Chapter 133 I've Been Seen Now

As soon as Xiao Jinyan sat down, he heard Shen Chu's howling voice behind the screen. It was much louder than usual, and his voice was still as soft as cotton candy.

Because it wasn't him who called, Xiao Jinyan sat still, picked up a book on the low table and read it.

Just as Chunxi closed the door and was about to leave, when she heard her little master calling her, she subconsciously turned around and wanted to go in, she held the doorknob and was about to push it open, when she suddenly stopped.

If His Highness is inside, he will definitely help the little master get it. Wouldn't she become a light bulb when she goes in!
Shen Chuwei told Chunxi about the meaning of light bulbs, and learning and using them flexibly is her forte as a maid.

Chunxi chuckled twice, turned and left.

The room was quiet, and the sound of splashing water seemed to be right next to his ears, making Xiao Jinyan inattentive to read.

Shen Chu washed slightly for a while, but she didn't see Chunxi bring her bellyband. She looked at the entrance of the screen and called again in doubt: "Chunxi, why haven't you brought your bellyband yet?"

Xiao Jinyan's eyes paused, and he raised his eyes to look in the direction of the door. Chunxi didn't come in. He looked in the direction of the screen again, and there was no sound of water.

He hesitated for a while, put down the books in his hand, stood up and went to the closet, searched for a while, but couldn't find the bellyband, and couldn't help frowning.

Where is the belly bag?
Xiao Jinyan simply opened all the wardrobes and looked for them one by one, but there were not many clothes inside.

Finally found the apron in the corner, red, pink and plain.

He picked up the lotus root pink bellyband, turned and walked towards the screen.

But a few steps away, it's here in a blink of an eye.

Shen Chuwei waited for a while, but didn't see Chunxi bring her apron, so she didn't wait any longer, as the water was cold and she would catch a cold if she waited any longer.

She supported the bathtub and stood up slowly, she saw a moon-white skirt out of the corner of her eye, and when she looked up, she saw Xiao Jinyan's slender figure walking towards the bathtub.

With a "plop", she suddenly sat back in the bathtub, only her head was exposed on the water, her hands subconsciously protected the area below her neck, and the water splashed her mouth and face.

Xiao Jinyan paused, and a white figure flashed in front of him. Before he could take a closer look, he submerged into the water, like a frightened deer.

Her petite body shrunk in the water, only her delicate face was exposed, and it was flushed like a ripe apple.

Shen Chu was slightly shy and embarrassed, she squatted down so fast just now, Xiao Jinyan must have missed it.

The water is so deep and the lights are so dim, even if the speed is slower and Xiao Jinyan's eyes are sharper, he still can't see clearly.

Shen Chuwei comforted himself for a while, then looked at the slender figure, and finally landed on his beautiful hand, which was holding a lotus root pink dress, which was her apron, because it was The belt is hanging in the air~
There was an awkward and ambiguous atmosphere in the air.

Shen Chu blushed slightly to break the damn embarrassing atmosphere, "When did His Highness come?"

"Just here." Xiao Jinyan took a few steps forward, put the apron in his hand on the pile of clothes, and looked at Shen Chuwei in the bathtub. She was wearing a hat on her head, and her waist-length hair was gathered in it , revealing a white neck.

Shen Chuwei's skin was better than snow, and his body was a little fairer than his face.

"There's something to cover, sooner or later I will see it." Xiao Jin said in a calm tone.

The implication was that it was only a matter of time before Shen Chuwei could not escape.

Of course Shen Chuwei understood, but he had nothing to refute. Who made him the prince?

She raised her chin, "Who let His Highness walk in without a sound, and frightened this concubine."

"So timid?" Xiao Jinyan leaned over and put his hands into the water, Shen Chu shrank his neck slightly in fright, lowered his back to the bathtub, there was no way to retreat, no way to hide.

Shen Chuwei's little actions fell into Xiao Jinyan's eyes. After testing the water temperature, he stood up straight and reminded: "The water is already cold, get up quickly, so as not to catch a cold."

"Understood, Your Highness." Shen Chuwei sat without moving, her wet eyes kept staring at Xiao Jinyan, if you don't leave, how can I get up?

Xiao Jinyan stared at Shen Chuwei for a while, then turned and left.

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and when Xiao Jinyan's figure disappeared behind the screen, she hurried out of the bathtub, picked up a towel to wipe off the water droplets on her body, and then put on her clothes neatly.

During the whole process, I was worried, afraid that Xiao Jinyan would come back suddenly.

Fortunately, Xiao Jin said that she is a gentleman. After she got dressed, she took off the shower cap, and her jet-black hair fell down.

Shen Chuwei packed up and came out from behind the screen. Seeing Xiao Jinyan standing in front of the bed, she thought she was going to rest, so she took the initiative to undress him.

Just like doing homework before going to bed, I got used to it.

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyes and saw Shen Chu's reddish little face, lifted her chin with his slender fingers, and saw those wet eyes, the long eyebrows were wet with water, and looked a little pitiful.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan suspiciously, what's so good about seeing her face every other day?

What is Xiao Jinyan trying to do?
Just when Shen Chuwei couldn't bear Xiao Jinyan's oppressive eyes, Xiao Jinyan said quietly: "Didn't you say you want to be a princess? How can you be a princess with such courage?"

"The concubine is just joking, the crown princess is one in a million, how can it be so easy to be." Who doesn't know that the position of the crown princess has already been determined by default?

She has no power, no background, and no support from her natal family, so the title of princess cannot fall on her head.

"It's good that you know." Xiao Jinyan just wanted to let Shen Chuwei know that the road to being a princess is a bit difficult, and it takes hard work!
"The concubine knows it all the time, and I never dare to forget it." Shen Chuwei almost raised his hand and swore that he would never miss the position of the crown princess. You and the queen should rest assured.

Xiao Jinyan nodded in satisfaction, "Continue to undress Ben Gong."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei quickly took off Xiao Jinyan's clothes.

After Xiao Jinyan went to bed, Shen Chuwei slipped on the bed, and when she put her feet in, she found that Mrs. Tang was unprepared, so she sat up and crawled out again.

Xiao Jinyan watched her crawling around like a cat, "What are you doing?"

"The concubine asked Chunxi to prepare a soup lady."

Xiao Jinyan reminded: "Chun Xi is not outside."

The two voices that Shen Chu howled just now knew that Chunxi was not outside.

Shen Chuwei paused when she got out of bed, how could she have forgotten, that girl Chunxi said that when Xiao Jinyan came to stay overnight, she hid far away, not to be a light bulb, nor to listen to the corner of the wall, because she was still young...

These are all the words she said, okay, they were all picked up by that girl Chunxi to learn and use them.

With Chunxi not around, Shen Chuwei had no choice but to return to the bed, without Mrs. Tang, she could only hold on.

Xiao Jinyan knew the usefulness of Mrs. Tang, so he turned his head to look at Shen Chuwei, "Put your feet beside me."



Babies, I changed the cover again, and changed to a more cute style cover!
(End of this chapter)

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