Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 149 Why don't you ask for your son yourself!

Chapter 149 Why don't you ask for your son yourself!

Xiao Jinyan noticed that Shen Chuwei's body sank, his brows frowned, his body is so delicate?

With some strength in his hands, he lifted her up.

Chang Liangdi looked at Xiao Jinyan's arms around Shen Chuwei, and tightly clenched the small handkerchief in his hand, Shen Chuwei was clearly pretending to arouse His Highness's pity.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." Do you think everyone can pretend like you?

Sending Avalokitesvara is not far from the Daxiong Hall, turn left when you go out, and you will arrive there in a few steps.

Because the empress came to worship Buddha and pray for blessings, the abbot of the temple cooperated with the guards to clear the venue in advance.

Shen Chuwei walked in slowly following the queen, and looked up at Guanyin, who was above him, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, accompanied by golden boys and jade girls, and the burning incense in front of him showed that there were many people burning incense and begging for a child.

When the Queen and Xiao Jinyan knelt on the futon one after another, she could only resign herself to her fate and follow her knees. Her newly relaxed legs seemed to be conscious, and as soon as she knelt down, she began to feel all kinds of pain and discomfort.

The queen was chanting something, even though Shen Chuwei couldn't hear clearly, she guessed that the queen was begging for a child.

Xiao Jinyan has been accepting his concubine for more than half a year, surrounded by clouds of beauties, but has no children. As a mother-in-law and queen, she must be anxious to embrace her grandson.

From ancient times to the present, parents all over the world have the same heart.

In the past, she thought that she was the only one in the East Palace who did not serve the bed.


She doesn't know who is really sleeping~
Fortunately, the empress didn't recite for a long time this time, so Shen Chu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, next time she comes to burn incense and worship Buddha, she will definitely find no excuses!

After the queen finished offering incense, she turned to look at Shen Chuwei and Chang Liangdi, "Chang Liangdi, Shen Liangdi, you also come to offer incense."

"Yes, aunt." Chang Liangdi held up her skirt and wanted to stand up. As soon as she stood up, her feet softened and she fell into Xiao Jinyu's arms.

Out of the corner of Xiao Jinyan's eyes, he saw a turquoise figure falling towards him, and he dodged sideways calmly.

"Ah!!" Chang Liangdi exclaimed, and fell into the mud.

"Lan'er." The queen hurried over, "Hurry up, help Lan'er up."

Qingying was the closest to Chang Liangdi, she took two steps forward to help Chang Liangdi up.

The queen looked Chang Liangdi up and down, she was dressed thickly in winter, and she couldn't see if she was injured, "Lan'er, are you alright?"

Xiao Jinyan seemed to have just seen it, and stepped forward to ask: "Why did you suddenly fall down?"

Chang Liangdi fell hard, her eyes were red from the pain, "The concubine's leg suddenly cramped and she couldn't stand still, her leg hurts from the fall."

She originally wanted to follow Shen Chuwei's leg numbness, so she took advantage of the situation and fell into Xiao Jinyan's arms, but she didn't expect to fall so badly.

Seeing that Chang Liangdi was about to cry in pain, the queen ordered, "Qingying, take Lan'er back to her room to rest, and let the imperial doctor come and show Lan'er."

"Here." Qingying summoned another court lady, and the two of them worked together to send Chang Liangdi back to the wing.

It wasn't until Chang Liangdi's figure disappeared at the door that she looked back at Shen Chuwei. It was extremely cold today, and she was wearing a pink fox fur, looking pretty and lovely.

If she gave birth to a girl, her appearance would definitely not be bad.

"Shen Liangdi, come and burn a stick of incense to Guanyin, and strive to have a child sooner."

Shen Chu slightly raised his head and glanced at Xiao Jinyan, Your Highness, there is no need for me to offer incense to the Son-Send Guanyin, right?I don't need to...

Xiao Jinyan thought her leg was numb again, and was asking for help, so he took two steps forward, grabbed her hand and asked, "Why, is her leg numb again?"

