Chapter 147 Caught Eating Instant Noodles!

After Xiao Jinyan went in, he took a look at the situation inside, and sat down beside Shen Chuwei.

The three people in the phoenix chariot all looked at Xiao Jinyan.

The queen frowned slightly, and glanced at the seat next to Chang Liangdi, is there not enough space for you to sit in?
Xiao Jin said: "..." That's enough, I just don't want to.

Chang Liangdi looked at Xiao Jinyan sitting next to Shen Chuwei, on the surface she was gentle and generous, but she felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She reserved a seat on purpose, but His Highness turned a blind eye?
Looking at Shen Chuwei holding the snow ball again, the snow ball changed from its normal docileness, as if Shen Chuwei was its master.

Xiao Jinyan directly ignored Chang Liangdi's complaints.

Shen Chuwei hugged Xue Tuan, treating herself as a transparent person, but Xiao Jinyan sitting beside her immediately made her transparent person look extremely eye-catching as if she was wrapped in highlights.

She could feel the gazes from the queen and Chang Liangdi, as if they wanted to eat her.

She wailed in her heart, it's so difficult to be the prince's concubine! ! !
Xiao Jinyan: "..." What's wrong with you?How have I been arranged by you?
The phoenix chariot drove for a while, and it was quiet inside, only the sound of the wheels of the phoenix chariot was heard.

The queen looked at the cat in Shen Chuwei's arms, seeing that it was very similar to the prince's pet, and her tone was puzzled: "The cat in Shen Liangdi's arms is very similar to the prince's pet Snow Ball."

Shen Chuwei replied respectfully: "Go back to empress, this is His Highness's pet snow ball."

The queen's eyes flashed with surprise when she heard the words, this is actually a snow ball?
The first time the queen saw the snow ball was five years ago, when Xiao Jinyan brought it back with him.

Xiao Jinyu was only 11 years old at that time, and he knew that he had a brother who was far away in another country since he was a child.

I was so happy to hear that my brother was coming back.

When he saw the snow ball in Xiao Jinyan's arms, he wanted to hug it and play for a while.

Unexpectedly, the originally docile cat suddenly scratched Xiao Jinyu with its teeth and claws.

She was so distressed at the time, since she wanted to vent to Xue Tuan.

It's just that before she got close, Xue Tuan rushed towards her.

If Xiao Jinyan hadn't hugged Xuetuan in time, she would have been scratched by Xuetuan at that time.

Later, Xiao Jinyu recovered from his injury and came to her and said, "My brother's cat is born, so I can only hold it in my brother's arms, and no one else can."

"It's because I like Xuetuan so much, I hugged it without asking my brother, it's not my brother who asked Xuetuan to catch me."

The queen herself has raised cats, and most cats are very docile and will not scratch people when they see them.

Only trained cats will listen to their owners and take the initiative to attack people.

Now look at Shen Chuwei holding Xue Tuan, Xue Tuan didn't intend to attack her at all.

"Snowball is not suitable for strangers to hug. It will catch people if you touch it. Why do you hold it and it is very docile?"

Chang Liangdi also wanted to know why Shen Chuwei was holding Xue Tuan and Xue Tuan didn't attack her?
She pricked up her ears and listened, and when she learned the method, she would try it.

Xiao Jinyan was equally curious, but he had already asked the question last time, and the answer was a bit far-fetched.

Shen Chuwei said respectfully: "Going back to the empress, the concubine doesn't know why. When the concubine hugged the snow ball for the first time, the snow ball was so obedient and did not attack the concubine."

"Really? Why would others be attacked while holding a snow ball?" The queen obviously didn't believe it, and it's not like she didn't see the picture of the snow ball attacking people with her own eyes, and Yu'er is the best proof.

Shen Chu slightly lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Going back to the empress, my concubine doesn't know."

The queen's phoenix eyes swept towards Xiao Jinyan, "Prince, do you know?"

Xiao Jin said: "After returning to my mother, my son is also curious about the reason."

The queen asked, "Even you don't know?"

Xiao Jin said: "Yes, Queen Mother."

The queen looked at the snow ball in Shen Chuwei's arms again, although she was puzzled, she didn't continue this topic.

When we arrived at the White Horse Temple, it was already lunch time.

A group of people had a fast meal at the White Horse Temple.

The queen has always been very talkative, the food in the imperial dining room is not to my liking, not to mention the vegetarian meal, I can't eat it without two mouthfuls.

Shen Chuwei was originally a gourmet lover and a foodie, so the vegetarian food did not suit her taste at all.

She approached Xiao Jinyan and whispered in Xiao Jinyan's ear: "Your Highness, this concubine's stomach hurts."

In fact, it's just an excuse to slip away.

Xiao Jinyan heard the words and asked in a low voice: "Why does my stomach hurt? Did I suffer from the wind and cold?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly: "The concubine doesn't know either."

Xiao Jin said: "I asked the imperial doctor to diagnose your pulse."

On this trip, I brought an imperial doctor, just in case.

"No need, Your Highness, it's fine for the concubine to go and make things easier."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes froze, he was eating~
Shen Chuwei said, I didn't want to say it so clearly, but you insisted on me.

Xiao Jinyan instructed: "Go and come back quickly."

"The concubine knows." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she pulled up her skirt and walked out.

She searched the yard for a while before she saw a young monk sweeping the floor.

The young monk was only fifteen or sixteen years old, as tall as Xiao Jinyu, and had delicate features.

Shen Chu ran over with a smile, "Little monk, little monk, is there any hot water?"

The little monk looked up and saw a beautiful girl. He was startled for a moment, then raised his hand, "Yes, please wait a moment, benefactor."

The little monk put down his broom and turned to fetch water.

Shen Chuwei didn't wait long before the little monk fetched hot water.

The little monk handed the hot water bottle to Shen Chuwei, and reminded: "Benefactor, be careful not to burn your hands."

Shen Chuwei found that the little monk was not only good-looking, but also very careful. She bent her eyebrows and said, "Thank you, little monk."

"You're welcome, benefactor." After the little monk finished speaking, he picked up the broom again.

Shen Chuwei was about to leave with the water bottle in hand, when she saw that the young monk's immature face was flushed red from the cold wind, she thought about taking out a bag of disposable masks from the space with her thoughts, actually from her sleeve pocket.

This kind of mask is special for winter, it can block wind and keep warm.

She handed the mask to the little monk, "Little monk, this is for you."

The little monk hurriedly refused: "Donor, monks can't accept it."

"It's just a mask." Shen Chuwei was afraid that he wouldn't know how to wear it, so she took out one to show him, "That's how it is worn."

The little monk's clear eyes stared at Shen Chuwei. Wearing a mask, she only showed a pair of clear eyes, which were more dazzling than the stars.

"Thank you for the hot water." Shen Chuwei stuffed the mask into the little monk's hand, and ran away with the hot water bottle.

The little monk watched the pink figure run away, looked down at the mask in his hand, and was stunned for a few seconds.

Shen Chuwei sneaked to the corner of the yard and took out a bucket of spicy beef instant noodles.

There are a lot of buckets and bags of instant noodles in the space, and there are several flavors.

She tore open the package, put the condiments in one by one, lifted the hot water and was about to pour it in, when a familiar female voice came from above her head.

"Shen Liangdi, what are you doing here?"

Isn't that the Queen's voice?
 what! ! !I'm desperately trying to catch up on the manuscript!

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(End of this chapter)

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