Chapter 170

Xiao Jinyan couldn't help laughing when she heard her threatening words, "The rabbit can't understand."

Shen Chuwei didn't take it seriously, "I just want to scare it, let's see if it still runs away?"

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal, "I will go to Hehuan Hall for dinner tonight."

Shen Chuwei hugged the rabbit in her arms subconsciously. It's no wonder that she was nervous when she heard that Xiao Jinyan was coming for dinner. She never forgot what happened the night before yesterday.

"The concubine asked Chunxi to cook more delicious food for His Highness." She said something against her will, she wished Xiao Jinyan would not come at night.

After Xiao Jinyan left, Shen Chuwei returned to Hehuan Hall with the rabbit in his arms.

Seeing Chun Xi, she said weakly, "Your Highness is coming to have dinner tonight."

"His Royal Highness is finally willing to come? This servant thought that His Highness was offended by the young master the night before yesterday. This servant should prepare more dishes that His Highness likes to eat." Chunxi happily went to prepare meals.

Shen Chu sighed slightly, although she was worried about whether Xiao Jinyan would stay overnight after dinner tonight, and whether she would play hooligans after staying overnight, she just wanted to sleep now.

Xiao Jinyu is busy with homework these days, and has no time to take Miss Han out of the palace to play.

Today I was finally free, so I took Miss Han out of the palace in a carriage early in the morning.

Holding a folding fan in his hand, Xiao Jinyu looked at Miss Han who was sitting across from him. He had known her for some time, but he had never seen her smile before, and her face was always frosty.

"Miss Han, I've been too busy these days, is it okay for you to live in Qiancheng Palace?"

Han Yan looked back at Xiao Jinyu from the outside, and said in a faint voice, "I'm worried about King Yu, it's okay if I live here."

Xiao Jinyu nodded reassuringly, "That's good. I'm always afraid that you won't be used to living in the palace. Everything in the palace is good, so there are more rules. However, the queen mother said that when the king reaches the year of weak crown, he can move out after marrying the concubine." Live alone in the palace. At that time, the palace will not have as many rules as the palace."

In fact, he is still looking forward to moving out to live alone, but he is also reluctant to part with the queen mother and the prince's elder brother.

After leaving the palace, if you want to meet, you can't meet casually.

Han Yan suddenly asked: "Is there any important matter for King Yu to leave the palace this time?"

"Go to the street and see if you can buy some novelties." Xiao Jinyu sighed secretly. Where could he get 5000 taels of gold to return to the prince's brother, so he could only buy some gadgets for the prince's brother, so that the prince Brother took it to coax sister-in-law.

Han Yan asked curiously: "King Yu likes some gadgets?"

"Not all, this time it is mainly for the prince's brother. He is busy with official duties every day, so he has no time to coax girls. This king, as a younger brother, of course has to help the prince's brother to relieve his worries." Xiao Jinyu said confidently.

Han Yan paused after hearing the words, "King Yu has a good relationship with your prince brother."

"Of course, the king and the elder brother of the crown prince are brothers of the same mother, so it is natural to be closer."

"It's true." Han Yan looked up at Xiao Jinyu, "Who is the most important in King Yu's heart?"

Xiao Jinyu answered as a matter of course, "Of course it is the prince's brother."

"Really?" Han Yan asked again: "What about the future Princess Yu? Isn't it important to King Yu?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "I haven't married the princess yet? Anyway, the elder brother is the most important."

Han Yan heard the words, but didn't speak any more, a shadow flashed in her beautiful eyes.

When they arrived at the lively market, Xiao Jinyu took Miss Han to walk all the way to see that there were many rouge and gouache stalls.

Xiao Jinyu looked sideways at Miss Han, her fair cheeks were a bit too white, it would be better to use some rouge and gouache.

But Xiao Jinyu knew nothing about choosing rouge and gouache.

But I didn't want Miss Han to see it.

"Miss Han, I will buy some rouge powder for you."

Han Yan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked curiously: "What kind of gift does King Yu want to give?"

"You will know later." Xiao Jinyu made a fool of himself, and he came to the rouge gouache stand, "Boss, I want to give the girl rouge gouache, what good stuff do you have?"

When the boss saw Xiao Jinyu, he knew that he was a rich and noble son, and when he looked at the beauties around him, he immediately enthusiastically promoted his rouge and gouache.

Xiao Jinyu didn't understand what the boss was talking about, so he bought them all.

The boss was overjoyed, and boasted while packing the rouge and gouache.

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

Xiao Jinyu took the rouge gouache and stuffed it into Miss Han's hand, and said proudly: "Miss Han, it's for you."

Han Yan looked down at the big package in his hand and couldn't help smiling.

After delivering Miss Han's things, Xiao Jinyu started looking for something interesting.

Han Yan took the package and followed unhurriedly.

Until Xiao Jinyu saw a stall selling fish.He walked over curiously and looked at the small fish in the wooden basin. If they were kept in glass cups for viewing, his sister-in-law would definitely like them.

Immediately, he bought a lot, mainly because he was afraid that the survival rate of fish would be too low.

After buying enough, Xiao Jinyu couldn't wait to carry the things to the East Palace.

The person arrived before the sound came, "Brother, what do you think I brought here?"

Xiao Jinyan raised his head to look at the door, and saw Xiao Jinyu striding in carrying a wooden bucket, his brows frowned: "I didn't do my homework well, what did I do?"

"Brother, I've been busy with my homework recently, and I haven't slacked off." Xiao Jinyu raised the wooden barrel in his hand to Xiao Jinyan as if offering a treasure.

"Brother, look at this, sister-in-law will like it?"

Xiao Jinyan got a headache when he thought of those six chickens and ducks, and said without looking at them: "What kind of messy pets did you bring? Last time, I haven't settled with you for those few pets."

"Brother, I promise this time will be better than last time." Xiao Jinyu almost raised his hand to swear.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the wooden barrel with doubts in his eyes. When he saw the fish in the wooden barrel, he found that it was a group of fish, very small fish, so he was relieved.

Xiao Jinyu smiled flatteringly, "How is brother?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "It's okay to keep it for viewing."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinyu couldn't help but boast that she had good eyesight.

at dinner

Xiao Jinyan arrived as promised.

Shen Chuwei had been hoping that the time would pass slower and slower, but she fell asleep and the time passed quickly.

On the dining table, there are four dishes and one soup, which is very rich.

Xiao Jinyan has been busy with official duties today, so he didn't eat much for lunch, but seeing a sumptuous dinner, he has a great appetite.

When Shen Chuwei saw the leeks on the table, his expression was a little ugly. How did Chunxi make the leeks?

Leek is a friend of men and has the effect of strengthening the genitals.

The dinner the day before yesterday had such dishes on the table, so Xiao Jinyan wanted to take advantage of her.

She hurriedly called Chunxi, "Chunxi, take this leek away."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, "Why did you withdraw? I think leek tastes good."

Shen Chuwei casually found an excuse, "Your Highness, there is too much salt on leeks, it's not tasty."

Chunxi said with a puzzled look: "My lord, I didn't put too much chives and salt, servant girl should be careful."

 Boys, good night!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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