Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 155 Look at your promise, you were robbed halfway by the queen

Chapter 155 Look at your promise, you were robbed halfway by the queen
Shen Chuwei is gluttonous, so he came out to steal instant noodles the night before yesterday.

Xiao Jinyan looked for someone with a sullen face, and only after asking a few senior monks did he know that they were in the dining hall at this time.

Before entering the dining hall, I could smell the aroma of food.

From a distance, she saw Shen Chuwei holding chopsticks in his hand, picking up food and putting it into his mouth, his eyebrows and eyes curved when he was eating.

And beside her stood a thin and slender monk, the monk from the night before yesterday, staring at Shen Chuwei.

A monk, six impure!

Just as he had guessed, Shen Chuwei went to the monk for a bite to eat.

He scolded, "That's all."

After Shen Chuwei tasted the taste, his eyebrows and eyes frowned, and he no longer has to worry about not being able to eat for lunch today.

She put the dishes into the food box one by one, and after closing the lid of the food box, she looked up at the little monk, "Thank you, little monk."

The little monk clasped his hands together, "Shen Liangdi is too polite."

Shen Chuwei picked up the food box and turned around to see Xiao Jinyan standing less than one meter behind him. His eyes were covered with frost, and his whole body was filled with coldness.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Xiao Jinyan said in a deep voice: "Didn't I ask you to stay in the wing room and rest?"

Shen Chuwei would now know the reason for Xiao Jinyan's anger, she held up the food box in her hand to show him guiltily, and changed the subject by the way.

"The concubine specially fried dishes for His Highness to taste, so I came out."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the food box, his anger subsided a lot, and he said in a deep voice, "Go back with me."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the dining hall.

"Okay." Shen Chuwei carried the food box and followed Xiao Jinyan unhurriedly, secretly heaving a sigh of relief, Xiao Jinyan has been a bit cloudy these two days!

The little monk stared at the backs of the two leaving for a long time.

The little monk who finished washing the dishes came over curiously, "Brother Tan, who is that girl? She is pretty and can cook."

The young monk known as Senior Brother Tan, whose Dharma name is Wu Tan.

Wu Tan withdrew his gaze and looked at him, "A monk, why do you ask these questions?"

"My mother said that when I turn 19, I will return to vulgarity and marry a daughter-in-law. I want to have a daughter-in-law who is beautiful and can cook like her."

After the little monk finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The little monk was a little embarrassed by the laughter, "What are you laughing at? My mother said that a man must marry a wife and have children. You don't understand."

"Yes, yes, yes, we don't understand, but you, a kid with no hair at all, understand."

After finishing speaking, there was a burst of laughter from everyone.

Wu Tan picked up the wok and walked to the well, cleaning the wok without saying a word.

At this time in the wing room, Wei Chi had already put lunch on the round table.

Shen Chuwei took the meals out of the food box one by one and placed them on the dining table.

Sitting at the dining table, Xiao Jinyan looked at the dishes in front of him, which were completely different from the vegetarian dishes. They were also vegetarian dishes. The three dishes made by Shen Chuwei made people feel very appetizing.

Shen Chuwei took out a pair of chopsticks and handed them to Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, try it."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the chopsticks in front of her, "Yeah." He picked up the chopsticks from her hand, put a piece of lettuce in his mouth and tasted it, it tasted much better than the vegetarian meal.

The displeasure just now is gone.

"It's hard for you to be so attentive."

Shen Chuwei said without blushing, "The concubine should."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Shen Chuwei who was still standing: "Don't stand, sit down and eat together."

What Shen Chuwei was waiting for was this sentence. After she sat down, she picked up the chopsticks and put them into the plate, put the vegetables into the bowl, and ate them together with the rice. It was much more delicious than vegetarian food.

Sure enough, it was the right thing to go out today, otherwise I wouldn't have met the little monk, and then I would have been cooking in the kitchen.

The atmosphere in the next room is a bit weird
Chang Liangdi spent this morning in a state of apprehension, and her stomach hurt from being hungry, so she could only endure it.

She originally ate lunch alone, but she was with the queen these two days, and if she didn't accompany her suddenly, it would appear that she was very deliberate.

Looking at the vegetarian meal in front of her, she couldn't eat anymore, because she was already too hungry.

The queen looked up at Chang Liangdi who was sitting opposite, and saw that she was holding chopsticks and refusing to eat, so she called out, "Lan'er."

Chang Liangdi shook her hands in fright, and with a "crash", the chopsticks fell to the ground.

The queen frowned, since breakfast today, she noticed that something was wrong with Chang Liangdi, "Why are you absent-minded? Did something happen?"

Chang Liangdi became even more flustered when she heard this, is aunt trying to test her?

How should she answer what she said yesterday?
Seeing that she was silent, the queen asked again in a deep voice: "What's wrong?"

Chang Liangdi trembled in fright, she didn't even have the courage to raise her head, "Auntie, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Why are you feeling well and not feeling well? Why are you in such poor health? You feel uncomfortable here and there every two days. Could it be that you are sick?"

The queen is also a mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law is not feeling well every day, and it is difficult to conceive.

Chang Liangdi thought the queen was angry, so she didn't dare to vent her anger, "The concubine may be out of acclimatization."

The queen said: "Then let the imperial doctor take a good look at it, the body is too weak to be pregnant."

"The concubine knows." Chang Liangdi stood up and blessed her body, then withdrew.

The queen stared at Chang Liangdi's leaving back for a while, her body was too thin, and her eyes fell on her buttocks, saying that a big buttock is easy to give birth to, it's not too big.

She sighed, it seemed that the chances of counting on Lan Ersheng's child were slim!
The queen sighed, looked down at the vegetarian meal in front of her, and sighed again, how can this be eaten!

Chang Liangdi spent the whole day in fear, and in the end she really fell ill from fright.

The queen, Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei all went to visit.

The queen looked at Chang Liangdi's pale face and said: "The imperial doctor said you were frightened, why did you get frightened in the monastery?"

Chang Liangdi looked at the queen who came to visit her, and heard the queen's tone this time, something was wrong.

Did the queen hear it or not?
Shen Chuwei took a sneak peek at Chang Liangdi, judging from his expression, he was indeed frightened.

She found it strange that she was just reminding Chang Liangdi that what she said was heard.

Is Chang Liangdi so timid?

I'm sick from fear~

What Shen Chuwei didn't know was that Chang Liangdi thought she was so scared because the queen heard the remark.

That night...

Shen Chuwei came back from the hut and met the queen on the way.

The distance between the two was less than two meters, so she couldn't pretend she didn't see it, and stepped forward to bless her body, "Empress Empress."

When the queen saw Shen Chuwei, she remembered the bucket of instant noodles that she ate the day before yesterday. It tasted so cute and the vegetarian meal was so much better. She didn't eat it after a few mouthfuls of dinner.

Seeing Shen Chuwei coming out at night, she thought that Shen Chuwei was out to steal instant noodles again, so she immediately cheered up.

(End of this chapter)

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