Shen Chuwei forgot that she and Xiao Jinyan had no tacit understanding at all, so naturally she couldn't read the meaning in her eyes.

In front of the empress, she couldn't explain it.

Shen Chuwei nodded slightly, "It's a little numb."

Xiao Jinyan only felt that Shen Chuwei's body was weak, and his legs became numb after kneeling for a while, and he had to make up for it when he returned to the palace.

"Then wait until the numbness is gone before offering incense to the Son-Song Guanyin."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Your Highness, are you serious?
Seeing that Shen Chu's feet were numb, the queen didn't urge her, "I don't care about the moment when I am begging for a child, Guanyin, the son-send Guanyin, is kind and will not blame me."

Shen Chuwei: "..." The key point is that she doesn't need to ask for a child, okay~
Shen Chuwei's legs didn't feel numb at first, but after a while, under the guidance of the little monk, he offered incense to Songzi Guanyin.

She found that the little monk who gave her incense was the same little monk who gave her hot water.

She smiled at the little monk, and then walked over with the incense.

The little monk was stunned for a moment, then lowered his eyes and stepped aside.

After burning the incense, the queen asked the crown prince and Shen Liangdi to kowtow to the Son-Song Guanyin again, so that the Son-Song Guanyin could send more, both men and women, dragon and phoenix twins are better.

The queen hurriedly curbed her own desires, and she couldn't be too greedy. In case Guanyin was not happy to send her son, she knelt for so long and recited sutras for so long.

Just now, I don’t know who said that Songzi Guanyin is kind and benevolent...

After worshiping and sending the son Guanyin, it was dark.

Dinner was still a vegetarian meal, simple and light food, the queen saw that she didn't even have the desire to move her chopsticks, and suddenly missed the instant noodles that Shen Chuwei gave her.

Qingying knew the queen well, so she picked up the chopsticks and handed them to the queen, comfortingly said: "Your Majesty, now at the White Horse Temple, you can only eat vegetarian food, if you don't eat, you will be hungry."

The queen sighed, and helplessly picked up the chopsticks from Qingying's hand, but did not move for a long time.

I have to stay at the White Horse Temple for two days, which means I have to eat six fast meals. I am desperate to think about it.

If I knew it earlier, she should have asked Shen Chuwei for several buckets of instant noodles.

In the next room, Shen Chuwei looked at the soup with little water, and didn't need to eat, even though she was hungry now.

Xiao Jinyan ate two mouthfuls of fast food slowly, and seeing Shen Chuwei not moving with his chopsticks, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his small face to look at Xiao Jinyan, "The concubine wants to eat braised pork."

Xiao Jinyan looked at those eyes full of expectation, he raised his hand and tapped her forehead, "This is a monastery, where you eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha, how can you eat meat?"

Shen Chu drooped his shoulders slightly, "I just think about it."

I really want to eat braised pork, braised fish, braised pork ribs...

Suddenly she could understand why girls like the domineering president, because the domineering president, as long as you say you want to eat, you can arrange it right away!

Xiao Jinyan put a piece of lettuce into Shen Chuwei's bowl, "When I get back to the palace, I'll have everything I want to eat."

Shen Chuwei looked at the lettuce in the bowl, not even the oil could be seen, so it was not tasty.

"The concubine knows." After she finished speaking, she picked up the piece of lettuce and put it in her mouth. As expected, the taste was bland.

Xiao Jinyan stared at her for a while, then lowered his head and continued to eat.

After dinner, Shen Chuwei found an excuse to slip out of the room.

She carried the lantern and walked along the bluestone road all the way to the back door.

During the day, she walked around and knew that the back door was connected to the woods under the back mountain.

The guards outside the door saw Shen Chuwei, so naturally they didn't stop him.

After walking for a long time and came to the back door, Shen Chu slightly opened the latch, and there was a creaking sound when the old wooden door was pulled open.

There are two red lanterns on the door, and a forest is in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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