Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 200 The heart beats faster, waiting for the bath

Chapter 200 The heart beats faster, waiting for the bath

The delicacies that Shen Chuwei misses so much are the famous special snacks from all over the world.

Xiao Jinyan looked up at Shen Chuwei who was standing by the window, his expression seemed to be expecting something.

"Xiao Jiu, what are you looking at?"

Hearing this, Shen Chuwei turned around and sat down at the square table, and said with a smile, "Your Highness, the scenery outside is so beautiful."

Xiao Jinyan: "Really?"

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine looks very beautiful. There are shops and commodity stalls on both sides of the street, and the smoke is very strong."

The implication is that the fragrance of food is very strong!
Xiao Jinyan nodded in agreement, "Indeed, the atmosphere of fireworks outside the palace is indeed incomparable inside the palace."

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan expectantly, "Does Your Highness want to see the fireworks outside the palace?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "I don't want to watch it."

"Oh." Shen Chuwei looked away in disappointment.

Xiao Jinyan ate two bowls of rice and asked Wei Chi to remove the bowls and chopsticks.

Xiao Jinyan drank two sips of tea, stood up and looked at Shen Chuwei, "Let's go."

Shen Chu raised his head slightly to look at Xiao Jinyan, with doubts in his eyes: "Where are you going?"

Xiao Jin said: "Look at the smell of fireworks."

Shen Chuwei stood up and came to Xiao Jinyan's side with strides, and looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Your Highness, let's go."

Xiao Jinyan could see Shen Chuwei's undisguised happiness, she was probably the only one who could be so happy just going out for a stroll.

Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei walked side by side.

Wei Chi and Qin Xiao, neither far nor near, followed at a leisurely pace.

It was the first time for Shen Chuwei to go out, so she didn't know where the snack street was, but there is a saying that delicious food is often found in deep alleys.

She dragged Xiao Jinyan into an alley with a big red lantern at the entrance. As soon as she walked in, she saw two rows of vendors, some selling food and some selling gadgets.

Shen Chuwei smelled the aroma of wontons, pointed to the booth and said to Xiao Jin: "Master, eat wontons."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Yes."

Only then did Shen Chuwei happily drag Xiao Jinyan to the booth, took out a handkerchief and wiped the seats up and down.

Xiao Jinyan is now watching her actions from the sidelines.

After Shen Chuwei wiped it clean, he made an invitation gesture with both hands, "Master, you can sit down now."

Xiao Jinyan lifted his clothes and sat down, "You order a bowl, I'm not hungry."

Shen Chuwei yelled at the boss when he heard the words: "Boss, here's a bowl of wontons."

"Guest officer, wait a moment, I'll be here right away." The boss's voice was so loud that even the stall next door could hear it.

A steaming bowl of wontons is served, topped with verdant green onions.

Shen Chu sniffed it slightly, it smelled so good.

She couldn't wait to pick up a spoon, scooped one up, handed it to her lips and blew, and then ate it into her mouth in one gulp, narrowing her eyes in satisfaction.

good to eat!

Xiao Jinyan looked at her with a satisfied expression, he now understood, no wonder she only ate two bowls of rice for dinner, it turned out that she saved her stomach for supper.

People who are not demanding and have no ambitions are the easiest to satisfy.

When I was a child, I was easily satisfied, but...

A bowl of wontons was finished in a short while, and Shen Chuwei also drank some soup before putting down the bowl in satisfaction.

She took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth, "Master, let's go home."

Xiao Jinyan was puzzled, "Going home?"

Shen Chuwei smiled a little embarrassedly, "The concubine is not full yet."

Xiao Jinyan expressed his understanding, "Then let's go."

Shen Chu followed happily.

Wei Chi took out his wallet to pay the bill.

Qin Xiao looked at the backs of the two of them, with a puzzled look on his face: "Why do I feel that something is wrong with Brother Shen, the master treats him very special."

Wei Chi is a straight man, so he didn't think too much about it, "Brother Shen saved the master, isn't it normal for the master to treat him especially?"

Qin Xiao moved his head closer to Wei Chi's ear and said, "I guess His Highness likes Brother Shen?"

Wei Chi denied it outright, "Nonsense."

Shen Chuwei walked all the way, ate another bowl of wonton noodles, bought some snacks, and then followed Xiao Jinyan back to the inn contentedly.

When going to bed at night, Shen Chuwei closed her eyes and planned to have a good sleep, when suddenly a body leaned over behind her, making her open her eyes abruptly.

The heartbeat also accelerated.

Then she felt a hand reach out and press against her stomach.

The back of the neck can clearly feel the gushing breath, which is very hot and soupy.

My heart was beating fast out of my throat.

No way, it's been a few days, and Xiao Jinyan still wants to cover his stomach?

Shen Chuwei grabbed the wrists on his waist and looked back at Xiao Jinyan. The lights in the room were already off, and Xiao Jinyan's face could not be seen at all.

It is precisely because of being invisible that all senses are infinitely magnified.

The temperature of the body behind him, as well as the strong heartbeat, can be clearly felt.

"Your Highness, my concubine's stomach doesn't hurt anymore."

In the dark night, Xiao Jinyan's slightly deep voice came from my ear, "Don't you need to warm your stomach?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "No need, Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan's hand didn't come out, and he pressed against her ear and said, "Xiao Jiu, turn around."

Shen Chuwei hesitated for a while, then turned around to face Xiao Jinyan, unable to see his fingers or his face.

But she could feel that they were very close, so close that she could feel each other's breath spraying on her cheeks.

Xiao Jinyan didn't sleep at night, what was he doing?
Before she could ask, her lips softened, and the familiar breath came in, which was unavoidable.

After several kisses, Xiao Jinyan's kissing skills have improved a lot.

Xiao Jin let go of her without saying a word, and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep."

The kissed Shen Chuwei, whose brain was short of oxygen for a while, felt a bit slow in his reaction.

She was going to sleep, okay?

At this time, Shen Chuwei's heart was beating very fast, as if it was going to jump out of his throat, so why did he sleep right away?

Fortunately, Shen Chuwei slept well, and fell asleep after recovering.

Xiao Jin said that the beauty was in his arms, and he, who was already emotional just now, did not calm down the throbbing in his heart so quickly.

Never had such a strong thought come to mind.

He tried his best to restrain himself.

It took a long time before I suppressed the throbbing in my heart, closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

After driving for seven days, he stopped at an inn in a small town before dark.

The inns in the town are obviously not as big as those in the city.

After dinner in the evening, Xiao Jinyan ordered the waiter in the shop to prepare hot water.

These two days have been spent in the wild, and he has a cleanliness obsession, so he can't do it without taking a shower.

The waiter in the shop was very fast, and after a while, the waiter came in carrying the tub, and poured buckets of hot water into the tub.

There is no screen in the room, which is not a little smaller than the screen in Hehuan Hall.

After Shen Chuwei undressed Xiao Jinyan, she stepped aside and waited for Xiao Jinyan to finish washing before she washed.

Xiao Jinyan looked back at Shen Chuwei, and suddenly had an idea, "Serve me to take a bath."

Shen Chu was stunned for a moment, wondering if he had heard wrongly, he had been with Xiao Jinyan for more than half a year, and he never mentioned taking a bath.

(End of this chapter)

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