Chapter 156 I am also a person with support

"Shen Liangdi, what do you want to do?"

Shen Chuwei looked at the queen suspiciously, and found that the queen was suddenly a lot more cordial.

"Nothing to do."

The queen frowned. Shen Chuwei was a bit out of touch. She asked all the questions, but Shen Chuwei didn't say anything.

"Shen Liangdi, you have come out secretly, so don't pretend."

"Empress, the concubine is not pretending." Shen Chuwei found that there was something wrong with the queen's painting style~
The queen saw that Shen Chuwei was still pretending, she pretended to be angry and said: "Shen Liangdi, it's not that I bumped into you, so you don't need to hide it from me."

Shen Chuwei looked confused, "Empress Empress, this concubine really didn't hide it from you."

The empress directly clarified, "Shen Liangdi, Ben Gong won't tell others, you came out to steal instant noodles, right? Let's go, Ben Gong is idle and has nothing to do, so I'll be with you."

Just like that, Shen Chuwei was dragged by the queen to a place where no one was around.
She looked at the wing room that was getting farther and farther away, wanting to cry but without tears, Xiao Jin said, this time I really don't blame the concubine.

Because Shen Chuwei had a criminal record, when she came out, Xiao Jinyan specifically told her to go and come back quickly, and she would be punished if she came back late.

She really can't help it!

When there was no one around, the queen said impatiently: "Shen Liangdi, where are you instant noodles?"

Shen Chuwei knew now that the queen wanted to eat instant noodles, not only that, but the queen thought she stole it out to eat instant noodles again.

Although she also wanted to eat instant noodles to satisfy her cravings, the crown prince was a little nervous about her.

If she sneaks out to eat again, Xiao Jinyan will probably be furious.

"Empress, instant noodles need hot water, why don't you wait here for a while, while my concubine goes to fetch hot water."

The queen nodded when she heard the words, "Okay, go and come back quickly, I am waiting for you here."

Shen Chu wrapped up the fox fur tightly to find hot water.

She has always been lucky, but she met the little monk halfway.

She happily stepped forward to say hello, "Little monk, little monk, help me."

When Wu Tan saw Shen Chuwei, he clasped his hands together, "Shen Liangdi, what can I do for the poor monk's help?"

Shen Chuwei was a little embarrassed, because this was the third time he asked the little monk for hot water.

"I want hot water, can you bring me a bottle of hot water?"

When Wu Tan heard that it was hot water again, he couldn't help but smiled, "Shen Liangdi wait a moment, the poor monk will come as soon as he goes."

After that, he turned around to fetch hot water.

After a short time, Wu Tan fetched hot water.

When Shen Chu took it happily, Wu Tan kindly reminded, "Shen Liangdi, be careful, so as not to get burned."

"I see, thank you little monk."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she carried the kettle and left.

Wu Tan stood there and looked at her.

Shen Chuwei walked a few steps and thought about it before coming back.

Wu Tan looked curiously at Shen Chuwei who came back suddenly, a little surprised, "Shen Liangdi, is there anything else?"

Shen Chuwei took out three small bags from his bosom and handed them to the little monk, "This is for you. They are vegetable seeds. You can plant them when the weather warms up."

The little monk helped her several times, but she had nothing to give him except vegetable seeds.

After stuffing it into his hands, he carried the hot water bottle and walked briskly away.

Wu Tan glanced down at the vegetable seeds in his hand, and then looked at the back of Shen Chuwei leaving, how could she have vegetable seeds?
On the way back, Shen Chuwei took out two buckets of instant noodles, she thought so, since she was delayed going back anyway, she might as well eat a bucket to satisfy her hunger.

After returning, Shen Chu tore open the packaging neatly, filled two buckets of instant noodles with hot water one after another, closed the lids and waited to eat.

The queen watched the whole process. As a queen, she was used to being served by others, so Shen Chuwei didn't think there was anything wrong with giving her instant noodles.

She just thinks that Shen Chuwei is very powerful, and the food prepared is very suitable for her taste.

Shen Chuwei calculated the time to open it, cover the instant noodle, and stir it with a fork, since she is the queen, of course eat first.

"Empress, it's all right, you can eat."

This is the second time for the queen to eat it, and it is not as urgent as the first time and it burned her mouth.

She held a fork and stirred to dissipate heat while saying: "Shen Liangdi, it's more convenient to eat instant noodles, and the taste is also good."

Shen Chuwei said: "This is the advantage of instant noodles. It's convenient and fast, and you don't need to wash the dishes. However, it tastes better when cooked. You can fry a poached egg, put a few meatballs, and put a ham sausage, it's perfect! "

The queen became interested when she heard the words. Although she didn't know what ham sausage was, it sounded very delicious.

"Really? Then next time you cook it for Ben Gong to taste. If you don't eat it once, how will Ben Gong know whether it tastes better soaked or boiled?"

Shen Chuwei: "..." Empress Empress, you are quite skilled in cooking!
Please accept the concubine's knee!

Shen Chuwei stirred with a fork to dissipate heat, and then ate.

In winter nights, when the cold wind is blowing, the instant noodles are easy to cool down, eating them in the stomach and warming up the body, killing two birds with one stone.

Who would have thought that the mother of a country, the dignified queen, would hide outside and eat instant noodles~

Shen Chuwei ate happily.

Here, Xiao Jinyan's face turned dark, because Shen Chuwei was disobedient again.

Tell her to go and come back quickly, but she still hasn't come back for a long time.

Thinking that she might go to that handsome monk again and smile at that monk, Xiao Jinyan's handsome face was darker than the bottom of the pot.

It is said that there are only three things, Xiao Jinyan feels that this is already the third time, there is no need to wait for the next time, this time she has to be punished properly so that her memory will be long.

Xiao Jinyan put down the pen in his hand, stood up, put on a fox fur, and opened the door to go out.

The cold winter wind blows in the face, drilling into the neckline.

At this time, Xiao Jinyan's eyes were a little colder than the cold wind, and his steps were a little eager.

In the middle of the night, she didn't know where Shen Chuwei went, or she was eating instant noodles with that monk.

Shen Chuwei ate and drank enough, wiped his mouth in satisfaction, and took a nap.

The queen was also full, and was wiping her mouth with a handkerchief, her movements elegant and dignified.

After Shen Chuwei finished eating, he thought of Xiao Jinyan's cold and handsome face. After so long, he was probably angry.

"Empress, let's go back, His Highness is still waiting for his concubine in the room."

"Let's go back together." The queen said and stood up, shaking off the red fox fur on Dudu's body, and the snow-white fox fur collar made her noble and elegant.

Shen Chuwei followed beside the queen unhurriedly.

After walking for a while, Shen Chuwei noticed with sharp eyes that a slender figure was walking towards this side not far away, and by the faint light, he vaguely saw the handsome and extraordinary face of that person, it was Xiao Jinyan.

Sure enough, I got angry and found out.

At this time, Xiao Jinyan also saw Shen Chuwei, with her petite body and pink fox fur, she could be recognized at a glance.

He gritted his teeth and knew to come back.

Xiao Jinyan saw a trace of doubt flashing in the queen's eyes, and stepped forward to salute: "Mother's queen."

Shen Chuwei took two steps forward, blessing his body, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei, and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you come back now?"

 Boys, good evening!

  Eight thousand words in four chapters, and there will be updates!
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(End of this chapter)

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