Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 150 What a bodhisattva heart, stealing food and being caught again

Chapter 150 What a bodhisattva heart, stealing food and being caught again
Shen Chuwei was mainly greedy, if he didn't eat meat tonight, he would feel so uncomfortable that he couldn't even sleep.

That's why I thought of sneaking out to catch wild game to satisfy my hunger.

This is the back mountain, and it is difficult for the sun to shine in during the day, so the snow has not melted.

She walked deep through the snow, and came to a tree, took out a rope from her bosom, tied a slipknot and put it in the snow, reached into her sleeve pocket, took out a vegetable and put it in the trap.

After doing this, she took the rope and retreated all the way behind a big tree, then squatted down and waited for the rabbit.

Shen Chuwei's luck has always been very good. Before waiting for a while, a gray wild rabbit hopped over, lowered its head and gnawed on the cabbage in the trap.

Shen Chuwei saw the timing and pulled the rope vigorously. It was too late when the wild rabbit realized something was wrong and wanted to run. His feet were caught in the rope, so he could only struggle desperately on the ground.

"There are roast rabbits to eat."

Shen Chuwei put away the rope, grabbed the rabbit's ears, and happily walked towards the river, when a warm voice came from behind.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Shen Chu paused slightly, looked back, and saw a person standing behind him with a lantern in his hand. Through the light, he saw the face of the person who came. It was a little monk, the one who gave her hot water.

She raised the rabbit in her hand and said, "I'll bake the rabbit."

Then she said again: "I'm roasting and eating outside instead of going to the monastery, so it should be all right?"

The little monk asked suspiciously: "Is the benefactor hungry?"

Shen Chuwei didn't eat a few mouthfuls of dinner, of course she was hungry, she nodded vigorously.

Hearing this, the little monk took out an oiled paper bag from his sleeve pocket and handed it to Shen Chuwei, "I have a steamed bun here, the benefactor can pad his stomach."

Shen Chuwei looked at the oiled paper bag in front of him, and immediately understood what the little monk meant. He wanted her to eat steamed buns and let go of wild rabbits.

The little monk competes with Tang Seng~
"But I want to eat meat." She didn't want to wrong herself to eat cold steamed buns.

The little monk paused, he took two steps forward, put his palms together and continued: "Benefactor, although this is outside the monastery, it can be seen that there is no blood."

Since ancient times, there have been many rules in the temple.

Shen Chuwei couldn't say anything after hearing the words, and looked down at the rabbit in his hand, "Okay."

As soon as she let go, the rabbit landed on the ground and fled quickly, fearing that if it ran too slowly, it would become a meal on the plate.

The little monk breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it.

Shen Chuwei retracted his gaze, he couldn't eat roasted rabbits, he could only eat instant noodles.

"Little monk, I don't eat steamed buns, how about you bring me some hot water?"

The little monk nodded, "The benefactor, please follow me."

Shen Chuwei followed the little monk back the same way, watched the little monk close the door, then turned and continued walking.

There is a small pavilion nearby, and the pavilion is surrounded by lanterns, giving off a faint light.

While Shen Chuwei was sitting in the pavilion waiting for the little monk, she took out a bucket of instant noodles from her bosom, tore open the package, and put the condiments in one by one, just short of hot water.

The little monk was very fast, and he came over with a hot water bottle in a short time.

"I kept the benefactor waiting for a long time." The little monk put the kettle on the table, and then put the lantern on the table to make the surroundings brighter.

"You're very fast." Shen Chuwei impatiently reached out to get the hot water bottle, but the little monk took a step ahead of her. She raised her head to look at the little monk suspiciously.

"It's too dark here, so I'll come." The little monk lifted the kettle, opened the stopper, and poured hot water into the bucket.

He fell very slowly, afraid of falling too much.

Shen Chuwei knew that the little monk was afraid that she would burn his hands...By the dim light, watching the hot water overflowing the dough, he hurriedly called to stop, "Little monk, it's done."

The little monk stopped his hand in time, put the cork on the bottle, and put the kettle aside.

Shen Chu closed the lid neatly, and pressed his thick sleeves on it, so that the instant noodles would be ready soon.

The little monk didn't talk much, and sat quietly opposite, watching Shen Chuwei's actions suspiciously.

Shen Chu slightly raised his eyes to look at the young monk opposite, seeing that he was sitting neatly, he asked casually, "Why do you want to become a monk?"

The little monk replied concisely, "My family is gone, and the master took me in."

Shen Chuwei stared at the little monk's bald forehead, and felt that it was a pity that such a handsome little guy just entered Buddhism and was cut off from the world of mortals.

"Actually, being a monk is pretty good. Except that you can't marry a wife, you don't have any troubles."

The little monk asked instead, "Why did the benefactor go out alone?"

"Because meat is not allowed in the monastery." Shen Chuwei ate it secretly, of course he couldn't say that he sneaked out behind Xiao Jinyan's back.

The little monk paused for a moment when he heard the words, and showed an imperceptible smile. He reminded in a warm voice: "The back door is slippery at night, so it's better for the benefactor not to go."

Shen Chuwei knew that the little monk had good intentions, so she nodded: "You can't kill living things near the monastery, and I can't eat meat when I go there, and I won't go there again."

The kung fu of chatting, instant noodles are also good.

Shen Chuwei couldn't wait to open the lid, and started eating hot noodles with a fork.

Xiao Jinyan was reading in the wing room, and found that Shen Chuwei hadn't come back after going out for a long time. He put down the book in his hand, raised his foot to the door, opened the door and asked Wei Chi at the door, "Where's Shen Liangdi?"

Wei Chi was in charge of the prince's safety, and Shen Liangdi was the prince's woman, so he didn't dare to look more, although he felt a little familiar.

"This subordinate saw Shen Liangdi go that way." He pointed to the bluestone path.

Xiao Jinyan walked out with doubts, along the Qingshiban Road, asked the guards on guard, and found a small pavilion nearby.

He looked at the two figures sitting in the pavilion, and by the faint light, he recognized Shen Chuwei sitting there eating at a glance.

And Shen Chuwei sat opposite a monk, and the two were talking about something.

I haven't been back for so long, so I ate here secretly.

Doesn't that monk know that he is a monk?

Xiao Jinyan strode towards the pavilion with a sullen face.

The little monk asked: "Is it because the vegetarian food is not to your liking?"

It was only half an hour before dinner, Shen Chuwei's way of eating clearly meant that he was hungry, that's why the little monk asked.

Shen Chuwei ate the noodles in his mouth, and spoke vaguely, "Well, the vegetarian meal is too bland, it almost fades out of the mouth after eating, the meat is so fragrant."

The little monk had never eaten meat since he became a monk, and he had already forgotten the taste of meat. Seeing Shen Chuwei's greedy look, he smiled.

"The regulations of the temple are like this. After the donor leaves the temple, he can eat and drink as he pleases."

"I know, Renren is over." Shen Chuwei said, in fact, Ren is the most uncomfortable, as uncomfortable as scratching the heart and liver.

"Shen Liangdi."

A cold and deep voice came over, the voice was too familiar, even if she didn't look at it, she knew it was Xiao Jinyan.

She even forgot to chew, with two sticks of noodles hanging from her mouth, she looked sideways at the entrance, under the lantern, stood a slender figure, the light yellow light shone on that person's beautiful face, her eyes The color is slightly sinking.

This is angry~

 Boys, good evening!

  This is today's Chapter 3, and there will be more updates coming out one after another.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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