Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 132 Mistake Your Highness as Chun Xi in the Bath

Chapter 132 Mistake Your Highness as Chun Xi in the Bath

Xiao Jinyan originally wanted to escape, but as soon as he escaped, Concubine Xu touched the teacup in his hand, and the hot tea splashed all over her.

He ordered: "Liu Xi, send the imperial doctor quickly."

"Your Highness, it hurts so much." Concubine Xu burst into tears of pain.

Xiao Jinyan couldn't say anything, so he ordered the maidservant to bring cold water to give Concubine Xu a cold compress.

Soon, the imperial doctor rushed over and gave Concubine Xu a diagnosis and treatment.

"Will there be scars?" Girls are most concerned about their face and skin, and if there are scars, there is no place to cry.

The imperial doctor said: "Don't worry, side concubine Xu, it's just a burn, and applying ointment won't leave a scar."

Only then did Concubine Xu heaved a sigh of relief, but the tears never stopped.

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Liu Xi, send Concubine Xu back to recuperate."


After Liu Xi sent Concubine Xu back, Xiao Jin asked him to find some gold and silver jewelry in the warehouse as compensation.

Liu Xi went to Yixiang Hall with a smile.

"Second Concubine Xu, His Highness personally selected these to reward Concubine Xu."

Concubine Xu felt better when she heard the words. She looked at the things His Highness rewarded, all of which were gold and silver jewellery, and among them was a pair of bracelets with a familiar style.

Thinking about it carefully, he remembered that on Chang Liangdi's birthday, His Highness gave him a similar bracelet.

The bracelet is estimated to be made by a master.

Your Highness is clearly trying to perfunctory her!
The next day, Concubine Xu went to Xiyun Pavilion to complain in dissatisfaction.

"Your Highness is really careless. My hands are burning red, and I actually reward some gold and silver jewelry."

Shen Chuwei was drinking tea and kneading melon seeds. Seeing Concubine Xu getting so angry, she took the initiative to give her a handful of melon seeds, "Women can't be angry, it's not good for your health, and if you get angry in your heart, it will cause various diseases."

Concubine Xu clenched the melon seeds in her hand, and ate a melon seed resentfully, "I don't want to be angry, but Your Highness is too inattentive, I haven't slept with you once."

Shen Chu licked melon seeds for a moment, a little unbelievable that Concubine Xu didn't go to bed~

Although side concubine Xu does not have the support of the queen, her natal family is powerful.The emperor valued military generals, and one Xu family had three generals, so speaking in the court was still very important.

That's why side concubine Xu was originally Liang Yuan, but her posture was even more attractive than that of Liang Di!
Shen Chuwei originally wanted to comfort her that she didn't go to bed, but thinking of Xiao Jinyan's stay in Xiyun Pavilion n times, especially the first two times, she deliberately made the illusion that she was being tortured in various ways.

If she denies it, won't it be the same as dismantling Xiao Jinyan's platform?
She sighed, and stuffed another handful of melon seeds to Concubine Xu as a sign of comfort.

"I'm not angry. Di Chang Liangdi hasn't gone to bed yet. Why should I be angry? Chang Liangdi should be the one who should be angry. So what if she has the empress's backing? Your Highness won't stay in her palace. If you have the ability to pull your highness down Go over!" After Xu Fangfei finished speaking, she continued to eat melon seeds, feeling a little better in her heart.

Shen Chu's movement of nibbling melon seeds paused again, and Chang Liangdi didn't go to many women in the East Palace didn't go to bed?
"Chang Liangdi and His Highness are high-spirited, and it's difficult to pull His Highness over." Shen Chu kowtowed the melon seeds, chatting gossip, quite carefree.

"Chang Liangdi is just holding it. Anyway, I don't like her mannerisms. If there is no Queen Empress, she is nothing." Concubine Xu looked disdainful.

Shen Chuwei sighed helplessly, they were bystanders, while Xiao Jinyan and Chang Liangdi were fans of the authorities!

