are not a few who want to be queens.

She frowned, thinking about who was more suspected of poisoning in the past six months.

The emperor was furious: "How could the queen be poisoned by chronic poison?"

"Back to the emperor, the empress has been suffering from this poison for half a year. Fortunately, she discovered it in time and found the antidote in time to detoxify it, and there will be no serious problem." said the imperial doctor.

The emperor said anxiously: "Then quickly prepare the antidote. If something happens to the queen, I only ask you."

"Your Majesty, what is in the queen is the toxin extracted from the pollen of Datura, which needs to be extracted from the rhizome of Datura as medicine to detoxify."

"Datura flowers grow in cold places, and they are extremely hard to find, and the journey back and forth will delay the best time for detoxification." After the imperial doctor finished speaking, he knelt down on the ground, his body trembling.

When the queen heard this, even though she didn't understand poison, she only felt a chill down her back when she heard it.

She hasn't had a grandson yet, she hasn't lived enough at a young age, she can't die.

The emperor coldly glanced at the court ladies and eunuchs kneeling on the ground, and his eyes fell on Qingying, the nurse in charge, "The queen has always been your personal servant. The queen has been poisoned by chronic poison, why didn't you know?"

"Your Majesty, this servant has been serving the Empress personally, and has not found anyone poisoning her. This servant deserves to die." Qingying prostrated herself on the ground.

Xiao Jinyan took a few steps forward and bowed his hands together: "Father, my son is willing to take people to look for Datura, and come back as quickly as possible."

When the queen heard this, she looked at the prince in disbelief, and she was stunned for a long time.

The emperor looked at the prince with some relief, and showed approval: "Then I will leave the search for the mandala to you, and you must come back as soon as possible."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "I obey."

After leaving Fengyi Palace, Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Liu Xi, ask King Yu to come see me."

"Here." Liu Xi quickly walked towards Qiancheng Hall.

Shen Chuwei grabbed the small handkerchief, looked up at Xiao Jinyan secretly, and could see that he was very anxious and worried about the Queen's condition.

Datura may have been extremely rare in ancient times, but it is not a rare species in modern times.

Coincidentally, there are some datura seeds in her space.

Even more coincidentally, when she was planting chrysanthemums a few months ago, she accidentally sprinkled two chrysanthemums, which had grown more than 20 centimeters by now.

Xiao Jinyan turned his head to look at Shen Chuwei. Fortunately, he took her to visit the queen mother today to pay her respects, otherwise it would not be so easy to find out that the queen mother was suffering from chronic poison.

And that packet of savory powder.

He smeared the incense powder on his younger brother Xiao Jinyu, because the younger brother and the queen mother are very close, so it is easy to get the incense powder.

The redness of the face will appear after the mother.

"Fortunately, you discovered it in time, otherwise the queen mother's life would be in danger."

Shen Chuwei said: "Your Highness, I'm honored. The concubine just happened to hear about it. It's still smart for His Highness to send the imperial doctor to treat the Empress so quickly."

Xiao Jinyan smiled lightly. He had seen Shen Chuwei's weak-mouthed skills before, and he was not disgusted with the blind flattery that was different from others.

Not long after entering the East Palace, they came to a fork in the road, one leading to Xiyun Pavilion, and the other leading to the Prince's bedroom.

Xiao Jinyan stopped, turned to face Shen Chuwei, saw a lot of snowflakes on her black hair, he reached out to put on the fox fur hat for her.

"You go back to rest first, I have to deal with things."

After Xiao Jinyan finished speaking, he walked towards the bedroom. As soon as he sold his feet, his sleeve was grabbed by someone. He looked back at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, "Xiao Jiu, is there anything else?"

"Your Highness, I want to show you something." Shen Chuwei hesitated before because he didn't know how to explain the origin of the mandala.In fact, even if there is no mandala, the spiritual spring water can cure all kinds of poisons, but it is difficult to explain the origin of the spiritual spring.

Xiao Jinyan asked, "What are you looking at?"

Shen Chuwei put it off first, "Your Highness will know when he comes with his concubines."

Xiao Jinyan hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Shen Chuwei took Xiao Jinyan back to Xiyun Pavilion, carrying a lantern, and walked towards the backyard.

Xiyun Pavilion was originally a remote Nuan Pavilion, covering a large area, with a bamboo forest deep in the backyard.

There is a rockery next to the bamboo forest, and no one usually comes here, let alone palace lanterns, and there are no stones to illuminate it.

(End of this chapter)

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