Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 148 The Empress Helps Make a Lie, and She Wants to Bless Her Son Guanyin...

Chapter 148 The Empress Helps Make a Lie, and She Wants to Bless Her Son Guanyin...

Shen Chu poured water for a while, and when he looked up, he saw the empress staring at him curiously, giving her the illusion of being caught stealing food.

Well, she is indeed stealing~

"Go back to Empress Empress, my concubine is eating instant noodles."

The queen was originally out for a stroll, and when she saw Shen Chuwei's sneaky look, she followed curiously, but she didn't expect that she would be stealing food.

She poked her head around and looked carefully, she had never seen this kind of food in her life.

"What are instant noodles?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "Instant noodles are a kind of noodles, and they taste good."

"Well, does the Empress want a bucket?"

Forget it, let those who see it have a share!

No, it's called bribery.

The queen looked at the dry face and the dark things inside, and questioned, "Is this thing edible?"

Shen Chuwei replied affirmatively, "Of course I can eat it."

The queen asked again: "How does it taste?"

Shen Chuwei thought for a while and said, "The concubine thinks it tastes good."

Seeing that Shen Chuwei was so sure, the queen just happened to be hungry, so if she didn't try it, she didn't need money anyway.

"Really, how about letting Ben Gong taste the taste?"

After the queen finished speaking, she reached out to bring the bucket of instant noodles, but Shen Chuwei stopped it in time, "Empress, you can't eat it yet."

The queen asked suspiciously, "Why?"

It's not dry noodles, you can eat it directly~
Shen Chuwei explained: "Instant noodles need to be soaked in hot water for a while before eating."

The queen suddenly realized, "So that's how it is."

"The empress first sit down and wait for a while, and the concubine will soak first."

"Okay." The queen sat down on the stool and waited slowly.

Shen Chuwei poured hot water into it, then closed the lid.

The queen was very patient and never urged her to eat.

About 6 minutes later, Shen Chuwei lifted the lid, stirred it with a fork for a while, and then put his hands in front of the queen, "Your Majesty, you can eat."

Then handed the fork to the queen.

Holding the fork, the Queen stared at the steaming hot noodles for a while, and out of curiosity, she picked up the noodles with the fork and cooled them down before putting them into her mouth to chew.

It was a taste she had never tasted before, but it was unexpectedly delicious.

It's just that she's not used to using a fork, she wants to use chopsticks.

However, he couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, so he just made do with it.

Shen Chuwei watched the Empress eating with gusto, and she became even hungrier. She licked her lips.

Taking advantage of the queen not paying attention, she turned and ran out,

Seeing Shen Chuwei running away suddenly, the queen wanted to ask her why she was there, but she couldn't take time off as she was eating noodles.

Shen Chuwei ran away suddenly to steal instant noodles from the space, and she wanted to eat them too.

When she came back, she had an extra bucket of instant noodles in her hand, and the package was torn apart on the way.

The queen took the time to ask Shen Chuwei, "Where have you been?"

"The concubine is going to get the instant noodles." Shen Chuwei put the instant noodles on the table, took out the condiments with ease, then tore them open and put them in one by one, then poured hot water on them.

The queen boasted: "Instant noodles taste good, better than vegetarian food."

"Of course." It wasn't Shen Chu who said that instant noodles were most people's favorite, especially those who ate them for the first time, they thought they were even more delicious.

After waiting for a few minutes, Shen Chuwei also started to eat.

The two didn't talk anymore, because they were both hungry, and eating was the most important thing.

The queen wiped her nose with a handkerchief while eating. At this time, she was a little different from her usual high-ranking appearance. In front of the delicious food, she didn't care whether her behavior was elegant or inappropriate.

Shen Chuwei also took a handkerchief and wiped it while eating, very rhythmic.

After eating and drinking, Shen Chuwei patted his stomach contentedly.

The queen was also satisfied and wiped her mouth slowly with a handkerchief, but found that she was still a little cold just now, and after eating the instant noodles, her whole body started to feel hot.

She looked up at Shen Chuwei who was sitting opposite and said, "Shen Liangdi, it's time to go back."

Shen Chuwei also felt that it was time to go back, otherwise Xiao Jinyan should be in a hurry.

"it is good."

The queen stood up and walked ahead with dignified steps.

Shen Chuwei followed behind unhurriedly.

Xiao Jinyan finished his lunch and waited for Shen Chuwei to come back, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Holding a cup of new tea, Chang Liangdi walked over slowly, offering the tea with both hands, "Your Highness, drink some tea to warm your body."

How could Xiao Jinyan want to drink tea now?
He refused coldly, "No need."

Seeing Xiao Jinyan looking outside from time to time, Chang Liangdi comforted her: "Your Highness, Shen Liangdi is no longer a child, go out and know when you come back."

But I was thinking in my heart that it would be better if I went out and couldn't come back.

When Xiao Jinyan's cold eyes swept towards Chang Liangdi, she couldn't help but shiver.

In Xiao Jinyan's eyes, Shen Chuwei is just a child.

Thinking that the White Horse Temple is so big, Xiao Jiu must have lost his way?

Thinking of this possibility, he walked out quickly.

As soon as he came out, he saw the queen and Shen Chuwei walking towards this side one after the other.

Only then did he secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

When the person approached, he asked in a low voice, "Why are you back now?"

Shen Chu took a slight look at the queen, "Your Highness, I met the empress on the way back, and came back together."

The queen went out to steal food with Shen Chuwei, so this would naturally help her lie.

"Shen Liangdi is right. We just chatted for a while, and we delayed for a while."

Seeing the queen and Shen Liangdi coming back together, Chang Liangdi felt a little unhappy. Shen Chuwei seduced His Highness to fight for favor, and now he is here to please his aunt again?

The aunt was there to support her, but she couldn't be snatched away by Shen Chuwei.

Chang Liangdi walked forward with a smile and held the Queen's arm, and reminded in a warm voice: "Auntie, it's windy outside, you'd better go in first."

The queen nodded guiltily, "Yes, let's go in first."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Shen Chuwei and the queen, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

After lunch, the empress took the prince, Chang Liangdi and Shen Chuwei to worship Buddha.

First, pray for the emperor's peace.

What's more, she had to hug her grandson early so that she would have a chance to show off.

It takes about an hour to worship Buddha and chant scriptures.

The queen knelt straight, knocking the wooden fish in her hand, and muttering words.

Xiao Jinyan also knelt straight.

Shen Chuwei is a modern person, how can he stand kneeling for a long time?Both legs are already numb.

She rubbed her legs and felt uncomfortable.

Seeing Shen Chuwei's actions, Xiao Jinyan asked in a low voice, "Does your leg hurt?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, "Well, I can hardly kneel anymore."

Xiao Jinyan comforted him: "Be patient, it will be soon."

Shen Chuwei quickly cracked open.

It shouldn't be said, don't kneel when it hurts!

Xiao Jinyan, where is your domineering CEO Fan?

Just when Shen Chuwei couldn't hold on any longer, the empress got up.

Shen Chuwei couldn't even stand up because her legs were numb.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinyan stretched out his hand to lift her up. She was very light and could be lifted up easily.

Shen Chuwei put all his body weight on Xiao Jinyan.

The queen said: "Let's go, I will take you to pay homage to Guanyin who sent you off."

Shen Chuwei's legs softened, what?Do you still want to worship Guanyin?

 Good night, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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