Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 146 Ben Gong died young, Xiao 9 should take full responsibility

Chapter 146 Ben Gong died young, Xiao Jiu should take full responsibility
As soon as Shen Chuwei sent Tao Chenghui and the others away, he saw a snow-white figure running quickly from outside, leaving a row of cat paw prints in the snow behind him.

When it got closer, Xue Tuan slowed down his running pace.

When Xuetuan wanted to jump into her arms, Shen Chuwei saw Xuetuan's purpose and turned sideways to hide.

Xuetuan flew into the air, looked up at Shen Chuwei, and called out very aggrieved, "Meow"

Shen Chuwei squatted down, took a clean cloth, and said to Xue Tuan: "Lift up your feet, and I'll wipe them for you."

Xue Tuan seemed to understand, and obediently raised his forelegs, the snow-white fluff was covered with rain and snow.

Shen Chuwei found that Xuetuan liked to be clean. The prince's bedroom was a long way from Xiyun Pavilion. Apart from rain and snow, there was no mud, water or dirt on his paws.

After wiping his limbs, Shen Chuwei picked up the snow ball and sat on the couch.

Xuetuan burrowed into Shen Chuwei's arms aggrieved, and called out in a low voice: "Meow"

Shen Chuwei found that something was wrong with Xuetuan today, she rubbed its furry head, "What's wrong today? Did someone bully you?"

"Meow..." Xuetuan raised his head and looked at Shen Chuwei, as if looking for comfort in her eyes.

Shen Chuwei is not good at comforting people, she will eat when she is upset, and once she eats, she will relieve all her worries.

She took out one, no, two ham sausages from the space, and tore open the package.

When Xuetuan saw the ham sausage, his eyes glowed green, he opened his mouth and took a bite, eating leisurely.

Shen Chuwei looked at the snow ball eating with relish, look, there is nothing that one ham can't solve, if not, then two.

Xiao Jinyan opened the curtain and came in. When he saw a person and a cat on the couch, he knew that Xue Tuan would only come to Xiyun Pavilion.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan coming, Shen Chuwei stood up holding the snow ball and blessed her body: "Your Highness."

Seeing Xiao Jinyan coming, Xue Tuan turned away from looking at him, and continued eating the remaining ham sausage.

Needless to say, Xue Tuan was angry.

Shen Chuwei didn't know what happened, and asked Xiao Jinyan suspiciously, "Your Highness, did someone bully Xuetuan? It was wronged when it came."

Xiao Jinyan came over: "I misunderstood it."

Xuetuan still turned her head away from him.

Shen Chuwei asked casually, "What's the matter?"



Shen Chu looked down at Xuetuan slightly, thinking that there was nothing Xuetuan could be wronged like this?
Look at Xuetuan, those who are wronged will ignore you.

Xiao Jinyan listened, and looked at Xue Tuan, turning his head away from himself at this moment, he was really angry.

He looked back at Shen Chuwei, and said calmly, "On the eighth day of the first lunar month, I will accompany my mother to the White Horse Temple to offer incense."

Shen Chuwei listened, but did not speak, because she was not interested in offering incense.

Xiao Jinyan waited for a while, seeing that Shen Chuwei didn't respond, "You don't want to go?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Your Highness will accompany the empress, and the concubines will not join in the fun."

Xiao Jinyan added after hearing the words, "Chang Liangdi is going too."

When Shen Chuwei heard the word Chang Liangdi, she immediately understood that Xiao Jinyan and Chang Liangdi were in a cold war, both of them were cold and arrogant, and neither of them bowed their heads.

So at this time, she is needed as a tool person to reconcile the relationship between the two.

It's really not easy to be Xiao Jinyan's concubine.

Xiao Jinyan's eyes froze when Shen Chuwei's brain supplements reached Xiao Jinyan's ears. How long has it been, and is she still brain teasing?

Didn't he make it clear enough?
Why put him and Chang Liangdi together to make up the plot?
Shen Chuwei asked: "Does Your Highness want the concubine to follow?"

