Chapter 169 Why are you avoiding me?

The mouth is too heavy.

Chunxi looked at two red clouds flying on Shen Chuwei's cheeks, and her eyes were even more puzzled: "My lord, you are blushing."

Shen Chuwei said with a guilty conscience: "I'm hot, understand?"

"Is it hot?" Chunxi looked puzzled, it was still a bit cold on the way back just now.

Xinlan Palace in the morning
Chang Liangdi woke up with a hangover, looked at the familiar bed curtain, and remembered what happened last night. Didn't she drink and eat with His Highness in the Prince's bedroom?
Why are you back?
Chang Liangdi lifted the bed curtain and called out, "Huaixiang."

"My lord, you're awake." Huaixiang hurried in.

Chang Liangdi asked anxiously, "How did I come back?"

Huai Xiang said: "The young master was drunk last night, His Highness asked Eunuch Liu to send the young master back."

Chang Liangdi also knew that she was drunk, but she couldn't remember the rest of it. Drinking was a mistake, and she was so happy last night.

She asked again: "What about Shen Liangdi?"

"Shen Liangdi went back last night, and she won't be favored by His Highness for a while." Huaixiang said proudly.

Chang Liangdi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately His Highness was not seduced by Shen Chuwei's foxy kung fu, although she was not able to go to bed last night, His Highness started to treat her better, which is a good sign.

Huaixiang thought of an important thing and said: "My lord, Shen Liangdi has moved to Hehuan Palace."

Chang Liangdi's expression changed upon hearing this, "Did His Highness ask her to move?"

Huaixiang shook her head, "No, it was the empress who asked Shen Liangdi to move."

"Aunt?" A trace of doubt flashed in Chang Liangdi's eyes, why does aunt care so much about Shen Liangdi?

When she wanted to move into Hehuan Hall, His Highness said that only the Crown Princess could move.

Now that Shen Liangdi is not even a side concubine, how can she move?

Chang Liangdi felt a little unwilling, Shen Chuwei seemed not only good at seducing men, but also good at currying favor with his aunt.

My aunt used to hate Shen Chuwei very much, but now she is turning towards Shen Chuwei. This is not a good sign.

Shen Chuwei had another nightmare last night, she didn't sleep well all night, and woke up in the morning sluggish.

After breakfast, I felt a little sleepy lying on the low table.

Chunxi came in with tea, and saw that Shen Chuwei looked drowsy, she put down the tea in her hand, and asked worriedly, "My lord, are you sleepy again?"

Shen Chuwei yawned and said, "I'm a little sleepy."

Chunxi took a blanket and spread it on it, which made it softer and more comfortable for sleeping.

"Little master, you can sleep for a while."

"Yeah." Shen Chuwei was about to go back to sleep, and lay down on the couch without saying a word.

Chunxi sighed helplessly, then covered her with a blanket, and then turned and went out.

When I woke up, it was lunch time.

For lunch, Chunxi made vinegar pork ribs.

When Shen Chuwei saw the vinegar ribs, he immediately regained his spirits.

After eating and drinking enough, Shen Chuwei was drinking tea.

Chun Xi rushed in, "My lord, the little rabbit is gone again."

Shen Chuwei put down the teacup immediately after hearing the words, "Why is it so good, it disappeared again?"

Chunxi looked anxious, "I don't know, I saw you eating cabbage just now."

Shen Chuwei put on his shoes and ran out, and asked Chunxi who was catching up behind him, "Did you find it in the yard?"

Chunxi said: "My lord, I've already looked for it, but I haven't found it."

Shen Chuwei ran out all the way, and He Huan Dian had already looked for it, so she ran out to look for it.

I found it outside last time.

Just as Shen Chuwei ran out, he happened to see Xiao Jinyan who had come back from the outside. It had been two days since Xiao Jinyan gnawed him twice last time, but it felt like it happened yesterday.

She blushed, and simply pretended not to see Xiao Jinyan, and turned around to return to Huandian.

Before she could leave, Xiao Jinyan's cold voice came from behind, "Shen Liangdi."

Shen Chu sighed slightly, it really wasn't suitable to go out today, if she had known that she would run into Xiao Jinyan, a hooligan, she would not have come out.

She grinned, forced a smile, turned to Xiao Jin and blessed her body, "His Royal Highness is blessed."

Xiao Jinyan asked in a deep voice, "Why did you run away when you saw Ben Gong?"

Shen Chuwei retorted: "Your Highness, you misread, the concubine didn't run away, the concubine was just in a hurry to find something."

Looking for something again?
Won't you change your reason?

Xiao Jinyan saw that she kept her head down, took two steps forward, raised her chin with her slender fingers, Shen Chuwei was forced to raise her head, and bumped into a pair of shining phoenix eyes.

His gaze subconsciously turned to those sexy lips... I couldn't help but think of that kiss in my mind~
Xiao Jinyan stared at her condescendingly with her phoenix eyes, "Are you so afraid of me?"

Shen Chuwei didn't dare to look at Xiao Jinyan's breathtaking phoenix eyes, and said with a guilty conscience: "Your Highness, this concubine is really in a hurry to find something, and ran away without seeing you."

Xiao Jinyan snorted, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

She just turned around and ran when she saw him.

"Your Highness, the little gray rabbit you gave to my concubine is gone, and my concubine is looking for it in a hurry." Shen Chuwei didn't want to say it at first, but Xiao Jinyan didn't believe it, so she had to move the little rabbit out.

Speaking of the little rabbit, Xiao Jinyan still remembered that she had been expecting the little rabbit to grow up before eating it, and even thought about how to eat it.

"The rabbit is lost, you really care about it."

Shen Chuwei said: "It was a gift from His Highness, and my concubine will naturally take care of it."

Xiao Jinyan believed what she said, and if she found it, she would be eaten by you.

"I will accompany you to find it."

Shen Chuwei said: "His Royal Highness is busy with business every day, so it's better for the concubine to find it by herself. The little rabbit is very clever and won't run far."

Xiao Jin said: "This palace will be fine, let's go."

Seeing that persuasion was useless, Shen Chuwei followed Xiao Jinyan to find Little Rabbit.

I looked around, but I didn't see the little rabbit.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help feeling anxious, "Where did the little rabbit go?"

Xiao Jinyan knew that she was so anxious because there was no rabbit meat to eat, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, I will send more people to look for it."

Shen Chuwei grabbed Xiao Jinyan's arm and urged: "Find it quickly, if it wasn't for the concubine finding it in time last time, or it would have died."

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Wei Chi, take more people to find Gray Rabbit."

"Your subordinates obey." Wei Chi brought twenty guards and searched the surrounding area like a carpet.

Xiao Jinyan looked back at Shen Chuwei, "Have you lost the little rabbit last time?"

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, he said in a hurry just now, "I lost it once, but the concubine found it soon."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Shen Chuwei. Now that the weather is getting warmer, she has long changed from the padded clothes to unlined clothes, showing her exquisite figure.

The little rabbit was found by the guards near the rockery.

When he brought it back, Shen Chuwei ran over with his short legs and hugged the little rabbit, checked up and down, and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that he was not injured.

She threatened with cruel words: "If you run away again, I'll fry and fry for you in turn, to see if you're afraid?"

(End of this chapter)

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