"Don't tell me, every time I get angry, I feel severe chest tightness and discomfort," said Concubine Xu.

"When you don't care, you will find that whoever your Highness loves can't disturb your emotions. If you have nothing to do, you can eat sunflower seeds, read books, cultivate your morality, and your body will heal naturally." Shen Chuwei's occupational disease, by the way, acts as an emotional master.

"Eating melon seeds is my thing, but I can't read books. It's not interesting." Concubine Xu had a headache.

Shen Chuwei turned around and took out a romance novel about the domineering president falling in love with me from the drawer, and handed it to Concubine Xu, "Look at this, I guarantee you can read it."

"Really?" Concubine Xu opened it curiously and glanced at it. The beginning was so explosive, she hurriedly closed the book, and asked with a flushed face, "Can I read this book?"

Shen Chuwei said in the tone of someone who came here: "Don't be intimidated by the beginning, after you read the first page, you will be unable to stop."

I think the domineering CEO article that started with One Night Q back then was very popular.

She leaned closer and whispered, "It's suitable for watching under the covers at night."

Concubine Xu looked surprised, "So amazing?"

Shen Chuwei said confidently: "It's just so magical."

Concubine Xu finished eating melon seeds, and left Xiyun Pavilion with the book that the domineering president fell in love with me.

Tao Chenghui saw Concubine Xu coming out of Xiyun Pavilion from a distance, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, didn't Concubine Xu always dislike being close to others?Why do you always go to Xiyun Pavilion?

Tao Chenghui entered Xiyun Pavilion suspiciously, and saw Shen Chuwei drinking tea.

Tao Chenghui stepped forward and blessed Fushen, "Sister Shen, how did the fruit wine taste last time? I think it tastes good, I'll bring some over tomorrow."

"The fruit wine is delicious, but it has a bit of stamina." Shen Chuwei still couldn't remember what happened the night after drinking the fragment, which made Xiao Jinyan feel that she was brave.

But she didn't worry about that day, she forgot it and forgot it.

"It's true that fruit wine has more stamina, but you won't get drunk after drinking two or three glasses." Tao Chenghui sat down with his skirt lifted.

"That's because I drank too much." She drank more than six glasses that night, no wonder it broke~

"Then I'll send some over tomorrow." Tao Chenghui said and asked curiously: "Has Concubine Xu changed her temper? I think she has been coming to Xiyun Pavilion more often these two days. I saw her very happy on the way here just now." .”

"Xu Concubine's hand was burned, so she came to me for comfort. I ate melon seeds with her for a while, and I lent her a book to relieve boredom." Shen Chuwei said calmly.

"I heard that Concubine Xu doesn't like to read the books of those literati, why is she suddenly interested?" Tao Chenghui felt strange.

Shen Chuwei chuckled twice, "Actually, it's just a storybook."

Tao Chenghui became interested, "Really? Is there any sister Shen? I also want to see it to relieve boredom."

"Of course there is." Shen Chuwei took out another copy from the drawer and gave it to Tao Chenghui, "The same type of book."

Tao Chenghui took it over and took a look at it. It was completely different from the book she had read. Because of this, he was more interested in reading it.

Xiao Jinyan didn't come for dinner for three consecutive nights.

Chunxi comforted: "My lord, Your Highness has been busy recently, so I didn't come here."

Shen Chu touched his stomach slightly: "I want to eat strawberry ice cream."

Chunxi: "..." She should have thought that eating was on her mind.

After Shen Chuwei ate a bowl of strawberry ice cream, she went to take a bath to get ready for bed.

When Xiao Jinyan came here before, Liu Xi would howl, and Chun Xi would report in advance.

Now that Xiao Jinyan came here often, Liu Xi stopped howling, and Chun Xi stopped talking.

After Xiao Jinyan came in, he knew that Shen Chuwei was taking a bath when he heard the splashing water.

Shen Chuwei was about to get up, but found that she didn't take her bellyband, so she howled at the screen, "Chunxi, I forgot my bellyband, please get it for me."

 Good evening, babies!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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