If you are going to a banquet, it doesn't matter if you are a light bulb. Anyway, there is food and it is worth it.

It is tiring to run back and forth to the temple, and it is not worthwhile to be a light bulb.

In the past, Xiao Jinyan didn't understand the meaning of light bulbs, but after listening to the plot in Shen Chuwei's mind, he guessed the meaning of light bulbs.

After Xiao Jinyan heard this, his blood pressure skyrocketed. He clenched the teacup in his hand, gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you think?"

Shen Chu lowered his eyes slightly, with a very obedient look, "The concubine listens to His Highness."

Xiao Jinyan explained: "It's the empress mother who insists on taking Chang Liangdi with her, not my wish."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "The concubine understands that His Highness doesn't want to be with Chang Liangdi."

After hearing this, Xiao Jinyan nodded in satisfaction, finally clearing up the misunderstanding.

But in the next second, Shen Chuwei said in his heart that when couples are in a cold war, they are always stubborn. On the surface they say they don't want it, but in their hearts they are willing.

I have seen many plots in this novel.

Xiao Jinyan was almost angry, and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He raised his eyes and looked at Shen Chuwei, who was obedient on the surface, who could know that she was thinking something messy in her heart.

Xiao Jin stood up angrily, opened the curtain and wanted to go out, just as she opened the curtain, she heard Shen Chuwei say in her heart, Your Highness has figured it out?

Xiao Jinyan held the door curtain tightly, turned to look at Shen Chuwei, "You, go with me."

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.

He was afraid that he would die of anger if he heard Shen Chuwei's innermost thoughts again.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan's leaving back with a puzzled expression, why are you so angry?
Xiao Jinyan didn't expect to hear Shen Chuwei's inner thoughts when he came out, why am I angry?Don't you know best?
In the eyes of Xiao Jinyan, these misunderstandings were nothing more than a trivial matter. Whether others misunderstood or were curious, he didn't care.

I didn't expect that one day, I would be stunned because of this incident.

On the eighth day of the eighth day, the wind was sunny and sunny.

Shen Chuwei hugged the snow ball, followed behind Xiao Jinyan, walked side by side with Chang Liangdi, and walked towards the luxurious phoenix chariot not far away.

Xuetuan was probably the most angry this time, so he didn't go back to the prince's bedroom for two days, and stayed in Xiyun Pavilion.

The empress's phoenix chariot is very spacious and luxurious, and the four people sitting in it are not crowded at all.

With the support of Aunt Qingying, the Empress got on the phoenix chariot and sat in the middle position.

According to the rules, Xiao Jinyan wanted to go up first, but when he saw Shen Chuwei and Chang Liangdi behind him, he changed his mind.

He looked at Chang Liangdi, "Chang Liangdi, you go first."

"Yes, Your Highness." Chang Liangdi blessed her body, and with the support of Aunt Qingying, she got on the phoenix chariot.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei, and stretched out his hand, "Shen Liangdi, you go up first, too."

"Yes, Your Highness." Shen Chuwei embraced Xue Tuan, saw the beautiful hand in front of him, raised his hand to put it on the big hand, and stepped on the horse stool to get on the phoenix chariot.

After entering the phoenix chariot, Shen Chuwei saw the empress sitting in the middle, and Chang Liangdi sitting on the right of the empress.

Almost without thinking, she sat on the left side, because Chang Liangdi deliberately left a place between Xiao Jinyan and the queen.

The queen took a look at Shen Liangdi, and her opinion of her changed a little, not only because of her good cooking skills, but also because of the scene at the family banquet on New Year's Eve, if it wasn't for her, it would be the prince who had the accident.



Xiao Jinyan: If I die young, you will be fully responsible.

This time when I went to the White Horse Temple, Xiao Jinyan said that he would make a big move!
Shen Chuwei trembled!
 Four chapters have been updated today, [-] words, and there are more updates!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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