Chapter 128
The two of them came to the entrance of the rockery with the faint light of the lantern.

Shen Chuwei stopped and said to Xiao Jin who was behind him: "Your Highness, please wait here for a while, the concubine will go in and take out the things."

Shen Chuwei turned around to go in, but Xiao Jinyan grabbed his wrist, "It's so dark here that I can't even see the road, what if I fall?"

Shen Chuwei showed Xiao Jinyan a comforting smile, although it was dark and Xiao Jinyan couldn't see.

"Your Highness, the things are on the side, so they won't fall."

Xiao Jinyan still hesitated, "I will accompany you in to have a look."

"Your Highness, the entrance to the rockery is small, and two people can't get in. Just wait."

As Shen Chuwei said, she walked in with the lantern in her hand, but she arrived within three steps. She bent down and lifted the flower pot with one hand, turned around and walked out.

Xiao Jinyan stood guard at the entrance, looking inside from time to time, but nothing was seen.

It wasn't until a petite figure came out of the rockery that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Chuwei walked over happily, "Your Highness, it has been taken out."

"My palace is here."

Shen Chuwei was also polite, allowing Xiao Jinyan to reach out and take the things in her hands.

The two returned the same way.

When he returned to the back room, Xiao Jinyan saw clearly that the thing he was carrying in his hand was a flower pot, in which white chrysanthemums were planted, and he frowned.

White chrysanthemums are forbidden to be planted in the inner courtyard of the palace, and white chrysanthemums can only appear during funerals.

Now that the New Year is approaching, white chrysanthemums are even more taboo.

Shen Chuwei explained: "Your Highness, I didn't know it was white when I planted it, but I found it was white when it bloomed, so Chunxi put it in the rockery."

Xiao Jinyan looked up at Shen Chuwei, knowing that she had done it unintentionally, "I know, the white chrysanthemum is ruined."

Shen Chuwei pointed to the unbloomed mandala under the chrysanthemum and showed him, "Your Highness, look at this."

Xiao Jinyan looked in the direction of Shen Chuwei's finger, and saw a very green plant with leaves that were very similar in shape to a mandala. He looked at Shen Chuwei in surprise, "This is..."

Shen Chuwei said: "Your Highness, this is a mandala."

Surprise flashed across Xiao Jinyan's cold eyes, the queen mother was saved.

He stared at the mandala for a long time in disbelief, "Xiao Jiu, how did you get it?"

Shen Chuwei began to talk nonsense, "I originally wanted to grow chrysanthemums, but I didn't expect the chrysanthemums to contain mandalas. Because they are poisonous, I asked Chunxi to put them in the rockery together."

This time, it once again proved that Shen Chuwei was his lucky star. What kind of luck is it that he can get the mandala to save his mother without going out?
"Xiao Jiu, you have helped me a lot this time, and the queen mother has been saved."

Shen Chuwei frowned, "It's my honor to be able to help His Highness."

Xiao Jinyan felt lucky to have Shen Chuwei.

"However, I still have to go out tomorrow, otherwise the origin of the mandala is unknown, and the emperor will be suspicious."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "I understand, I only told His Highness, and never mentioned it to anyone else."

Xiao Jinyan showed approving eyes, "You are right, if others know that you have a mandala here, I am afraid they will be framed as poisoners."

"In this palace, there are murderous intentions hidden everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be trapped in prison and your life will be lost." When Xiao Jinyan said this, he deliberately emphasized his tone, just to let Shen Chuwei know that within the palace, Be careful.

Shen Chu responded obediently: "The concubine knows."

Xiao Jinyan left Xiyun Pavilion with Mandala and returned to the bedroom.

Xiao Jinyu was already waiting in the study room, when he saw Xiao Jinyan push the door in, he raised his folding fan to cover his face.

"Brother, why are you calling me in such a hurry?"

"Of course there is something important." Xiao Jinyan untied the fox fur and let Liu Xi hold it. He walked to the desk and sat down.

After putting away the fox fur, Liu Xi turned to make tea.

After a while, two cups of hot tea were brought up and placed in front of the Prince and King Yu respectively.

Xiao Jinyan picked up the teacup and took two sips of tea before saying: "The queen mother has been poisoned by chronic poison."

"What?" Xiao Jinyu didn't care about the red face when he heard the words, stood up abruptly, and said in disbelief: "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Seeing Xiao Jinyu's red face, Xiao Jinyan knew that it was because of the incense powder. He was in a hurry when he came back just now, and forgot to ask Shen Chuwei for some cream.

Fortunately, it was not a big problem, and it subsided automatically after two days.

He knowingly asked, "Your face?"

Xiao Jinyu couldn't care about his own face at this moment, "My face is fine, tell me what's wrong with the queen mother?"

Xiao Jin said: "The queen mother was poisoned chronically. Fortunately, it was discovered in time. Tomorrow, the Japanese palace will go out to find medicinal materials."

"Why didn't I hear any news? I'm going to see the queen mother." Xiao Jinyu panicked at this moment, put away the folding fan and rushed out, and Xiao Jinyan pressed his shoulder.

"Don't panic, the queen mother was afraid that you would worry, so no one told you, it's useless for you to go now."

Xiao Jinyu was even more worried when he heard the words, and felt a little guilty.

"Then I can't stop visiting the queen mother?"

Xiao Jinyan paused and said, "The most important thing now is to catch the poisoner."

Xiao Jinyu paused when he heard the words, "Brother is right, so where should we start?"

Xiao Jin said: "Come closer."

Xiao Jinyu leaned over obediently.

Xiao Jinyan ordered a few words in a low voice.

Xiao Jinyu looked at his brother adoringly, "Brother, I remember."

After Xiao Jinyu left, Xiao Jinyan sent an order to leave tomorrow.

When Xiao Jinyu stepped into her bedroom, she saw Miss Han sitting at the table drinking tea, as if she was waiting for him.

He hurriedly opened the folding fan to cover his red face.

"Miss Han, why are you here again?"

Han Yan put down the teacup in his hand, looked up at Xiao Jinyu, with a cold tenderness between his brows: "I came to see King Yu to rest."

"The king is planning to rest." Xiao Jinyu walked to the round table and sat down, facing Miss Han.

Han Yan stared at Xiao Jinyu for a while, seeing him holding his fan all the time, she asked curiously, "Why does King Yu hide his face?"

Xiao Jinyu smiled awkwardly, "I'm not feeling well, and it's not suitable for me to show my face for the time being."

Han Yan stood up, came to Xiao Jinyu, and said in a gentle voice: "The concubine is waiting for King Yu to undress."

Xiao Jinyu directly refused: "No need, the king can come by himself."

Han Yan paused her hands in the air, and said sadly, "Does King Yu despise me?"

Xiao Jinyu couldn't take care of the red face when he heard the words, and hurriedly comforted him: "No, Miss Han, don't think too much about it."

After the fan was put down, Han Yan saw Xiao Jinyu's red face, and reached out to touch the red face with doubts, "Why is King Yu's face so red?"

Xiao Jinyu felt the cold fingers on his cheeks, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, probably because his cheeks were a little hot.

"It's okay to blow the cold wind for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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